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How you doing?^^

Sorry for last week. But i'm here now and Kookie is back XD


Jimin stops in his tract when the large electronic metal door closes with a loud beep. And now there is nothing in front of him but an empty lot. No grey stony walls, no bars, no nothing. He supposes it's called freedom. How weird it feels that everything changes so fast. Just an hour ago standing here would have been an escape charge and the smartphone inside his jean's pocket would have sent him to solitary. Yet here he is, breathing an air which is not confined within four tall walls, wearing his own clothes and not that ugly blue jumpsuit.

He used to imagine this very exact moment for months and wondered if he was going to scream and cry like that man in Oldboy, if he was going to jump around out of excitement, if he was going to sob and bury himself in Seokie Hyung's arms or maybe even find the nearest subway express branch... yet all he feels right now is nothing... he is numb, maybe even lost. He doesn't know what to do or where to go. He didn't call Seokie Hyung so the older man doesn't know about his early release... he can't go back to department because right now he can't be a cop and Min is still inside so he really doesn't know what to do... and everything feels just so foreign... All those months he felt like he was at the bottom of a swimming pool... unable to breath yet he still feels like that, as if the chains are now wrapped around his throat.

"Need a ride?"

A familiar voice.

He turn his face to look at Taehyung who is staring back at him with raised eyebrows. Of course he is not the only one getting released today. Seokjin is standing next to Taehyung, having a happy conversation with a man he has only seen in photographs: Kim Namjoon. Min's right hand man with a fucking pink hair.

They're not the only ones. At least five more prisoners are scattered around the area, greeting friends or families, chewing on tofu.

"Come on Sweetcheeks. We don't have all day."

He walks to them with hesitant steps, he thinks the Namjoon guy has probably said something to him because all of them are now staring at him and then Seokjin mutters a "Ignore him. He is heartbroken." Before climbing into the passenger's seat. It's a black SUV. The kind he has seen in movies in murder scenes, with smoked glass.

Jimin lets Taehyung drag him into the backseat, deeming him unable to make a move or decisions and he isn't wrong. Jimin simply has stopped functioning. Everything just feels too much.

Being in a car feels even more strange so he rolls down the window and lets the wind tousle his hair. Taehyung whines at him to close it because it's cold but Jimin ignores him. He missed this.

Jimin notices how quiet everything is. Prison was so loud, constant yellings and orders, chains clancking, doors shutting and key's turning. And now... now it's just too quiet it feels strange.

"He's going to be fine, you know."

It's Taehyung again, breaking the silence as he senses his uneasiness. It takes Jimin a few seconds to figure out that he is talking about Yoongi.




His hands reaches to touch his lips where it's still tingling... a little warmer than usual... where Yoongi just kissed him an hour ago. Held him so tight and close ... and a little longer thank usual. In his arms he felt freer and safer than when he stepped outside the prison.

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now