Bird's-Foot Trefoil

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I wanna be a rap star
I wanna be the top
I wanna be a rockstar
I want it all mine
I wanna be rich
I wanna be the king
I wanna go win
I wanna be …
I wanna be a rap star
I wanna be the top
I wanna be a rockstar
I want it all mine
I wanna be rich...

What? XD  I'm obsessed XD


These days I'm feeling really down and BTS is the only thing that keeps me sane. It doesn't work for me the way it works for the rest but... BTS can really distract my mind and make me smile ^^


Seokjin stares at the asleep boy on the bed of the clinic who is wrapped in blankets. He still hasn’t mustered his courage to approach the boy, opting to stay in the doctor’s office where a glass wall separates them. It’s a safe distance.

He can’t get rid of the image of Taehyung running inside while holding Jimin in his arms, screaming for help. He had the boy wrapped in a blanket and he looked so small, so weak. Seokjin can swear his heart stopped for a second from the amount of guilt overwhelming him.

It was bad. Really bad.

Jimin has been unconscious the whole time but they didn’t need his side of story to know what had happened. It was ugly. The Doctor made everything clear.

Taehyung heaves a sigh before yanking his eyes from Jimin to look at Seokjin. Their always calm, composed Hyung is now seconds away from breaking apart, shaky fingers holding his third cigar between his lips while tapping his leg to the floor anxiously.

The younger of the two is also shaken up but someone has to keep his cool to sort things out and it turns out this time it’s his job. But the situation he found Jimin in… He doesn’t think he can ever wipe that image off of his mind. Sprawled over the cold floor, still crying and shaking despite being unconscious. His naked form was plattered with nasty bruises, hand prints and bite marks, blood and cum covering his body. Jimin didn’t deserve this and it’s not because he is a friend of his bunny, it’s just that he is good… he is too good for shits like this.

“You know it’s not your fault.” He whispers as he grabs Seokjin’s wrist who is about to light his next cigar.

“Sure. Say that to Jimin.” Seokjin spits as he yanks his wrists out of the younger’s hold, lighting another cigar. “I should have fucking stopped him. Goddammit I should have noticed he hasn’t returned yet. Fucking fuck.” He shouts as he throws the lighter across the room in anger. The metal object hits the glass wall and fells on the floor. He takes a long drag before holding the stick between his fingers, hissing the smoke out.

Taehyung approaches the angry man and gently puts a hand on the back of his neck. Seokjin closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as Taehyung’s delicate fingers start massaging his tense muscles.

“Do you know what I told him the other day?” He lets out a bitter chuckle, taking another drag before breathing out the smoke out of his nose. “That I doubted him because he wasn’t attacked yet… Fuck… As if it was a bad thing. I was fucking upset because he was fine.”

“Well it’s your job to protect us so of course you’d have your doubts. Stop beating up yourself.”

“I’m a sick bastard.” He mumbles before opening his eyes to answer the younger’s gaze. He still has blood on his face, shirt and hands are stained red and he knows it’s not just Jimin’s. “You still haven’t told me whose blood is this.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Do I have to worry about consequences?”
“No.” Taehyung shakes his head as he takes a quick glance at Jimin’s hidden form before darting his eyes back to Seokjin. “I talked to Namjoon.”


“Yoongi will be back tomorrow morning.”
“Fuck.” Seokjin curses under his breath as he moves to rests his forehead on the boy’s shoulder, not caring about his blood soaked shirt. “What am I gonna tell him?”

“He’s gonna break.”

“Shit.” He inhales more smoke.

“Look if you want to, I can stay with you tonight. And no funny business, I promise.”

“Nuh, don’t. Stay with Jungkook. He cried when he heard about Jimin.” He straightened his back and ran his free hand through his messy locks. “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up or else Jungkook would freak out.”

He steals a glance at Jimin for the last time.

Fuck. This shouldn’t have happened.

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now