🔞 The candle and the butterfly

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Yoongi is resting his back against the concrete wall in the dim hallway of solitary block. Eyes closed, just waiting. He is trying so hard to block the screams which are coming from one of the cells. A surge of angry yells, curse words and threats. To anyone they sound like a scream of a mad man but Yoongi knows better. It’s a cry of a wounded animal. Piercing through his heart like a great shard of glass.

Yoongi remembers the first time Taehyung agreed to join his team as his personal killer like yesterday. It wasn’t their first meeting.

It was a cold night. Amid a torrential downpour; thunder and lightning stifled the muffled sobs of a young boy. Yoongi had his face pressed against Seokjin’s broad chest, trembling hands fisting the fabric of his shirt as he cried, unable to look at the dead body which was barely a meter away, blood gushing out of the hole in his forehead. It was just the two of them so he was allowed to cry, he was allowed to be weak. He didn’t know who this man was, Seokjin just brought him to a cheap countryside motel and asked him to kill this man after beating him black and blue. Apparently he had stole from them. What? He didn’t know. Seokjin wanted him dead so he had to obey. So he had to pull the trigger eventhough it cut him from inside as if his heart had been stabbed by countless needles and he had to cry because it fucking hurt.

He screamed just like how Taehyung is screaming right now.

It wasn’t anger. It was anguish.

And Taehyung with his messy silver hair and all black leather outfit came inside the motel room like those cool fuckboys he had only seen in shitty high-school animes, staring at the dead body and not giving a damn about the loaded gun Seokjin was pointing at him.

“Well, there goes my date.” He didn’t look sad. Just irritated. Yoongi guessed it was one of those dates Taehyung went on. Yoongi knew who he was, afteral that was how they met.

“You have three second to convince me not to pull the trigger.” Seokjin’s voice was steady, calculated and Yoongi, once more more was baffled from how normal everything seemed to the older man.

Yoongi didn’t want Taehyung to die. He wasn’t a threat. Why? He just knew. So he wiped his teary face with his sleeve before wraping a hand around Seokjin’s wrist, pushing his arm down so the gun was now aimed at the floor. “It’s okay. I know him.” His voice was so hoarse from all the screaming he had done he could barely speak. At least he wasn’t crying. “Why are you here Taehyung?”

“He was my date.”

“Date as in…”

“You’re crying.” Taehyung wasn’t beating around the bushes. He looked more interested in him than his now dead target. “Why?”

“None of your business, kid. Now fuck off.”

Yoongi wanted to laugh. Kid? Oh only if Seokjin knew who the man he just called a kid was.

“You’re crying because you killed him.” Taehyung sounded amused. Disbelief painting all over his face. “You don’t like killing.”

Seokjin hissed but Yoongi felt no shame to confirm the man’s words. He hated killing, he hated the nightmares that hunted him at nights, he hated how guilt was eating him alive and he hated how he couldn’t get out of this fucking ruthless world… at least not now. He was so fucking tired of crying.

“Then let me do the killings for you.”

Till this day Yoongi didn’t know why Taehyung suggested that.

“We, Daegu boys, should take care of one another.” He had said one day.

Yoongi couldn’t understand.

That was the first time Yoongi stood up against Seokjin. The older man didn’t want to let a stranger inside the circle of his trusted men. But Taehyung was going to be his, not Seokjin’s. So he wiped his tears, raised his shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes.

“I want him.” His voice wasn’t shaking anymore.

Now he understands what Taehyug was talking about. He doesn’t know why but he just wants to help him, take care of the younger man. Taehyung wasn’t just a serial killer, sure he has a different kind of thinking but he is also very bright and funny and when they were outside the prison, Yoongi loved hanging out with him. Taehyung was a happy kid and he’s liked him since the very first time they met so now hearing his pained screams, Yoongi really has to dig his teeth into the flesh of his tongue to swallow the tears.

Taehyung has always been there for him. He killed for him and taught him how to kill without falling apart. The guilt never left but at least his façade is ruthless.

Even when he was forced to take his brother’s fall, Taehyung didn’t hesitate lighting weed right in the middle of a police station and puffing its smoke to the chief’s face before punching him. Seokjin said it was the funniest shit he had ever seen. Even the cops couldn’t stop laughing as they arrested him. Yoongi regrets not being present when it happened.

Now he has to be there for the younger man who he learned to love like a brother.

It takes a long time for the screams to die down. Maybe it has been just five minutes, maybe more. It sure as hell felt like hours. Yoongi motions to a guard to unlock the solitary cell.

Hi hands come to wrap around his torso unconsciously when his eyes fall on a disoriented Taehyung. Both his hands and ankles were cuffed with another chain connecting the limbs to a belly chain, restricting his movements. Chains making echoing noises from how his body is trembling heavily. Yoongi doesn’t know if its anger or the urge to bite back tears. He can see hard metal has cut into his skin around his ankles and he knows the condition of his wrists must be worse though he can’t see them as they’re cuffed behind his back.

