It's Just A Fucking Kink

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It gets worse before it gets better :|


Jimin is surprised when he wakes up to a whine that is not coming out of his own mouth. It's a soft whimper as if someone is crying, he doesn't have to get far to know from where it is coming. He kicks the blanket to get out of his bed, shivering as cold crept under his clothes.

A confused frown creased his forehead as his eyes fall on Jungkook who is shivering despite being drenched in his own sweat, tears streaming down his face. His hands are clutching the sheets so tightly the knuckles have turned white. His breathing is so ragged Jimin wonders how he hasn't woken up himself yet and from the frown on his face he knows the boy is having a nightmare. Jimin doesn't know how to calm the boy. He is always the one having nightmares, he is the one receiving comfort all these years and now he doesn't know how to take the other role. Should he wake him up? Or should he cuddle him just like how both Jungkook and Hoseok had soothed him?

From the corner of his eyes he can see the sun is out. Soon the doors will be unlocked for breakfast so he decides the wake up the boy. He can give him a hug after that. He carefully reaches a hand to shake his shoulder but the sight of something dark stops him in his tract, his wrinkles getting deeper. Four red welts that he has no doubts are fingerprints.

What the fuck?

It's been a while since he has interacted with the boy let alone checking his well-beings, too distracted with the operation and numbing the useless feelings he doesn't need anymore. He isn't surprised though. Before the mess, before Moo tearing him into pieces, he remembers he was concerned about the boy. He was supposed to talk to Taehyung which never happened. He carefully pulls his collar down where he can make out a tip of a scar. Something tells him if he looks more there will be more scars and it makes him sick. How could he miss this? They're cell-mates for fucks sake.

Jimin flinches as jungkook's eyes snap open, jolting awake with a gasp. The younger man slaps his hand and shifts into a sitting position, clutching his collar to cover the bruises. "Jimin, what the fuck?"

"How did you get those?" Jimin ignores Jungkook as he demands answer.

"Get what?"

"Get down here right now, Jungkook."

The air is so tense Jungkook feels it might suffocate him. The way Jimin is looking at him leaves no place to protest. There is no way to run and something tells him Jimin wouldn't hesitate dragging him down with force if he dared to disobey. He has never seen the man this serious: Eyebrows furrowed and lips pressing into a thin line. So he slowly descends the stairs, still clutching his shirt.

"Show me." Jimin demands. He hums in disapproval when the younger boy shakes his head. "You can either show me yourself or we can do it the hard way. Do you want me to undress you? Cause I will."

Jungkook sucks a sharp breath in as he reaches to unbutton his shirt with shaky fingers, closing his eyes as he hears Jimin's shocked gasp. It's ugly, he knows.

Jimin pulls on the fabric and spins him over by his shoulder, inspecting his back which is in an even worse condition. Dozens of scars plastering his skin. Old. New. Whatever it is, it has been going on for a long time and he didn't know. Some cuts are still fresh: red and bloody. They must have hurt a lot but the boy doesn't even wince as Jimin's hand ghosts over the scars gently.

"Who did this to you?" Jimin doesn't need an answer for the familiar alphabet on the boy's chest screams the truth. "Wh-why?"

"It's fine, Chim." Jungkook whispers as he tries to put on his shirt again, covering his scars.

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now