Prodigal Son

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Jimin wants to cry in relief when he hears the familiar beep and the metal door opens. Three days, three fucking days in cell and he was losing it. It wasn’t as maddening as the solitary since he had Jungkook to keep him accompany but it was still suffocating. He didn’t know if the food has always been dull or the guards were trying to take revenge, just how they cut off the warm water in the three-day lockdown.

Jimin thinks he might throw up when he sits down on his usual bench in the hall to eat his lunch. He can still smell blood, or maybe it is just his imagination considering the rest of prison look quite unbothered, even Jungkook is digging his tray hungrily while enjoying Taehyung’s long fingers playing with his locks. Jimin pushes his untouched tray towards Jungkook who is now finishing Taehyung’s share of food too. Even if he could ignore the stink, the way Seokjin has been glaring at him totally ruined his appetite.

Why is he even at lowly peasants table? He doesn’t look good, completely in contrast with his usual composed self. Normal Seokjin smokes and doesn’t have dark bags under his eyes, and he certainly doesn’t eat the food from the prison tray.

“I need to know what you’ve told the guards.” Seokjin asks when he is sure Jimin doesn’t plan on eating anymore.

“Nothing. Just that Jungkook woke me up and you know the rest.” They all have been taken out at least once for questioning.

“What about the kiss?”

“I said I don’t know. Which is the truth. I don’t know what the fuck happened.”

“Fucking idiot. He is a fucking idiot.” Seokjin curses under his breath while worrying his bottom lip, tapping the sole of his shoe anxiously. It’s Jimin’s first time seeing Seokjin this disheveled, he knows it doesn’t mean anything good.

“What’s going to happen now? Where is Boss?”

“Don’t know. I know he is not in the hole. Namjoon’s been looking for him.” He has heard that name before. The handsome man who is running things outside.

“How deep he is in?”

“In what?”

“Shit, Of course.”

Taehyung tries to hide his snort while slapping Jungkook’s back who is about to choke on his food from how hard he is laughing. Seokjin looks like he is considering if murdering Jimin right then and there worth it.

“They probably won’t even be able to charge him.” Taehyung answers while lifting his other arm to rub the back of Seokjin’s neck.

“They don’t have a single evidence against him.” Seokjin adds. Jimin is surprised from how fast Seokjin calms down under Taehyung’s soothing touch. Don’t they hate each other?

“But we all saw him there.”Jimin said, confused.

“So?” Seokjin raises a brow in a smug manner. “No one has seen him in the act. CCTVs were off. No murder weapon has been found. He was just there which is understandable, it was breakfast time. He was hungry.”

“But everyone saw you smuggled the weapon out.” Jimin whispered in a hushed tone, leaning forward to make sure no one has heard what he’s just said.

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