Because You Are My Sun

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I'll be on a plane in less than 14 hours and I'm freaking out. I'm so so so scared :|

P.S: The chapters will get longer and longer from now on


Jimin never liked third-wheeling in a relationship. There’s nothing more awkward than watching a couple make out right in front of your eyes and pretend not to be affected, not in a sexual way of course because he’s past the puberty. But he is also happy about not being alone in the yard again, at least with the two being around no one dares to bother him again. He doesn’t know how much longer he’ll be safe in the shadow of the two.

Yesterday he was fine with their relationship, it’s a prison, what is so wrong with having sex with a young and hot fellow? But today he’s not. It’s fucking Taehyung who is kissing the kid. Taehyung or V, doesn’t matter when he’s infamous for killing men after sleeping with them. What if he chooses Jungkook as his next victim? What makes him any different from the victims? Victims who are buried meters under the ground in a small box, rotting and decomposing. And Jungkook is just so young and so good to die, too pure and innocent for a man like V and he just wants to take him far far away from that monster but he can’t, not when he, himself, is locked in this hole.

The world is so ruthless, the law is so lawless and the just is so unjust for sending an innocent kid to such a dangerous place just for messing with the wrong family. They could send him to a more subtle one or decreased his sentence to a community service.

“Your cell-mate really aggravates me.” Taehyung hisses in Jungkook’s mouth before breaking the kiss, his hand is still groping his ass. That’s when Jimin notices he’s been glaring at them, or more like at Taehyung, the whole time.

“I’m just minding my own business.” Jimin lies and he searches for his pack of smoke nervously.

“You looked daggers at me.” Jungkook’s trembling hands are fisting the fabric of his shirt and Jimin knows that’s the only thing stopping V from punching him square in face. “You know usually people look at me in fear when they learn about me.” He pries the younger’s hands off and sends him a death glare, challenging him to stop him again, before darting his eyes back to Jimin who wants nothing more than cowering under his piercing gaze but he stands his ground. He takes a stick out and lights it before putting it between his lips. He takes a long drag and blows the smoke out, the nicotine calming his nerves. Maybe he can finish this without trembling like a sheep. “And it really fucks up my mood. To have a piece of shit look at me with disgust.” 

“I’m nothing like you.”

Jimin flinches and takes a step back only to hit the fence as V flounces toward him. He expects a punch or even a razor or a knife to slice his throat open. He let the stick fall off of his lips and squeezes his eyes shut when V raises his hand. The fence is digging into his skin but he doesn’t stop pressing back and just wishes for a hole to open in it, wide enough to flee. He definitely doesn’t expect to hear the man chuckle. Jimin opens his eyes, curios. Their faces are only inches apart and he can see his own terrified face in his chocolate orbs. He can also see Jungkook from the side of his eyes, twitching in his place and wanting to stop his fuck-buddy from hurting his cell-mate but is also scared of angering him.

The laugh isn’t the happy kind, Jimin knows. It’s mocking, degrading, it’s more of a Snicker.

“You think you are good? That you are better than me, hm?” Taehyung cocks his head, a brow arched and a triumphant smirk on his face. He puts an arm on the fence just above his head and leans closer to whisper in his ears. “You know. I know. You’re no saint.” He pauses to listen to the scared boy’s heart pacing, panting in a pathetic attempt to suck air in. “I know a killer when I see one, sweetcheeks.”

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