Chapter 22

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I wake to hushing sound. I look over to the sound and it's Chris with Ollie. He is looking at him so lovingly and rocking him back and forth.

Then, Chris turns his head to see me. He looked alarmed to see me awake. He smiles and I smile back, glad he was so happy.

"Mama is awake." He said standing. He places Ollie carefully in my arms. He is smiling up at me with his blue eyes wide and alert.

"Hey, baby." I say to Ollie. Chris gives me a kiss on the temple as he leans over us. I look from Ollie to him, and his smile grows as I gaze into his eyes. I felt in that moment that we were the true tv family that everyone wanted. Happy. Healthy. Like nothing could touch us.

The doctor enters with a knock and we greet him with soft smiles.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." I say with happiness radiating in the air.

"We are just going to run a couple of tests on you, Melissa, just to be safe." He reassured us, "and then you'll be all set to go home." The doctor said looking at both of us.

"And Oliver is alright?" I asked and I see Chris nod in agreement with my question. He must have been wondering the same.

"Yes. He was delivered early," The doctor said making sure he covered all the information, "but he is very healthy and strong, so we have no worries." Chris and I were both at ease as our body released the tension.

That day went quickly and before I knew it, we were on our way home. I hadn't been home in months. It felt so strange to be going home now. We got into the car after fastening up Oliver in his car seat.

We immediately hit traffic the minute we got out of the parking garage. I looked over at Chris and he was just smiling, staring out the window. We were in traffic, so I was confused what was making him so happy.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask with a laugh.

"I'm just so happy." He said grabbing my hand. We kept our hands connected liked this until we reached the house.

I carried Oliver in my arms. I couldn't pull myself away from him and Chris didn't stop me. The walk into his bedroom was my favorite. Chris took Oliver and showed him everything. It was amazing, Chris had done a great job.

He flicked the plane, so Oliver knew what to do when he was older. Then, Chris moved back toward me since I was lingering in the hallway.

"I think it's time for Ollie's nap." Chris said to me, stilling showing a sparkling smile. I gave him a quick kiss and we walked to his crib. Chris set him gently in it.

Ollie yawned really wide and then closed his eyes softly. Chris and I stood there for a little bit making sure he was asleep, admiring his beauty. Then, Chris stepped back quietly and grabbed my hand. I stayed in my spot, my arm hanging in the air. I couldn't stop gazing at him though.

"Mel." Chris said with his hands rubbed my back and his mouth was pressed against my ear. He kissed my neck and brushed my hair. I felt butterflies in my stomach, like when I first met Chris. His touch manipulated me, and I loved it. I turned to face him and he led me out of the room.

We plopped our bodies on the bed, completely exhausted. I curled my body into Chris's arms. For some reason, my eyes did not close.

After an hour or so I rolled on my side to face Chris. He moved his body so that he see me better. He kept his arm tight around mine. I exhaled and just took this moment in. His brown eyes were so completely beautiful. I sat up so I could see him better, and his arm dropped.

I was happy. I was just so happy that I couldn't stop smiling. I felt Chris's hand move to my waist.

"Come here." He said pulling close to him causing me to laugh.

"I love you so much." I said feeling my body against his chest. Our faces were an inch apart.

"I love you too." He said closing his eyes to meet my lips. I kissed him back passionately.

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