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How are you?^^
I just finished watching run and I'm still breathless from laughing :))))))))))))


Jungkook wakes up to an aching skull and smoke smell, groaning as a new wave of nausea hits him. It's not strong so he just closes his eyes and tries to breathe through his nose to let it pass. At least the curtains are closed. He has always been sensitive to bright light when he is hangover. He wants to sleep it off but the burning smell is getting stronger every second and he wonders if Namjoon is trying to burn the house again. Jungkook finds it amusing how such a perfect, talented and genius man can be this clumsy. Last time Namjoon tried to cook noodle, the pot melted and they had to replace the oven.

Jungkook carefully slides off the bed, moving slowly to not trigger his weak stomach again. He drags his heavy limbs to the living room, still taking deep and steady breathes. He expects finding the house burning, or Namjoon breaking all of their dishes or even a bruised Namjoon who is in need of medical attention. What he doesn't expect is to find a man with silver hair bent over a frying pan. A burnt frying pan to be specific. Jungkook doesn't need to see his face to know that he is wearing that murderous look of his. Isn't Taehyung supposed to be in prison?

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook hears himself asking before he could stop himself.

The man's head turns so fast he hears a snap, though his eyes don't stay on him for more than a second. He quickly goes back to glares at the pan. "This thing is broken."

"I asked you a question, Taehyung. The fuck you doing here?"

"The rest has gone for a meeting so someone had to stay behind to take care of your hangover." Taehyung doesn't seem to be bothered by his bitter tone, or maybe he is just too focused on further killing the pan with his eyes. "You were so sick last night."

Last night?



Last night.

As his starts to remember last night through his foggy brain, he wishes he had overdosed on one of those pill so he would never have to face Taehyung again. He remembers how pathetically he had to rely on Taehyung to save him again, he remembers how he threw up at least twice, how he had clunged on him the whole time that Taehyung had to call a cab because he couldn't drive while holding him, and... fuck... he can't remember more and he prays to all the gods he has ever known to not have done anything worse. And now the man has to babysit him because he is an adult who doesn't know his own fucking limits.

He also rememvers...

He remembers Yugyeom.

Damn it.

"I think Namjoon should buy a new pan." Taehyung sighs as he throws the now black pan in the sink.

"What were you trying to do, exactly?" Jungkook asks while chewing on his thumb.

"Cooking." Taehyung replies in a quiet voice. Jungkook had never heard such an uncertainty coming from the man.

"You sure you weren't trying to burn me alive in my sleep?"

"No. I was trying to make... pancakes."

Jungkook had fantasies. One of his favorite times of day has always been daydreaming, lying on his bed and letting his mind wonder around freely. A fantasy of his has been waking up in the morning after a night of making love with Taehyung and enjoying breakfast in bed. A breakfast made by Taehyung. Never in a million years did he imagine that Taehyung might be capable of being a second Namjoon.

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now