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I'm back XD

How's life?
Okay there is another knifeplay flashback at the end of this story.It's not too detailed this chapter so I think it would be fine to read.


Holy sh*t

Did you watch Black swan performance?????????????????????????
I'm not alive.

P.S: Also i was 100% sure it was Jimin who started the song but it was JK. Daaaaaamn.


The morning is as cold as the coffee on the table. The thin blanket on his shoulders is not calming the slight trembles in his muscles yet he can't turn on the heater. It costs too much. Hoseok taps the murky surface to break the thickening skin. It's hazelnut latte, Jimin's favourit. To be honest he has always known how much the kid adores the sweet flavor of it, its toasty coziness. Feeding him dark and shitty coffee was intentional. He loved teasing him, loving the way his face creased in disgust only to force a smile on his face and thank him for the coffee. It was a cute sight.

He heaves a sigh and peers around in hope of seeing someone, something, anything, just a movement that is not his own shadow. The living room is too silent, almost dead and cold. It's been like this for ages. When the only beating heart in this house belongs to him, it's not something he can ever get used to. The silence echoing in his ears is so loud and deafening sometimes it sends his brain into what others might call panic. It never shut up.

His life hadn't been all rainbows and unicorns, it was tough. Growing up with an abusive father, a sick mother and a younger brother he had to protect forced him to mature faster than normal kids his age. He had zero friends in school because he was too tired to interact with people from working part-time jobs. But he was... he could say he was happy because he had Jimin. He was all he ever cared for, all he ever needed. Jimin was enough for him. He can't even find the right word to explain how happy he was when Jimin got into police academy. His baby brother was going to make the country proud.


How the world has never been kind to them.

Five years. Five years was all they had before law dragged his baby brother out of his arms. The law which never protected them when they were being beaten and abused finally knocked at their door just to ruin their happiness one more time because of a mistake. Jimin doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve to lose the life he has fought tooth and nail to gain for a mistake. A life was perished, he understands, it's sad but Jimin... Jimin doesn't deserve this too.


He knows he is being cruel, unfair but Jimin was just starting to find his smile back. It's not fair for him too.

And then his mother died. The day Taemin came to his door bearing the news. She had been sick all his life and just when they found enough money to treat her, she died. She was supposed to live, to be happy, to finally learn what happiness feels like. He remembers how brightly she smiled when he got accepted into law school, full scholarship.

It's not fair.

He wonders if he can ever find joy, if Jimin can ever be happy again. He wonders if he can stop missing his mom every damn second. Sorrow, loneliness, anxiety, worry, they are all like a vice around his heart, squeezing tight enough to be a constant pain. He thinks it might kill him in time.

A sharp sound echoes across the house. It's doorbell, demanding him to leave his cozy position. As much as he craves human contact that is not college related, he hates the doorbell, he resents it. To Hoseok it's the same as a gunshot to a veteran. Everytime it rings, it's to tell him he has lost a family member, or a friend. He doesn't think he can handle another heartbreak. It rings again and Hoseok lets out a sight, running a hand through his messy hair. The person behind the door sounds determined so he knows he has to answer it. A catastrophe is not going to undone even if he avoids it. So he shrugs the blanket off and walks to the door, opening it without asking for the person's identity.

Sin City | Yoonmin Mafia AU [VKook]Where stories live. Discover now