“Tell them to unchain me right fucking now. Or else…” His growl comes strong, raw and Yoongi once again is baffled from the amount of self-control this man has.

“Or else what brother?” Yoongi says in a soft voice. He isn’t angry. His jaw doesn’t even hurt anymore for he has suffered a lot worse. Taehyung’s punch was nothing in compare with Namjoon’s. “You do understand this is the reason you are in this predicament right now?”

“I swear on my life, Min, when I get out of these chains I’ll come after you and eve-“

“I know what you’re doing.” Yoongi speaks over him, not feeling threatened by the man’s menacing words. Taehyung still feels safe just like the very first day they met. Unlike the wild insane façade he is displaying, Yoongi can read the truth in his eyes. How calculated his every move is. “You weren’t really angry at Jimin. You knew how protective I am when it comes to him.”

“Don’t give a fuck about your feelings man. Just get me out of these.”

“You wanted me to hurt you.” Yoongi accuses as he crosses his arms against his chest. He watches how the younger man’s pupils trembled at hearing this, muscles tensing as he clenched his jaw.


“You forgot how protective I get when it comes to you too.”

“The fuck do you want, Min?” He snaps, knowing damn well denying the man is not going to get him anywhere.

“I want you to understand what happened with Jungkook wasn’t your fault.”

Taehyung scoffs and rolls his eyes. “You think I’m upset because of Jungkook?”

“Yes.” Yoongi deadpans.

“Fuck you.”

Yoongi knows all this is just to get under his skin. Years of almost living together has turned Taehyung into an open book to him. “Keep going. Curse at me all you want.” He grabs his pack of cigarette from his chest pocket and brings one to his lips. He carefully approaches the other man and holds a cigarette for him. Taehyung hesitate a few seconds before he gently bites on the stick, eyes narrowed in a hostile manner. Yoongi uses his gold lighter to light his cigarette before doing the same to his own. It’s a gift from Taehyung. Seokjin and Namjoon own one too.

“I know you love him.” Yoongi says before taking a long drag, letting smoke trails out from between his lips as he speak. “I know your intentions were never to inflict pain upon that kid. What happened was sheer misunderstanding and lack of communication. You should stop blaming yourself, Taehyung. Harming yourself is not going to fix things.” Yoongi takes the stick between his fingers as he watches the smoke fading out in front of Taehyung’s face. “Though you shouldn’t have send the kid away like that. You broke his heart.”

“He used me, Hyung.” Taehyung speaks around the cigarette as he rests his head against the concrete wall.

“Then you should have asked him why.”

“What more reason other than ‘you’re nothing but a fucking shield’?” His words are a little slurred because of the stick hanging loosely from between his lips.

“Look, I know you’ve suffered your share of misfortunes in your life but nothing and I mean nothing comes close to the pain of getting raped and abused. The things it does to your mind and body are unspeakable. It carves fear so deep it can never heal. Then you came out of nowhere and promised him a new life. A new chance. He didn’t want to lose that because oh god Taehyung you were so sweet to the boy. You were his knight.”

“I’m still nothing but a shield and he used me. If he didn’t want me then he should have talked. I would have protected him nonetheless.”

“Well he didn’t know that.”

“I told him I love him.” Taehyung argues. Yoongi noticed how the metal cuffs are digging into his skin even more.

“I don’t know how else to say it so sorry if it comes out harsh but… but Taehyung you are a serial killer who murders his victims after sleeping with them. What did you expect?”

The silence that follows stretches far too long for Yoongi’s liking. Taehyung isn’t struggling against the binds anymore instead he is just staring at him, blinking every few seconds. Yoongi can’t read him.

“Fuck.” Taehyung finally breaks the silence. It’s more of a broken whine than a curse. He lets out a dry chuckle, eyebrows curling into an exhausted frown. “He is so not gonna forgive me.”

“You should talk to him.”

“I killed his friend. There is nothing left to say.”

“I’m the one who cut that bastard’s throat, Taehyung.” Yoongi argues. “And you know I don’t kill innocents. He’ll understand. Even if he doesn’t… well at least you tried.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“Then make it easy.”

“You don’t understand.” Taehyung spits the half-burnt cigarette out, shifting his gaze to his bruised legs. Yoongi doesn’t remember an occasion when Taehyung has ever avoided his eyes.

“What’s wrong, Taehyung?” Yoongi asks. “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s the real problem.” Yoongi could see the wondering on his face, his desires to finally spit it out. He knows Taehyung isn’t one to share his mind with others, always masking his true feelings, either behind violence or a smile. He hardly ever let a word of fear or pain escape his mouth. He isn’t cold or unexpressive, he never avoids sharing his love for his friends, never conceals his excitement over things he likes even if they are stupid and simple. He just never shares where his emotions really lies. Taehyung thinks of it as self-control… Yoongi thinks it’s unhealthy. “You know you can always talk to me. It’s okay.”

