Black Coats

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How's everything?

Today I heard about Hara and I'm so upset. I've known her since Kara and this time it really hurt :(


Jungkook doesn’t know how long he’s been sitting on the freezing floor in the space between the wall and the bed, cradling his knees to his chest and hiding his face between them, until two hands pulls him into a hug and he suddenly feels safe, not relieved but safe. He noses the crook of the man’s neck, inhaling his scent. He knows the smell, Jimin, he always smells good, safe, soothing so he let himself get pulled to his lap and lean into the hug, taking deep breathes from his nose, in, out, in, out, just like how Taehyung has taught him. Taehyung, fuck, Taehyung. Since the day he pulled him out of this very corner, he never thought he’s going to find himself there, yet again chest tight and heavy from fear and pain.

Everything happened so fast, he could barely remember. One second he was running to find Taehyung to beg him for some papers and crayons so he could start drawing again, and then he was thrown on the ground, cold hands touching everywhere, tugging on his clothes harshly, ripping the fabric but that’s not what he cares about because he can barely remember them. What he cares about, the thing that has his breath stuck in his throat, is the memory of Taehyung under those merciless bodies and the pain in his eyes.

He used to think that Taehyung is invincible but now he knows the truth. It doesn’t matter how many times people tried to make him feel better by telling him that Taehyung will be alright, that he is alive and breathing, he can barely stop himself from hyperventilating. Nothing is forever and now he knows Taehyung is as vulnerable as anyone else, that one day he might leave him just like Yugyeom, that as long as they’re living this life style, he might end up holding his cold motionless body. And he doesn’t know if he is going to survive the pain when it happens.


Yoongi is laying on his bed with a shitty smoke hanging loosely between his chapped lips, for the first time he hasn’t cocooned himself with a blanket. He is actually feeling pretty hot. Seokjin is sitting beside him, explaining statistical stuffs he doesn’t want to know, he doesn’t need to know how fucked up everything has become in a span of a week. The fights have increased in the prison, he is down a kitchen, his second largest lab in China, and someone fucked up his Heroine shipment, exchanging it with shitty quality shits.

Taehyung is still in clinic and he’s got his men following both Jimin and Jungkook everywhere but he knows he can’t protect them forever. All it takes is one slip for a knife to gut them alive.

He feels lost, not having a clue what choice to make or what the fuck to do. Only if he could solve it all with a knife in the fucker’s chest but he knows he can’t kill. He needs to be more careful as there is so much blood he can get away from. The prison isn’t his safe territory anymore and though he’s still got the Block B guards on his side, he knows all it takes for them to turn against him is a more profitable offer.

“Boss? You listening?” Yoongi hums in response, holding the stick between his fingers before letting his arm hang limp from the side of the bed. “While you and Moo are at each other’s throat like caged animals, that fucker shindong is out there claiming more allies and districts.”

“I don’t know what to do.” Yoongi confesses. He really has no fucking idea what he’s supposed to do.

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now