Chapter 2

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The next day was different for me. One day I was dating your best friend and the next I'm his fiancé. It was amazing and exciting all in itself. I loved the feeling, I loved thinking about it, I was going to be his wife.

I woke up to Chris's arm around me, like he was protecting me. I tried not to wake up, but a rush of an instant headache came over me, making feel sick quickly. I had to hustle to the bathroom, feeling uneasy in my stomach. I threw him arm off, and sprinted never looking back, but feeling awful all the same. Every time I got a headache it made me sick to my stomach and this time it wasn't just a feeling. After a couple seconds of on my knees, I feel someone grab my hair and rub my back. Although he's trying to help, it doesn't it makes me feel shy and uneasy as he sees me this way. Gross, and sick. When I feel my stomach calm down, I rotate my body slowly so I can sit down. Chris is across me, now sitting down, with his knees pulled into his chest.

"I'm so sorry I woke you up." I feel my head go down, embarrassed, because he had never seen me like this. "I just get some bad headaches and sometimes-" I said as I was cut off.

"Hey," He said leaning forward picking up my face and holding it in his hands. My head lifted and my eyes connected with his. "don't ever apologize. No to me, not when you have been nothing but perfect."

"But I woke you and you saw me like this." I shrugged.

"Yeah and I'm going to see you like this for the rest of my life. I wanted to help you when you're sick, upset, I want to be there for you through it all." His sweet words and smile lifted my heart and I felt a smirk go across my face.

"I mean you did sign up for it." I smile and feel a laugh starting to form as I lift my hand once more showing him my finger.

"You're right. What was I thinking?" He said with a laugh and his laugh just invited he laugh with him. Our laughter and jokes engulfed the morning.

As we prepared for the day, I saw Chris sitting on my bed as if unable to move as he watched me. I exited the bathroom and instead of starting to put on my jewelry, I went over towards him. I went to speak and ask him what on earth he was doing but he spoke first.

"You're the most beautiful person I have ever seen." I felt my face blush and get hot very quickly. "I have something for you."


I grabbed her hand never wanting to let go.

"What?" she asked confused and a little upset. "I mean you already gave me a ring." I smiled and laughed but said nothing. I reached my hand under the bed where I had hid it last night. "What is that?" she asked with curiosity. It was a small, wooden, square shaped box with small cravings on it. I placed it in her hands so I could see the look on her face as she opened it.

As she opened it, I saw a rush of emotions. She looked up to me with the cutest little smile on her face. I could see already that she loved it.

"It's my mothers." I smiled back at her. "She gave this to me when I told her I was going to propose to you. She told that it was obvious that you had stolen my heart the minute I laid on you. And she's right Mel. You have my heart and you always will." She saw the meaning it brought to me and it brought even more meaning to her.

"Can you put it on?" I nod and she turns immediately, and I see her face in the mirror flush with enjoyment.

"Chris," She said as I looked into her deep blue eyes. She stood; put her arms around my neck and say, "I love you." I lean in and kiss him.

We get interrupted by a phone call, it sounds like Melissa's phone, so I pull away, so she can answer. When she looks at her phone, she lets out a laugh. "It's Chlyer. She said that the director needs us at set and he's not a good mood." I laugh as I stay seating looking up at her. She continues to get while I take in one more glance of the most beautiful in existent that I can now call mine.

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