Taehyung takes a deep breath, still refusing to answer his gaze. “You know it… it never started like that.”
“Like what?”

“Like me abusing him during sex.”

“It was-“

“Don’t tell me it wasn’t because it was.” Taehyung speaks over him, finally raising his face to look back at him. “I know how… how manipulative and convincing I can get. I know myself. This is how I always lure my victims. There hasn’t even been a single case who has refused to follow me because I know the game. I never asked Jungkook if he wanted stuff… I mean I did…I asked but… but not that way… I mean… fuck… I don-I don’t know. Maybe I never listened.”

“You really should stop blaming yourself.”

Taehyung ignores him. It’s not like he can suddenly stop these horrible feelings just because someone asked him to. “And I know… I know I would have gone further and further and one day… goddammit, Yoongi, I know one day I would have done something… Something I would have regretted. If Jimin hadn’t stopped me…”

“Taehyung, that’s not true. I know how much you love him, I know you would never hurt Jungkook intentionally.”

“You said it yourself.” Taehyung lets out a bitter chuckle before repeating Yoongi’s last word. “Intentionally.”


“You don’t have to sugarcoat anything, Hyung.” He pauses to search for the right word. “I know I am sick.”

Yoongi’s face falls. “Believe me you don’t want to go there.”

“I’m a… monster… and I’ve done despicable things. And I’m fine with being one. I chose to be one the day I took my father’s life but… but Jungkook deserves so much better and I’m scared... and you know I don’t get scared easily. I’m so fucking scared that one day I’m gonna… I’m gonna-“ He stops, not finding the courage to finish his trail of thoughts.

Yoongi watches him in silence. The younger man’s expression is something of absolute disdain. And for the first time it’s not toward anyone but himself.

“You won’t.” His voice is stern, no traces of hesitation or doubt could be found in it.

“How do you know?”

“Because I know you. I know how strong you are and you’d never let anyone hurt the man you love. Even if that anyone is yourself. If I had any doubts, any at all… believe me when I say I would have used every ounce of power I have to save him from you. But I know no one, and I mean no one can ever make him smile the way you do. So I need you to stop being silly and when you get out, you’re going to find him and talk to him and make rational decisions like two mature adult.” Yoongi tries his best to give him a reassuring smile. “Eventhough I know both of you aren’t.”

Taehyung’s eyes narrowed at this, expression becoming unreadable as he tilts his head slightly. “You’re right. I’m an idiot. Now would you let me out?”

Yoongi laughs heartily as he brings the stick to his mouth, taking another drag. “You’re not fooling me.” Taehyung groans and he rolls his eyes again. Fucking agonizing. “But I’ll ask the guard to cuff your hand in the front.”

“How much longer?”

“As we’re speaking, your lawyer is working on your case. You’re leaving with Seokjin.”

“You can’t stay here without me.”

“You’re right. But I can’t trust you to not fuck up anymore. Seokjin told you that a cop has opened your case months ago and it really bothers me that even till this day I can’t find anything on that cop’s identity. It’s not normal and you know that. Now we’ve got a dead body with your signature and everyone knows who you are. How much longer until one of the prisoners decides to speak? The next body won’t be concluded as a copycat case. I can’t risk losing you.”


“We were getting ready to leave anyway. A few weeks won’t change anything.”

“A few weeks and then you’re going to die.”

“We can always go for a round two, babe.” Yoongi grins, flicking the cigarette to the floor carelessly. “We both know who’s gonna lose.”

“In your dreams, Min.”

Yoongi shakes his head, running a hand through his blond hair. It’s not as soft as how it used to be. He needs to buy a conditioner. “Behave and I’ll have the chains removed.” He says as he moves to leave the cell. There is somewhere else he needs to go.

“Fuck you”

The further he gets from Taehyung the more he doesn’t feel the urge to fake a smile.


Jimin studies the back of his hand for the nth time, letting out another sigh as he moves back all way to rest his back against Yoongi’s bed’s wall, wiggling his feet in a bored fashion. Yoongi is sitting on the head of his bed, knees pulled to his chest while writing and reading stuff and totally ignoring him.
Time crawls so slowly. Five minutes has passed since he last checked an hour ago. Sitting there, doing nothing but to stare at chipped cement wall of Yoongi’s cell is excruciatingly dull and Jimin wonder how much loger Yoongi can work without taking a break. It feels like the man never gets tired. He wishes he could do something but he literally has no friends in here other than Yoongi. Even Seokjin who hasn’t moved from his place on the top bunk since… he doesn’t even know… doesn’t spare him a glance. Jimin tried to entertain himself by understanding the case Yoongi has been working on all day but it was  just numbers and transactions… boring stuff he wouldn’t understand. So he decided to sit there and try to distract Yoongi but so far he’s been failing miserably. The things he wouldn’t do for a smartphone so he could lie on his bed and get lost in Youtube all day.

