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HelOoOoOoOoOoOoOo 😍❤

Official announcement: I'm still not over Louder than bomb


Jimin enters the dining hall with a cigarette hanging loosely from between his lips. From his peripheral he can see Yoongi's annoyed look. He knows the man won't tell him off in front of other prisoners and frankly he doesn't give a fuck. This cancer stick is the only thing keeping him on his feet right now and no one gets to rob him off of the magic of nicotine. The cigarette burns with an odor of sewer yet that's best he can get now that Jungkook is not around to constantly steal from Taehyung and he is so not gonna turn Yoongi into his drug daddy. He's got used to its shitty smell after finishing the first packet anyway.

Jimin arches a brow when he notices that Taehyung is sitting apart from the group, occupying a whole table all by himself because who dares to sit close to a grumpy serial killer who is playing with the food on his tray with butterfly knife. He grabs his own tray and moves to sit next to Taehyung. Yes a grumpy serial killer is still better than eating alone or facing a worried Yoongi who would, no doubt, bombard him with questions for his current fucked up state.

"That seat is taken." Taehyung says without sparing him a glance.

"But there's no one here." Jimin frowns as he watches Taehyung carving his initial on a poor carrot.

"Well, I'm just gonna pretend someone's there because the alternative is just too damn depressing." (A/N: My TVD hearteu.) He raises his eyes to look at the boy as he walks around the table to sit on his opposite side. "You look a mess and you smell like shit."

"Thanks." Jimin inhales deeply before exhaling a cloud of smoke in a sigh. He couldn't sleep a wink last night with having that bloody kid trespassing his nightmares... or maybe they're nightmares because of him. Staying awake is scary but at least there is no blood stench or earsplitting choir. So he spent the night in front of the small barred window, smoking and he let the biting wind freeze his aching mind.

Every minute was hell. Left alone with his own heartbeat, rancid brain and ragged breathe. When he accepted to go undercover he feared many thing. Death, pain, mean cellmate but never loneliness or his fucking claustrophobia or being left alone with his thoughts in a dark room without having a single thing to entertain himself with.

Prison is such a heartless place. A lonely cell with just a creaky bed and human mind. And there is no escaping any of them. No matter how hard he tries, how many smokes he burns, he can't outrun his own brain. The one that screams and yells 'murderer' and drives him into clutching his own hair in frustration.

This is what he never predicted, that prison doesn't give a fuck whether or not you're innocent. It leads you to break yourself.

"You're not eating."

Jimin sucks in a mouthful of smoke before slowly releasing it. "Not hungry." He doesn't understand why Taehyung even cares after almost cutting his artery the other day. There is still a faint red mark under the fading bruise on his throat.

Taehyung waves a hand in front of his face as Jimin puffs the smoke to his direction teasingly. "I'll kill you myself if boss doesn't."

Jimin just shrugs, knowing it's an empty threat. He can't understand from where he has gotten the guts to tease the freaking V. Maybe he is finally losing it. "Taehyung?"


"The other day the guards asked me to prepare the other bed for any possible newcomer or transfer. Jungkook left most of his stuff," Jimin doesn't miss the way Taehyung's body stiffens at the mention of the kid. "I found something that I guess belongs to you." He takes out a scrambled paper from his pocket and tries to smooth its wrinkles as he flatten it on the table. "I found it on his bed."

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now