Guardian Angel

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⚠️ There is another VKook scene at the end so be aware. It's going to be the last one so...


It's still too dark and too cold and Jimin wants nothing more than lulling himself back to the land of dreams but his blanket has been stolen and now there is a hand shaking his shoulders constantly. "It's cold." Jimin slurs as he burrows his face into the warm pillow, wrapping his arms around his torso to save as much warm as he can.

"Jimin, wake up." It's Yoongi but as much as he adores that raspy addictive voice, he wishes the man could shut up and let him sleep. "You need to see this."

He doesn't want to see a damn thing. He is sure it hasn't been even an hour since he fall asleep. Lying down with wide eyes and screaming mind, it took him hours to finally sleep. Even then the nightmare was clutching at his throat. But he preferred sleeping to being awake because yes nightmares are scary but his freaking mind never failed to make him beg for death, unconsciousness, anything that could shut down his brain.

"Come on, Jimin. Wake up." The older man tries again, this time seizing his pillow too.

"What?" Jimin snaps, rolling on his back and shifting into a sitting position.

"Baby it's snowing."

The lids that were drooping just a few seconds ago snap open as wide as a kid who has just been told that he is going to Disneyland. Yoongi knows he has made the right choice. It's not just to fulfill his promise but Taehyung told him the kid had trouble sleeping and now with his sweet drenched state, he is sure he is having nightmares... and also because they need to talk. He doesn't wait for Jimin to give a verbal response as he moves to wrap him in a jacket the warden has lent him, it's written all over his face, how much he craves going outside. So he grabs his hand, it's small, delicate and it fits perfectly in his own.

"Are-are we allowed to go out?"

"King's boyfriend's perks." He says and Jimin doesn't have to see his face to know a smug smirk is resting there.


Even with his sweater and coat, Yoongi still feels cold but the sight of Jimin running happily on the powdery fluffy crystals worth coming out at dawn.

The yard is covered in a thick blanket of white. It's almost magical how this too much white can make something as depressing and ugly as a prison yard beautiful. It's pleasant, Yoongi admits. But it's Jimin who catches his eyes. Running around, jumping, rolling, he looks like a little kid and Yoongi can't stop the fond smile that appears on his face as he brings a smoke to his lips. He knows he probably has to buy a new coat for the warden, it's expensive as fuck. He knows because he bought it himself. But he doesn't mind. Jimin is happy and that's all that matters. At least for now.

Jimin turns toward him, smiling so brightly, red nose and crimson cheeks and Yoongi can't help but gasp. And when the boy looks at him with sparkles in his eyes, it's as if every ounce of air has been sucked out of his lungs.

Yoongi remembers the very first time his eyes fall on the beauty in front of him. Dark hall and flickering lamps and he was seconds away from getting stabbed to death but this boy, this angel came to his rescue despite how terrified he was and...fuck. A life time is not enough to apologize for what he had done to him, he knows the hole still taunts him in his sleeps. Even after He broke his promise, even after his family broke him into pieces, the boy still came back to him.

Warmth creeps under his skin as the boy wraps his arms around his waist, bending his knees to be able to look up at him.

So lovely.

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