Jimin stares out of the window, wishing he was anywhere but here. From where he is sitting all he can see is a little bit of blue sky. He never liked windows. They’re sly and devious, allowing you to see what you can’t reach, what you’re missing. It’s the worst torture ever… watching something you desire yet you can’t have.

“Why don’t you go to library? I’m sure you can find something to read.”

Jimin knows he must have sighed so pittifuly for Yoongi to finally give him some attention. It’s not the right word though since the man hasn’t even bothered to look at him.

“If you don’t stop working, I’ll punch the first guard I see so they would send me to solitary. I’m sure Taehyung would appreciate talking to me.”

“Be my guest.” Yoongi retorts, nonchalant. He is frowning at something on the paper in his hand, tongue poking the inside of his cheek.

Jimin huffs, contemplating his next move. He is not used to being ignored by people he knows. He had Seokie Hyung at home and Taemin hyung at the office. They always did everything together so he never felt left out or bored.


When the man ignores him again, Jimin moves to place his chin on Yoongi’s knees, stealing the papers from the older man’s hands to put them where he can’t reach. He wraps his arms around the back of Yoongi’s ankles and peers up at him.

“Jimin I’m working.” Yoongi whines, still frowning.

Jimin shrugs his shoulder. “Don’t care. I’m bored.”

Yoongi tries to remove his grasp from around his legs but Jimin holds him tighter and … fuck… he is pouting. He sighs. “Jimin, please let go. I’ve got an important case on my hand.”

Jimin narrows his eyes. “More important than me?”

“You know that’s not true.” His expression becomes soft. “I’m just on a tight schedule so please?”

Jimin moves his face to the left and right while making cute whining noises, long raven locks swaying with each movement. Yoongi can’t do anything but to stare at him dumbly. He had never seen Jimin acting cute. He was always… sad… and distant. And it’s a lie to say he is not enjoying this clingy side of him.

“You promised me Yoongi. You promised you’d protect me, yet boredom is killing me and you’re doing nothing.” Jimin accuses, eyebrows slanting inward. His fingers move to Yoongi’s forehead, tracing his eyebrows as he brushes his hair away. “Liar.”

Yoongi’s face breaks into a smile, finally losing the battle against his boyfriend. “What do you want me to do?”

“Just kiss me,” Jimin answers. “And then kiss me again.”

Yoongi’s hands move even before realizing he can’t resist the boy anymore, holding his face which is too small for his hands before pressing their lips together. There is really nothing in this world that can make him feel the way he does when he kisses Jimin. It’s sweet, simple, and even chaste.

Yoongi deepens the kiss as their lips move against one another, both ignoring the “Ew”s and “I’m right fucking here”s Seokjin is throwing at them.

When they’re kissing, it’s just Jimin and him and no one else and he feels happy. Sometime he thinks it’s odd but Jimin is the happiness he thought he’d never have. It’s really scary how whole world can revolve around one person.

Yoongi knows the kiss isn’t “The greatest in the world”, but to them it is. A way to show adoration and love. And he really really wants to kiss Jimin every minute, every hour, every-

“What the-“ Jimin snaps as he breaks the kiss, holding the back of his head as he looks around with a look of betrayal. Yoongi has to bite on his tngue to suppress the urge to laugh.

“Served you right.” Seokjin exclaims from where half of his upper body is hanging from the top bunk.

Jimin can’t take his eyes off of the blue folder Seokjin used to hit him in the head just a few seconds ago, still rubbing where its edge connected with his skull. He won’t be surprised if he learned the man aimed to kill. “The fuck is wrong with you?”

Seokjin throws the folder in his face this time but Jimin catches it right before it hits his nose.

“Why don’t you read this and make yourself useful if you’re really that bored?” Yoongi swears he has never heard Seokjin sounds this bitter.

“What’s this?” Jimin asks, knowing he can’t win an argument against Seokjin without Yoongi’s help. Sometimes he really hates how Yoongi never interferes when Taehyung or Seokjin are involveed.

“Information on a man you’re going to meet?”

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Seokjin, I’m pretty sure we decided against the idea.” He disagrees as he tries to reach his own papers.

“You decided against it,” Seokjin argues, shifting to sit on his bed properly. Jimin yanks his eyes from where seokjin was hanging a second ago to study the case in his hands. “Jimin is a grown man. He can make his own decisions.”

Jimin flips the case open. There is nothing much in it. Just a bunch of pictures and a handwritten paper. Jimin grabs one of the pictures, eyebrows creased. “Who’s this?” He doesn’t really need an answer for he already knows. It’s hard not seeing this man when you’re working on international drug deals.

“Zhenli huang.” Seokjin answers.

“I can see it in his files.” Jimin retorts in a sassy tone.

“We’re looking for a market for our new product in Hongkong and he is the key.” Seokjin explains. “And you’re going to convince him.”

