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First of all I want to apologize for the delay
I had an exam on Friday so I was busy and I was mentally f*cked up so I couldn't write. I'm still messed up but at least I could write. So...

Here I am again. Hiiii ^^






Jimin doesn't understand but he doesn't feel good. He doesn't like it. He can't see but it's not because of tears, everything is just fuzzy, distant. It's as if he is floating in an inky space but it's not a pleasant drowsy feeling he used be familiar with. No this one feels like a damp heavy blanket clinging to every inch of his body, suffocating him. Each breath is getting shorter and shorter and every time he tries to suck more oxygen in, his body doesn't obey, an excruciating pain searing through his abdomen and choking even more air out of his lungs.

He can hear cries and screams but he can't figure out the voice. Is it Yoongi? Or maybe it's coming out of his own mouth. He can't tell anymore. But it's the only thing he is clinging too. It's better than nothing. It's still something. A part of Jimin screams at him to let go, to end the pain and leave the despair and suffering of this world. The pain throbbing in his stomach being more than anything he could have ever imagined but there is another part that forces him to claw at the edges of consciousness. He can't give up. The fear of never waking up again overcoming the agonizing pain.

The blood flow isn't fast, but it's still soaking into his white shirt in an alarming speed. Yoongi tries to blink his tears away, never taking his eyes off of the injured man. It's futile with how sobs are raking through his body, tears blinding him. Jimin is unmoving, unblinking, the only color on his skin is the crimson oozing out of his damaged veins. But he can see how much pain he is enduring, it's in the way tears are trickling down his eyes and mixing with blood, the way his body jerk every few second, wheezing with every breath and he is too exhausted and drained to even show that.

Jimin is in agony and he couldn't do shit.

Yoongi tugs on the cuffs again. The pain in his wrist getting unbearable but he doesn't stop struggling. The bleeding cuts around his wrists are the least of his worries when Jimin is suffering just two meters away and all he wants is to reach for him, put his hand on his skin and promise him that it's going to be okay. It's probably a lie but that's all he's got now.

The clock is ticking. There isn't much time left and all Yoongi can do is to watch, begging him to hang on just a little bit more... just a little bit more until... fuck... he doesn't believe in miracles but would sell his soul without a hesitation just tp keep Jimin breathing.

Yoongi calls his name: Jimin. Over and over again, begging him to keep fighting, promising lies. He briefly wonders if Jimin can hear his voice but he doesn't stop talking. Maybe he needs this more than Jimin: Hope. A tiny flicker against wind.

Yoongi had felt helpless before. When Seokjin pointed a gun at him and forced him to kill a man, or when he found his mom's cold and unmoving body in their living room. It was an awful feeling, suffocating, it had forced gut-wrenching sobs out of his throat. But what he is feeling right now, this despair or whatever the fuck it is called hurt so much he wants to die. Crying just makes him more desperate and he feels a pressing urge to reach up and claw his hair at the root but all he manages to do is bruising the skin under the cuffs even more. He tugs on them despite knowing how futile it is, cursing under the breath and slamming his head back to the wall. He takes a deep breath, chest rising and coming down slowly, before calling Jimin again with every sweet name he could remember. The younger man is completely unmoving, the only sign of life is the wheezing sound coming out of his throat and though it's not a good sign, Yoongi needs it. He needs to know Jimin is still alive, that there is still time but with each passing second, more part of his brain accept that there is no escaping this, that soon Jimin is going to stop breathing.

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now