🔞Game Of Thrones⚠️

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Before we get to this chapter: Warning: A slight knife play scene.

Also we're going to learn more about this whole Nemesis mafia^^ Fu*king finally.

And once more i want to thank you all for reading and loving the story^^


Jimin swings his legs over the side of the bed, eyes studying his bare feet as if he has found something interesting about them. It's been a week yet his entire body still aches. He just wishes he could remember how he turned off the pain last time. He doesn't want to stand on his legs and he doesn't want to leave the clinic but the Doctor with an apologetic smile told him that he can't keep him in the clinic anymore.

"Jimin I'm so sorry." The Doctor repeats for nth time and Jimin brushes him off with a forced smile. The doctor is good. Too good. Maybe the only good person in this hellhole and he makes him feel safe, comfortable yet even he couldn't save him from going back to his nightmare of operation.

Damn. Only if he could call everything off and return home...

He can't.

He has lost too many.

"Do you want me to call anyone? Your cellmate?" Jimin shakes his head as he wears his slip-ons and carefully puts his feet down, grimacing in pain from the movement. "Ease, boy. Look, Jimin," It feels good. Hearing his own name instead of fucking numbers. It makes him feel human, to remember who he is. "I'll have a guard bring you your medicines but if you felt any unusual pain I want you to come back here."

Jimin presses his knuckles to his eyes and lets out a groan, there is a lump in his throat and he wants nothing more than swallowing it. He can't afford going back with teary face, he can't panic in the middle of the goddamn prison.

For a whole week he hid under a warm blanket in the clinic, refused any visitor but now he has to leave and the thought of being close to anyone even people he could call friend makes his heart hammer inside his chest.

He doesn't want to leave, too scared of the world outside this white small room that reeks of alcohol and cleaning Solutions. He is scared of people, things they might do to him. He is scared of what he has to do.

It's a fucking law of jungle. Humanity doesn't exist in here. It's all about survival and if he slips one more time, if he shows them how broken he is inside, if he lets his guards down, those animals will chew him alive. He won't let it happen again. He can't let it happen again or he'd break beyond repair and everything he has lost, every sacrifices he has made would be for nothing. So he takes a deep breath before bringing his arms down.

A guard is waiting for him at the entrance to escort him back to his block. Jimin has to clinch his jaw and shakes off the fear of the guard taking him to men he doesn't want to see again. The guard doesn't cuff him, doesn't even touch him. He lets him walk in his preferred pace and Jimin knows there is nothing to be worried about but he can't stop his hands from shaking or stop his eyes from shifting all over the place, waiting for someone to jump at him. He doesn't face jack-in-the-box on his way yet there is still an invisible rope tightened around his throat.

He hides his hands in his trousers pocket. No one can see how terrified he is.

"Do-do I have to go inside?" Jimin finally cracks and stops in his tract. He can hear wild voices coming from their block. It's normal but he isn't ready. He doesn't think he can ever be ready.

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