“Why me?”

“Because Yoongi can’t really meet him while being locked up and he is coming to Seoul for a vacation a day after your release.”

“No I mean… why me? Why not you? Or… I don’t know… someone who actually knows the business?”

“I’m not Yoongi’s man. I’m his father’s. Whatever I do would be written under the old man’s name and Yoongi really needs the credit for the upcoming election. And you’re his boyfriend. I don’t see a better option.”

“I’ll ask Namjoon to accompany you.” Yoongi suggests as he reaches to hold his chin between thumb and index, studying his eyes. “But you don’t have to do it if you don’t want. I can always send Namjoon alone.”

Finally. Fucking finally the game is on. Jimin has a hard time to bite back the smile which is threatening to paint all over his face. Getting involved in the business means he can go deeper, meet more people, gain more intel and finally find solid evidence against this gang. Get an arrest warrant and crumble down this empire and go back home to Seokie Hyung with his head high. Suddenly the impossible doesn’t look as impossible. Maybe… just maybe he can pull this off.

It takes him a few seconds to notice the scowl on Yoongi’s face and it’s not the “I’m worried about you” kind, it’s a “Your eyes are showing too much” kind so Jimin steals his gaze as he takes an awkward breathe, afraid that Yoongi might start doubting stuff just from looking at his eyes.

Intuition or whetever the fuck they call it… He wonders if Yoongi has one… the act of reading someone like an open book. The logical part of his brain knows he wouldn’t be sitting here had he known his identity but he can’t help being paranoid sometimes.

“I-I want to help.” He finally says.

“Jimin if you-“

“It’s okay. I’ll be fine.” Jimin reassures and gives him a smile. “I really want to help.”



Sixteen years old Taehyung woke up to an empty room. He frowned and sat up, rubbing his eyes with the back of his palms so they’d get used to the darkness quicker. He was certain his mother came to his room at some point last night. She’d always spend his night in his room at nights like this… nights his father would bring a bitch home. He stopped being discreet ages ago, not even ashamed of his own son. “I’m a man and I’ve got needs. She can’t fulfill them all.” was his excuse whenever Taehyung accused him of mistreating his mom. He, soon, gave up on trying to right his father. He had his believes fixed. All he had to do was to wait until he came of age and then he could take his mother’s hand and leave this hellhole.

What was the point of all this money and glory if his mother wasn’t happy? They could live together in a small apartment and he could work to provide them both and help her find a better man. Someone who would make her happy and buy her flowers. She loved roses.

Taehyung got off the bed and went out of his room. From up the stairs he could see the lights coming from the living room, crinckling of glasses and fake giggles indicating his father was having a drink with the bitch from last night.

He walked to his parents’ bedroom, searching for his mom. He wasn’t going to ask his dad, hating the women he brought home. They were all the same. A typical plastic monster wearing caked make-up, short skirts and killer high-heels and they’d always squish his face and talked in baby voice as if he was fucking three. They disgusted him but not as much as his father.

He knocked on the door.

There was no answer.

He grabbed the door handle and pushed to open it eventhough he wasn’t allowed inside their room without permission.

He saw it.

He wished he hadn’t. There wasn’t a second in his life when he hadn’t wished to be spared from seeing this. Seeing her mother lying down on the sheets which are no loger blue but red. A lot of red. Her long silver hair was scattered over the pillow.

Taehyung didn’t scream, he didn’t cry nor begged for help for he knew it was too late. She was… lifeless. Her dark chocolate eyes were open but they held a kind of sadness in them. How could someone be both sad and empty?

He slowly approached her, staring at her bloody wrist. The deep scar on her wrist wasn’t bleeding anymore. She probably had died hours ago. When he was sleeping. When his father was flirting with another woman.

And he briefly wondered when was the last time he kissed his mom? When was the last time he said ‘I love you’?

“Mama?” He called softly.

But she didn’t answer. She just laid there without sparing him a glance. She was gone. He picked up her other hand, cold and pale, bringing it to his lips as he pressed a kiss against her knuckles, closing his eyes for just a moment.

Why she left without saying goodbye?

“You should have waited for me.” He murmured against her hand.

She was so cold.

Taehyung didn’t blame her. It wasn’t her fault. She just wanted to feel peace, she wanted to stop hurting. Who was he to judge?

Now she was safe from this wicked world. No harm could come to her now.

Taehyung wished she would open her eyes just for one more time. He wouldn’t ask her to stay. It wasn’t his decision to make… but to tell her how much he loved her, to tell her that he would miss her.

He leaned to kiss her forehead, still not letting go of her hand. He stayed there and took a deep breath. He could still smell her perfume: A combination of pines and roses.

She didn’t move. She didn’t smile because his son was showing him love. She didn’t call his name with her melodic voice and that was when he finally felt something broke inside his chest and his tears rained down on her face.

