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So this chapter is really short. I couldn't write more and i thought i shouldn't just not update without notice so here I am.
Please check out the note at the end after reading the chapter :)


Jimin is trying to concentrate on the novel on his lap. Hoseok sent him a new one last week: The Liar's club. He can't really understand a word for the young boy who has curled up into a ball on the cell's cold floor has been stealing his attention for hours. The small cut on his throat stung but that's the least of his worries. Jungkook, the sweet kid he really just wanted to protect, looks so miserable though he doesn't regret lashing at Taehyung. Jungkook deserves to be held and loved, not abused and branded like a fucking cattle in farm and no amount of love is going to make what Taehyung did seem okay. No matter how many times he tries to make Jungkook speak up or show reaction, it's futile. The boy has completely shut him out, preferring to burrito himself with a blanket on the floor and only coming out when the guards forced him to. He couldn't skip the meals or break time without Taehyung's help anymore. Even when the lights went out, he didn't bat an eye. His behavior was starting to make him really worried and he decides to talk to someone about him tomorrow. Seokjin and Yoongi could help. He would even beg Taehyung to come and talk to him if it could help. Maybe if they had a closure then...

The cell is dark and cold and Jimin can't stop himself from drifting off to sleep despite the occasional sniffles he hears. He really wanted to hug the boy but the only time he tried approaching him he snarled and Jimin saw red in his eyes so he decided to keep some distance until he calms down. He knows Jungkook partially blames him for what happened. He doesn't care. It was the right thing to do. Had he ignored the whole situation the boy would have shattered beyond repair. He could live with a little bit of heartbreak.

The next time Jimin opens his eyes is to the familiar beeping sound of the doors opening. He kicks the blanket and rolls to his side to get out, lips parting in shock when he sees Jungkook sitting still on the floor. Has he been there the whole night?

"Jungkook you will get sick." He sighs when the young boy doesn't answer, doesn't even acknowledge his presence. "You can't ignore me forever, you know." He can only see his hair from this position, the blanket covering every other inch of his body and he has his face pressed on his knees but he knows the boy is awake. He moves to get closer to him, a few scratches or a slap would worth it if he could comfort him a little bit. But before he could reach the younger two guards appear at their doorframe and Jimin stops in his tract, arching a brow.

"Inmate 134340, Jeon Jungkook?"

The younger boy slowly raises his face when he hears his name being called. Jimin feels his breathing hitched. He doesn't like guards, he hates it when they come to take them. The last time they did, he ended up getting gangraped which forced him to...

He doesn't want to think about it.

He can't think about what he did.

Yoongi isn't here right now.

He would panic.

Seokie Hyung isn't here either and he doubts Jungkook would bat an eye even if he chokes right in front of his eyes.

"Jeon Jungkook please stand up." Another guard orders.

"What's going on?" Jimin asks as Jungkook slowly moves to stand on his feet, blanket dropping from his shoulders and Jimin once again can see faint marks around his throat.

The guard sends him a glare but doesn't say anything, instead he clears his throat and straightens his back even more. "Jeon Jungkook by the order of the Seoul court, following the dropping of the charges by the victim, you are now free to go."

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now