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2 A.M
I don't know what I'm doing. (I know I've been listening to still with you on repeat)

Happy Festa ^^

And damn, Yoonkook are killing me these days. So precious.


Jimin's mouth purse open and lose, brows furrowing in confusion. All he can do is blink as he stares at the older man dumbly. Jimin has to search his memories to make sure he wasn't the one uttering those words. His mouth didn't go lax and he didn't spill the one secret that almost had him and Hoseok killed. No, he definitely did not confess out of blue. The voice in his brain is a lot deeper than his own and Yoongi... Yoongi isn't reaching for something to slam it on his head, he isn't screaming for Namjoon whom he knows is still waiting outside. Maybe he's just mistaken. That's the case. He is still in shock so his brain is making up unreal situations.


Yoongi slips out of his hold to rest his back on the wall of bathroom. "I'm a cop, Jimin." Frowning, he rubs his brows. "Or maybe I was. Yea. Was is the right term. It doesn't really matter though. At least for now."

"What are you talking about?" okay. This is the most absurd thing he's ever heard throughout the whole operation.

"I-I think I still have a badge. Or maybe not. Fuck. I don't know, Jimin. It's been eight years. I don't even remember anymore... I wish I still had."

Everything about this operation felt wrong since the very beginning, Jimin knew but ignored it because it never really mattered. They couldn't possibly know everything otherwise Kwon wouldn't need someone to infiltrate the gang. He could always gain more information for the team. It was his job. But this... this is ludicrous. Min freaking Yoongi... the youngest son of Cho Junsik, most feared mafia boss all around the country, is a fucking cop? The Min Yoongi who's got a fucking serial killer and a consigliere wrapped around his little finger, the one everyone feared and called a monster, is a fucking cop?

This doesn't make sense.

None of this make sense anymore.

"I still don't understand." Jimin mutters as he studies the older man's face, searching for any sign to indicate that he is joking, waiting for him to burst into laughter and exclaim "Gotcha". But none of them happens and Yoongi looks dead serious, looking like he might get sick again.

Yoongi takes a deep breath, he can feel his skin breaking into cold sweat. Fuck. Now he really needs those pills but they're in the apartment. "I got accepted into Police Academy when I was eighteen. The day my mom died." He explains as he reaches to wipe the sweat off of his forehead with his sleeve.

Jimin looks at Yoongi. The man is barely standing. His legs are even more wobbly than his own and his hands are shaking. He carefully grabs the older's wrist and gestures toward the couch with the other. "Let's have you sit down, baby. You look like you might pass out any time."

Yoongi lets himself be dragged. "Sorry. You're the one who almost died and I'm the one whining."

Jimin sits and pulls him down with himself. "It's fine, baby. I'm fine. Now tell me what's going on cause I'm totally lost."

Yoongi draws his legs to his chest and rests his chin on top of his knees. "I told you I lived with my mom and we were so poor and... and I just wanted to make mom happy and give her the life she deserved so I took the exam for the academy and got accepted. It was free and the job was guaranteed so, yea, why not? Better than joining army. But then my mom died." He takes a deep breath. "Fuck, Jimin, do you have smoke?"

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now