She should have said goodbye.

She shouldn’t have left him so soon.


“The first time I heard I have to serve in prison I was dumbfounded.” Jimin says from where he is lying on top of Yoongi’s broad chest. His warm breath tingling the man’s throat as he speaks. “I cried because I didn’t want to come. But now I want to cry because I don’t want to leave.”

“Baby.” Yoongi cooes as he keeps stroking the man’s feather like hair. Twisting the locks around a finger before letting them fall back on his hair. “It won’t take long. I’ll be out before you know.”

“When?” He wishpers as he plants a small kiss on the man’s throat.

“Two weeks top?”

“I’ll cheat on you if you take longer.”

Yoongi chuckles. The sound is endearing and Jimin feels a slight tingle inside his chest. “Then I’d better find you before that.”

“Why can’t you come with me?”

“I’ve already told you. My sentence isn’t as simple as the rest of you and I’ve got stuff to do.”

“Like what?”

“Like killing every cunt who ever dared to hurt my people.”

Jimin’s lips part but no voice leaves his mouth. He knows by “people” he means him. He knows he is referring to men who were at that cell with Moo and though the idea of more death and violence should terrify him, he can’t help but feel a tingling blossom of warmth inside his chest.

Jimin presses his palms on the older’s chest and raises his head. Yoongi looks at his eyes. His pretty pretty eyes that reminds him of those sweet chocolates he used to steal at high school. They’re deep. Realy deep and he remembers what his mom said once: Eyes are windows to soul.

Because eyes can’t lie.

Eyes shout what lips can’t.

And it’s still there. That strange hint that is too familiar for his liking. What he has always seen and ignored. Because it’s Jimin and the boy is so fucking beautiful. So fucking sweet and Yoongi wants him. And it scares him because Jimin feels so warm in his arms and he wants to get closer to him.

“You locked me up and I fall for you. It sounds like a shitty fanfiction.”

It is.

Because it is too good to be true.

The truth is Yoongi knows his gut has never lied to him and Seokjin once told him: Your gut knows what’s up. Listen to that bitch.

The last time he ignored it he ended up with a gun pressed against his forehead and a shattered heart.
But Jimin is so warm. Like the flames on candles. Like fire. Like sun. Jimin is the only thing close to light in his life.

His warmth is addictive and Yoongi craves more. Just like how he used to ghost his hands above the flames, he wants to feel Jimin’s warmth too, he wants to get closer to him. And it scares Yoongi because history is full of men who tried to get too close to sun.


Yoongi feels like Icarus.

But he has no intention of stopping.
With Jimin he can feel the love they say doesn’t exist anymore. The kind of love that never dies, the one that lasts longer than a lifetime. The kind that needs a heart of lion. Full of passion and danger and you get addicted to it more and more. He has only read about them in stories. Yet here he is. Experiencing one with a man as burning as a sun.

“Yoongi.” Yoongi hums in respone, the corners of his lips raising slightly. “Yoongi?”

Fuck. ‘I love the way you say my name.’

“Yes, love?”

Jimin wets his lips, reaching a hand to cup Yoongi’s face, thumb caressing his cheek gently. So soft. He remembers the first time Kwon introduced Min to the team: The heartless mob boss, ruthless, unforgiving. He remembers how Jungkook described Min: Monster.

Jimin decided to bring this man down not just for money but because it was the right thing to do. Because he wanted to do something good for the country. He was scared but he could do it.

Now, a few months later, this man is not Min anymore. He is Yoongi. A man who loves him deeply and never took without asking. The man who believes love is sacred. The man who killed for him and suffered for it. He isn’t the monster Jungkook talked about, he isn’t the ruthless mob boss the department knows, he is just a human who loves him and Jimin is going to use that against him.

Jimin knows one day he is going to betray him and break his heart.


This isn’t fair.

But life has never been fair.

And if he wants to be honest, even if it hurts, he knows he is doing a good job. It’s the right thing to do.
“I want you, Yoongi.”


It’s not fair to Yoongi. He knows. But it has to be done.

“I need to know you will come for me, Yoongi. That after I leave this place, this is not the end. It’s for my sake. Because I want to get there. I want to get that intimate so I can love you so much I can never get out of it. I want to fall so deep I can never get out. And I need to know you want to keep me, Yoongi.” He leans closer, nose brushing against each other. He is giving him his own words. Jimin has never taken himself as manipulative but here he is. Using a man’s innocence against himself. “I want you to love me, Yoongi.”

Jimin sees the contemplation in the man’s face, the hesitation, the self-control and it makes him hate himself for it because how dare he is engaging this man to a lie?

But it’s for a greater good. So he leans closer, lips brushing against each other not so innocently, like a tease and he darts his tongue out to run along Yoongi’s rosy lips. He can feel the way his chest sieze up under him. Jimin kiss Yoongi’s earlobe, softly before trailing his lips across his throat, leaving open mouth kisses all over his flushed skin, hot, passionate, demanding and when he hears Yoongi’s soft moan he knows he has taken the right approach.

