Chapter 47

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After a few minutes, I regained my composure and we went upstairs. We found Oliver hiding in his closet where Chris had told him to go. Oliver was crying and as soon as he saw us, he jumped into my arms. Chris thought it would be best if we went to the police department now since it was fresh in our heads. To be honest I wanting anything but to stay here so I agreed with him immediately.

I got a jacket to put over Oliver's pajamas as Chris got our coats. We slipped on our coats as Chris and I took one last look at our house.

Chris POV

The upstairs was unharmed, but when we went downstairs, it was like hell broke loose. There were holes in the floor, glass shattered everywhere, and furniture flipped in every which direction. It was like a nightmare.

I drove as Melissa sat in the back with shaken up Oliver. I took sneak peeks back to see them holding each hold. They were both broken and I felt nothing but guilt.

I am the man, I am the father, I am the husband. I should have protected them. This shouldn't have happened to them. I shouldn't have let it.

When we got there, we told the police about the news and they directed up where to go. A woman told Oliver into a playroom, while Melissa and I went into the sheriff's office. We were both hesitate to let him go after what had happened, but eventually we allowed it.

We sat there holding each other's hand. Melissa's grip was tight, and I felt her hands shaking slightly in mine. I started to rub her hands with my thumbs to help her keep them steady. I looked over at her, but she stared blankly at the wall.


I was basically gripping his hand as if he were to leave. I was still shaken up and he knew that so instead of sitting a little apart, he scooted closer. I felt his one hand release mine and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I felt his hands stare to massage my tense back and shoulders.

"Mr. and Mrs. Wood," The sheriff said walking in the room. "I am Sheriff Stilinski, and I am so very sorry about what happened." He extended his hand for us to both shake which we did. I felt comfortable with him, I felt like he really wanted to help us. "how about we start with what you saw, Mrs. Wood."

"You can call me Melissa." I said confidently. "I couldn't sleep, so I went to check on our son and after I had decided to go downstairs. I took one last look at Chris and our dogs who were fast asleep in our bed, before going down. When, I got to the bottom step I went into the laundry room to make sure my clothes were drying and when I came back out I heard something break,"

"Did you hear anything before you went into the laundry room?" The sheriff asked me.

"No, it sounded pretty silent until I heard the glass shatter." I shook my head trying to remember. "I assumed it was either Farley or Drift, our dogs. I assumed they were playing so I yelled out to them asking if they needed to go outside. Then, I heard footsteps and I freaked," I felt a chill go down my back. Chris instantly rubbing my back fast, obviously noticing. "so I ran into the bathroom hiding myself from the living room where I heard the noise." I took a deep breath and Chris squeezed my hand. I looked over to him and he smiled as if saying I'm so proud of you.

"I knew that our bathroom door made a creaking noise when it was closed, so I tried closing it slowly, so it wouldn't make a sound. But there was a creek, and someone came running towards me. I quickly shut the door and locked it." I felt tears well up in my eyes and I try to keep it together.

"It's okay Mel, it's over." Chris said with compassionate in his eyes meeting mine. He lifted my hand and kissed it. I turned back to the sheriff.

"He was banging on the door and yelling. I was backing up in shock and I texted Chris. I started to call him, but I was startled by a loud bang and dropped my phone in the toilet. I ran to the corner of the bathroom to hide. I was scared that he would break through, so I closed my eyes." I took a breath and started to feel strong again. "I heard multiple footsteps as I sat there. I peeked under the door to see. There was no one by the door, but suddenly there was more yelling and shouting. There were a lot of footsteps and I crawled back to my corner. There was commotion for a while, but then it suddenly went quiet. I went to look under the door again. This time I did see shadows running towards me. At that point, I couldn't hear much. I heard a muffled voice, but I didn't move or response. I made peace with my life as I sat there. There was banging and then the door was knocked down and I saw Chris." I said looking at Chris with a smile. He brushed my tears away and rubbed my cheek.

"That must have been really difficult. I'm so sorry you had to go through that." Sheriff Stilinski said with a slight smile. I could feel his compassion.

"Chris got me out." I said rubbing his other hand as it rested now in my lap.

"You handled yourself very well in that situation." I smiled at what he told me although I felt like I had done the worst someone could do when they were getting robbed. "Now, Mr. Wood can you tell me what you saw?"

"Yeah, I was woken up but Melissa's texts and calls. I noticed the dogs were still asleep, but Melissa was gone, so I went to look at my texts and I read her messages. I was confused so I started to make my way downstairs, but then I saw a man banging on the bathroom door. I ran back up stairs and woke up Oliver. He was startled, but I got him in his closet, and I told him to only open it up to me or Mel." I was absorbing all this information. My baby boy had to hide in a closet, and he was probably even more scared since he was alone.

"I locked it from the inside and closed it, so that I couldn't even get in. I then closed his bedroom door. I started to walk downstairs when I heard yelling. It had finally woken the dogs and they were barreling downstairs and I followed. I yelled at them to get out of my house and I swung around my baseball bat that I keep under our bed to intimidate them."

"How many were there? Did they have an weapon?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

"There were three of them. They were in black and couldn't see their face. They didn't look armed, but honestly it was hard to see anything but they bodies. But I did pick up a vase and throw it at one of them." I stared at him while he talked to the sheriff. Then, he turned at me. "I hit one of them. It looked like I got him in the face, but I'm not sure. They all ran out as I continued throwing all of the things that we had left. They had taken most of it." He took a deep breath and looked from the sheriff to me and then back to the sheriff.

"With the dogs biting them and me throwing things, they finally sprinted out of the door. I ran after them to the point where I was at the end of the driveway, but instead of running out there in the pitch dark, I came back inside and tried to lock the door. When I saw one of the men in front of the bathroom, I had to assumed Mel was in there, so I sprinted over there next. I tried to talk to her, but she didn't respond. I heard her breathing heavily, so I kept talking to her. After a minute or so of no response, I was afraid she was hurt, so I broken the door and got her out of there." He said ending the story. He was still tense as he finished ad his eyes were still fixed on the sheriff.

"Afterwards you got your son and came here?" the sheriff asked to clarify.

"Yes." Chris said and squeezed my hand.

"I'm going to go officially report this, can you both stay tight? It might take a while, but I will be back." The sheriff said smiling.

"Of course." I said smiling back at him. Sheriff Stilinski walked out, and I felt my head fall onto Chris's shoulder.

"Hey sorry, I didn't say anything." I told him referring to the moment Chris was trying to talk to me through the bathroom door.

"Hey, you're safe, that all that matters." He said giving me a kiss on my hand that he was holding.

"I'm just glad you and Oliver were okay. I was scared they would go upstairs, and you guys wouldn't wake up." I said squeezing his hand as tear streamed down my face.

"Don't underestimated me. I'm a ninja." His cockily joking voice sounded and a smile creeped across my lips. "I hear a creak and I'll come running." He said laughing, "you heard a I hit a guy, right?"

"I did." I said picking my head up to face him as I giggled. "well you did save me, so I guess that's got to be true." I smiled at the fact that Chris could lift any mood. He had a way of comforting me after I was almost killed or kidnapped, after our house was absolutely torn apart, and that's why I loved him.

After a long minute of silence, I leaned my head against his shoulder again, feeling even more comfort in his touch.

"I'll always save you." He whispered kissing the top of my head.

***************Long one pls enjoy--- sorry it took me so long to update lol************

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