🔞 Guilty Pleasure

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How is life? I'm back again XD

This chapter is a normal one. It's mostly Yoonmin and a little intimacy. Not explicit though. I suck at writing smut.  I put it between two // so if anyone doesn't like reading stuff like that, you can skip it ^^ Also if it makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to DM me. I can edit it^^
Anyway enjoy some soft Yoonmin when we still have it.

Also there is one thing... I think I've released an unedited version of one of the chapters. I don't know how it happened. Anyway Yoongi's father's name is Cho Junsik.
Yoongi has his mother's last name.


A loud bang jolts Jimin awake. Still feeling groggy, he wants to roll over but a string of curse words makes his heart sink down. As he feels hands clawing his arm and shirt, he desperately clings to Hoseok, clutching his shirt so tight that his knuckles turn white and a shocked squeak escapes his throat. Hoseok's hands are also wrapped around his form strongly, holding him close, protecting him.

"Get your filthy hands off of him."

Despite being terrified, Jimin opens his eyes in time to see Yoongi pushing an angry Seokjin away from bed, clutching the front of his shirt with one hand and pressing his arm against his throat with the other to pin him to the wall.

"If you were suicidal, you should have told me," Yoongi hisses with so much venom, pulling his body close before slamming him to the wall again. "I would have booked you a therapy session."

Jimin studies the room, frowning when he finds both Shindong and Namjoon in the room. Pressing his body closer to Hoseok, he is scared they might take him away. He knows hiding in his brother's arms and letting others fight for him is pathetic but fear makes it hard to even think of making a move. Last night's event carved his fear of Seokjin so deep it's almost paralyzing.

"It's okay, sweetheart, Hyung has got you." Hoseok's shaky murmuring doesn't make him feel any better. He is the one who should be protecting the older yet he has lost the ability to talk.

Jimin fearfully stares at Seokjin who is struggling in Yoongi's hold. His moves are sloppy, more like a childish tantrum instead of really trying to overpower him. He has scrunched his face as if he is fighting off emotions, looking hurt rather than angry. Jimin had never seen him like that, distraught and in pain. Seokjin has always been the composed one, calm and collected, so to see him devastated makes him worried and concerned, fear slowly washing away. He tries to sit straight, one hand still fisting the fabric of Hoseok's shirt. "What have I done, Seokjin?" He asks.

"As if you don't know." Seokjin yells but Jimin doesn't miss the tremble in his voice or how his breath is hitching.

"I really don't know." He responds softly, noticing the man is just upset.

"The fuck is wrong with you, huh?" Yoongi demands, almost growling in his face. "Didn't you have your fun last night?

"That's enough, Seokjin." Namjoon speaks softly, trying to reach him but the older just snarls at him. "Blaming an innocent won't undo it."

"Like hell he is."

"Can someone please fill me in about what I've done?" Jimin asks.

Seokjin smacks his hands against Yoongi's chest, freeing himself. The blonde stumbles backward so Namjoon reaches to steady him, giving Seokjin a harsh glare.

"Your father is in ICU." Seokjin says, talking to Yoongi rather than answering Jimin's question. Jimin can't do anything but to stare at him, astounded and not even blinking. There is something really wrong with this announcement. Cho Junsik looked as healthy as ever last night, striking, grand. There is no way he can end up in a hospital in the span of few hours. "You know why?" Seokjin asks, squinting his eyes at him. "It was an accident. A fucking accident."

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