“I-I don’t have condom, Jimin.” Yoongi is stuttering and Jimin slowly grazes his teeth against his neck. “J-Jimin?”

“It’s okay. Let’s go full STD.”

“Wh-what ab…A…about lube?”

“Jungkook has on-uh.” Jimin tries to speak, too immersed in riling the man up he doesn’t notice when Yoongi grabs his wrists and flips them over effortlessly. Jimin gasps as his back hits the mattress, Yoongi hovering over him with a mischievous smile.

“I want you Jimin. I want to keep you forever.” Yoongi breathes against his skin and Jimin knows he has to stop this before it gets too late. But he doesn’t want to. “I love you so much, baby.” Fuck. He loves how soft he sounds, how gentle he is with the way his fingers caress between his cheekbone and lips. Yoongi kisses him and Jimin feels as if he is thrown in another world, the kiss is soft and slow and despite the glint of lust in the older man’s eyes, he still feels loved and safe so he wraps his arms around his neck to keep him close, raising his hip to rub against Yoongi’s groin, earning a soft gasp that sends a pleasant shudder down his spine.

“Let’s get you out of these, love.”

Jimin whines in protest when Yoongi breaks the kiss but he keeps his tongue as the man’s hands reach to unzip his uniform, moving down as he pulls it off with his underwear. It’s too soon, too fast and Jimin feels blood rushing to his face as Yoongi stares at his naked form. He hears Yoongi’s soft chuckle as he covers his face behind his hand. Yoongi starts kissing from his toes upward, slowly, burning, passionate. His hands are always a few centimeters behind his mouth, rubbing soothing circles into the soft skin.

“Fuck, love, you’re so beautiful.”

Jimin gasps when Yoongi reaches his hip, so close to his semi-hard member yet too far. His hands reach up to fist the fabric of the pillow, keeping himself grounded. When he kisses the space just bellow his belly button, Jimin finally moans, hip bucking for a little bit of friction. “Yoongi-“

“Shhhh, love, I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.” Yoongi speaks softly before giving his nipple a brush of his lips. He sucks on it as his hand move to play with the other one, turning them red and flushed, a color so beautiful on his tan skin.

Jimin feels his brain is electrified with each touch and suddenly it doesn’t feel wrong anymore, he can’t even think about the operation. The only things that matter are Yoongi’s touch and lips.

He feels intoxicated.

Yoongi’s scent, Yoongi’s touch, Yoongi’s voice, Yoongi’s kiss, Yoongi’s eyes, Yoongi’s-

They’re like drugs. Addictive, so sweet and warm and inviting.

Jimin shivers when Yoongi runs a hand inside his thigh and bites his chest before moving to his throat. He can feel his hot breath against his throat, moaning and whining as the kisses get wetter and harder. He is already so gone and they haven’t even started. He wonders how a touch of his lips can hitch his breathe and throw his mind into a pleasant fog. And then finally… finally Yoongi moves to kiss him on lips. Their lips fit perefectly as if they’re meant for eachother. He parts his lips and their tongues entwind in a kiss. He knows it’s both salvation and torment. He is going to live for it. He is going to die without it. One day he has to stop this and he is going to die. But it’s not today and it’s so much easier to push those thoughts away and get lost in the way Yoongi moans in his mouth.

“Where is the lube?” Yoongi gasps.

“Under the pillow.” Jimin answers with a frown because he is already missing Yoongi’s lips.

“Baby, why is there lube under your pillow?”

“I was hoping I could seduce you, tonight.” Jimin says innocently and Yoongi laughs. Loving the tinge of rosiness on his cheeks.

Yoongi takes the lube and Jimin parts his thighs to let him sit between them, shuddering when Yoongi’s finger circle his rim. Jimin closes his eyes and tries to concentrate on the sensation of Yoongi’s fingers opening him and his mouth hovering over every bit of his skin, kissing his tummy, sucking and leaving marks. He gasps and squirms everytime Yoongi’s long fingers get close to his sweet spot.

Jimin knows the reason Kwon chose him for this operation is that he believed he could seduce Yoongi, get close to him and get enough intel to bring down the gang. Those thoughts were never formed into actual words. They were unspoken orders lingering on the air but they all knew. Jimin never thought he was actually going to do that. He never thought he was actually going to enjoy it. He never thought he was going to love it. Yet here he is, moaning, gasping, wanting more and not just because it feels good, but because it’s Yoongi.

It’s not just hormones.

It’s Yoongi.

“Don’t stop.” Jimin whines when Yoongi pulls his fingers out, eyes fluttering open in time to see Yoongi pulling his pants down enough to free his erection.

The older man plants a kiss on his lips to both sooth and shush him before lining his member with his hole. “You okay?”


