⚠️"Do you believe in hell?"

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So here is a chapter for both vkook and yoonmin^^
Hope you enjoy ❤

Chapter Warning: Attempted sexual abuse.


They’re in the yard, Jimin can see the blue clean sky, can feel the familiar warmth on his tan skin and occasionally hear the honk of lorries and cars from the distance. The time-out is not what he remembers. It’s different, somehow suffocating. He can see Min in the far left sitting on a bench with Seokjin, smoking the shit they call high-quality smoke, even Taehyung is standing by them, leaning on the fence instead of making out with Jungkook right in front of his face. Min and Seokjin are engaged in a conversation as always, that pale face looks serious yet unbothered by the eyes he is receiving. They are different, usually people look at the royalties with fear or respect or they just don’t look at all but Jimin can see predator gazes burning holes in them.

Jimin has no knowledge on the Moo guy but he supposes it’s the bald guy on the right, sitting on the highest bench while the rest of his guys are on the lower ones as if he is some hot shit. From the look of it he is just an arrogant bitch who thinks he is above everyone. He dreams to be a king, like Min, but he is not. He has a bulk body with tattoos covering most of his skin, the cliché dragon drawing. Every part of him screams: wannabe king. His men, Jimin assumes they are his men from how big and inky they are, are busy with the exercise devices. Uselessly lifting too heavy weights and doing ridiculous amounts of push-ups. Everything about them scream gangster. Min is skilled and strong but he is not thick, his slim yet fit body matches the softness of his face. He is not sitting higher than his men, but by their side, talking to them casually and Jimin knows he doesn’t own a tattoo on his skin. He could easily pass as any normal citizen outside that ugly blue outfit. It’s about his demeanour and the way he carries himself, he doesn’t need to act or show off to be a king. He is a king because it’s in his blood, it’s his nature. True class over pathetic attempt at looking dangerous. Yes, Moo is scary because of his appearance but Min, with his boyfriend material face could bring men to their knees just by the look in his eyes.

This is calm before the storm, he knows. He couldn’t have chosen a better time to run into the underground, right in the middle of an upcoming war, speaking of luck. Moo is glaring at Min, probably wishing he could gut him alive right there and then but no one is crazy enough to attack the man when he is surrounded by men like V and Seokjin or those two scary bodyguards or some other new faces Jimin had not noticed before, they all look they’re ready to kill for the man.

He studies Min’s face, wishing he could sit there and listen to their conversation. That would make everything easier. It’s been weeks and he doesn’t have anything significant to report to the team, on the contrast, he is in desperate need of information from them. He remembers last night, that monotone yet interesting way of talking, low but persuasive, soft yet audible. He imagines Min talking to his team with the same tone and he wants nothing more than hearing it again. He doesn’t want to be on the receiving end, it doesn’t really matter, it’s more like a bop. Like you can hate on Psy all you want and still wanting to listen to Gangnam style continually.

He sighs and looks at Jungkook who is sitting on the ground, trying to tie a thread of grasses together with one hand. His left is neglected on his lap as if moving it would bring pain, yet he doesn't ask questions, probably bad sleeping cramps. He looks bored and completely unfazed by the heavy atmosphere. Of course he is not scared, why would he be when he’s got the protection of the year?

Jimin on the other hand can’t sit still and pretend he is not about to pee himself. The eyes aren’t only on Min, he can feel them on himself too and they won’t hesitate hurting him if they get the chance.

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now