There is no inner bitch

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Before you read this chapter I have to say there will be a backstory about all of the characters. So later you will understand why they're behaving this way.


Walking back to his cell while drying his wet hair, Jimin doesn’t expect to find V leaning on the doorframe while smoking his too expensive Cohiba, he crunches his nose at the bad smell. And he dares to call Marlboro overrated. Great, now his cell will smell like horseshit for the rest of the day.

He passes the man, ignoring him completely. It’s not like he could do anything if he suddenly decided to paint him red.

Taehyung stares down at him, his smirk in a complete contrast with the amusement in his eyes. He sucks on the stick, cheeks sunk, making his sharp jaw stands out even more. He is not used to being ignored by him. He studies the raven haired boy’s face. He looks exhausted more than pissed and he understands. Two weeks of absolute solitary can drive people crazy and Taehyung isn’t surprised that he momentary lost his sanity after seeing the cause of his suffering. “You look like a grumpy kitten.” Jimin tickles his ear as if there is an irritating noise in it and Taehyung has to bite back a smile. “Don’t ignore me sweetcheeks. It breaks my heart.”

“the fuck you want freak?” Jimin barks and sends him a glare, searching his bed for some cigarettes.

“Insult me one more time, sweetcheeks, and you will be back in the hole.” Taehyung frowns. It’s not that his words has offended him, he’s heard a lot worse and he knows Jimin doesn’t mean it. He is just upset and exhausted. He just can’t let the prisoners think they have a chance in insulting him and getting away.

“Try that and I will be sent there for murder.” Jimin retorts. He finally manages to find a stick, he bites down on one softly before lighting it. He draws the smoke into his lungs and closes his eyes, feeling the familiar burning sensation in his chest. God he had missed this. He parts his lips slightly and exhales the smoke. “Jungkook ain’t here so if you could-“

“I’m here for you.” Taehyung talks over him, still keeping his calm demeanour. Jimin opens his eyes to study his face. Is he here to finish what Min stopped at the hall? Maybe they just didn’t want to do it in front of the guards. Yes, he owned the prison but the less witnesses the better. “About what you did for the boss.” Jimin cocks his eyebrows questioningly. So at least the inner circle knows.

He takes the stick between his fingers and leans back on the wall. “I’m listening.”

“Have you heard the name Moo?” Jimin shakes his head and Taehyung takes another drag of his cigar. “He’s a prisoner in Block A.”

“And how is that my business?”

“He is Boss’s rival. Trying to take over the monopoly and you’re gonna see him more because the prison has arranged our time-out in the yard with that block. We used to share it with Block C but… you know… things have changed.”

“And how is that my problem, V?” Jimin shrugs his shoulder. Yes, it’s his problem if there is a new force in the game but that doesn’t mean he’s gonna show his concern to this man. “I might even root for him. Help him kick that son of a bitch in the mouth.”

“First of all, it’s ass, dickhead.” Taehyung snaps and Jimin doesn’t explain that it’s the smirk that is driving him mad and makes him kick the blanket at nights. “Second. Min is untouchable, he is a lot more skilled than your bratty ass knows. Seokjin and I know how to protect ourselves. He doesn’t stand a chance and he won’t attack Jungkook because he knows… he knows better than getting on my bad side. But, sweetcheeks, he won’t hesitate showing the prison what happens if someone protects Min and gets in his way.” He pauses and stabs the butt of the stick to the wall, watching how the latter’s expression twists in horror as the realization hits him. “You did both.”

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