Jimin isn’t used to it. No one has ever asked him that, no one has ever tried to make sure he was fine till the last moment. Even his partners had lost to lust. It’s not that Jimin didn’t want them. No he was okay with them but still… This is something new.

He nods and takes a deep breath as Yoongi slowly enters him. He bites on his lips at the pressure, it’s burning, intense yet he craves more. He stops when he is fully inside and begins to kiss him again, his chest, his tummy, his side, his jaw, his lips… everywhere, licking, sucking, whispering against his skin how much he loves him.

Jimin feels so loved he wants to cry. Because fuck. He should have stopped this.
Jimin moans louder when Yoongi starts moving inside him, changing his breathing with every thrust. It’s a dance of limbs, the art of love.

“You feel good baby?”

No one has ever asked that question during sex. “Does it hurt?”, “Can you take it if I go faster?” ? Yes. But feeling good? No. No one has ever asked if he is enjoying it too. Maybe the next morning but never in the act. So when Yoongi kiss him again he feels something heavy on his chest and before he can stop himself, a tear runs down his face.

Yoongi stops as he cups his face, eyes brimming with concern and worry. “Oh baby I’m so fucking sorry. Did I hurt you?”

Jimin shakes his head. “Please, Yoongi. Please don’t stop.” He begs, fisting the fabric of Yoongi’s shirt and wrapping his legs around his torso to keep him in place.

“Then why are you crying, love?”

Goddammit he is so pathetic. Crying during sex? He doesn’t know if it’s guilt or happiness or lust. He feels so much, it’s overwhelming and all he knows is that he doesn’t want this to end so he connects their lips. “Because I love you.” His voice cracks.

“Awwww baby.” Yoongi coos and kiss him back as he starts moving again. “I love you too. I love you so much.” He reaches to run a hand through Jimin’s hair as his other hand moves to wrap around the younger’s man’s member, gently rubbing its head with his thumb. Jimin cries silently as Yoongi mumbles sweet nothing to him between the kisses.

Yoongi feels how close they both are so he peaks his speed as he jerks Jimin too. The younger man can feel his climax reaching, a pleasant coil burning hotter than fire. Jimin’s mouth opens in a silent scream when he feels a rush flooding his system, muscles quivering. “Please don’t stop.” He breaks the kiss as he burrow his face in the older man’s neck when he notices that Yoongi is trying to pull out. He tightens his grip, fully knowing that Yoongi hasn’t come yet. The oversensivity is too much and this time he cries because it hurts but he still encourages Yoongi to chase his own orgasm because this is the least he can do.

It only takes less than a minute for Yoongi to come too, moaning as a throbbing heat spreads across his system.

Yoongi pulls out but they both stay pressed against eachother, panting harshly. They’re sweaty, a mess yet Yoongi loves this. He loves holding Jimin close while showering him with soft kisses. They stay like that for awhile, chest rising and falling, heart pacing.

“Jimin?” Yoongi calls softly, squeezing the younger boy with his arms. “Love?”

Jimim hums, eyes closed, suddenly the idea of talking sounds too much. He feels drained, tired, head becoming foggy like how alcohol always takes him into somnolence. But it’s not alcohol. It’s Yoongi.

“Are you sure you’re fine? I didn’t hurt you?”

“Nuh. You made me feel so good, Yoongi.” He mumbles, words getting slurred as he speaks. And this isn’t an ass kissing attempt. This is the truth. No one had ever made him feel like that. He groans when he feels that Yoongi is trying to distangle their limbs.

“Baby we can’t shower right now so we should at least clean the cum.”

“Mmmm.” Jimin shakes his head, frowning. “Don’t go.”

Yoongi manages to get out of bed, smiling when he sees Jimin’s spoiled frown. “It will just take a few seconds.” He says before pressing his lips on the younger man’s sweaty forehead.

Jimin tries to concentrate on the sound of water to stay awake, he really tries because he wants Yoongi to hold him as he sleeps, scared that the man is going to leave his cell. He cracks an eyelid open when he feels a cold sensation on his stomach, feeling hot all over again when he finds Yoongi cleaning his skin like he is a baby.

“Yoongi let me do it myself.” He groans, still keeping an eye closed because it’s physically impossible to open it. It’s as if his eyes weigh more than they should.

“Baby you can’t even open your eyes.”

“But it’s embarrassing.”

Yoongi chuckles as he moves the fabric between his thighs “Babe, we just fucked. There is nothing left to be embarrassed about.”

Well… that make sense.

The way he wipes his skin clean is so careful and soft, just like how a mother’s touch feel… Not that he knows what it feels but he can always use his imaginations.

When Yoongi finally joins him on the bed, the boy is barely conscious so he holds him close, listening to his every breath as he softly strokes his locks, mouth lifting at the corners when Jimin leans into him. He no longer looks stressed but childlike and relaxed. His smile grows.

Yoongi really loves him.


Thank you so much for reading ^^

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