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I'm late again but i promise i have a reason this time
last year around this time, if you remember there was some issues in my country, some protest and they cut of internet. Now the country is kinda weird. Something is going on. We don't know what's going on. but it's so hard to open apps that needs vpn. Even now I could barely open it.

Sorry and i love you.

Also BE is so fucking amazing. I can't stop listening to it. Blue & grey and telepathy are my favorite.
I'm a little worried about charts but I'm enjoying the comeback.


Waking up has never felt this harsh. Yoongi's body is numb and heavy and as he cracks his eyes open, for a second he doesn't know how he ended up in this white unfamiliar room or where it even is, the blinding light making his eyes sting and forcing a whine out of him involuntarily. He wants to cover his eyes but his hands don't move, being stuck on his side. He looks down only to find them both tied to bed railings by soft fabrics.

"Jesus Christ." He mumbles under the breath and turns his head to the right. Jimin is curled up on a couch, looking at him with a straight face. There are no tears on his face, no emotion, no nothing. He looks a little pale, tired, probably from not sleeping for god knows how long but other than that, he looks calm. Too fine it is a little scary. "Ji-" He grimaces from how raw his throat feels. His tongue feels like sandpaper in his mouth and he parts his lips, groaning.

Jimin watches him for a few second, doing nothing but blinking and Yoongi feels like crying but then the younger man stands up and grabs a water bottle from the small refrigerator in the room. He unscrews the lid and helps him take a few sips by lifting his head up. Yoongi whines when Jimin pulls the bottle away, still craving more but he just drinks the rest himself and tosses the empty bottle to the bin in the corner.

"Ji-Jimin." Yoongi tries again, his voice hoarse, but at least he can move his tongue. Jimin drops his body on the couch again, brushing his blue locks back. "Why am I tied?"

Jimin lifts a brow. "You don't remember?"

Yoongi frowns and scans his hands again. There is a fresh bandage around his wrist and he briefly wonders how deep he has cut. Clearly not enough otherwise he wouldn't be stuck here. Fuck. He should have gone for his throat. The drug in his system is probably the reason he hasn't lost his cool yet because whatever the fuck it is... living they call it?... he doesn't want it.

"You went for your stiches with your fucking teeth." There is so much venom is Jimin's voice but Yoongi can sense the fear lingering in the back of his ruthless tone. "So doctor said it's better to restrict you for now."


Now he remembers. Vaguely of course. The way he screamed at everyone and threw a tantrum like a spoiled brat for saving him, trying to reach for anything.

"I'm- I'm sorry, okay? Now can you please untie me?"



"You think I don't know you're looking for a chance?"

They stare at each other again. Of course Jimin won't buy his lies. There is absolutely not one sorry cell in his body. He runs his tongue over his chapped lips. "How long?"

"Until I make sure you won't do something stupid. Again."

Yoongi can't help but scoff. "You can't tie me up forever, Jimin."

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now