Chapter 49

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I had decided since I couldn't work on Supergirl, I'd stay with the cast, watching, as they finished the season off even though I wasn't in many of the episodes. Lucky for me Chris had agreed to this plan. I promised not a lot of activity and only to visit every other day at the most.

This was third day of my visiting day and I loved it. As the day winded down, I realized I needed to sit down because my feet felt like they were about to break. I was thinking maybe it'd be better just to go home, but then I saw Chyler coming towards me.

"Hey, come on let's go get lunch." She said dragging me to the food cart.

"Noooo, I wanted a burger.... Cravings." I said pointing to my bump. She kept dragging me along to the healthier options and I eventually gave in waddling beside her.

"There's burgers over here." She smiled as she redirected us, causing us both to laugh.

I realized, as she assisted me, that I hadn't talk to Chyler in a while. We hadn't had a real conversation in... I couldn't remember. I had meant to talk to her more, but we just became so busy.

We got our food quickly and sat down on the benches with no problem. My feet felt insist relief and I sat there in ease for a minute taking in this comfort. But soon, I felt the hungry erupt in my stomach and I began digging in. I was always starving. And I blamed it all on having a human grow inside me, because when I wasn't pregnant I ate a quarter less than I was eating right now.

"How's the band?" I led off to start conversation as I inelegantly dug into my burger.

"It's good." She smiled at my words. That's right I remembered. I raised my eyebrows with some positive attitude. "Nathan wanted to spice up the songs with violin, so we're looking for a player. You know one?" she asked laughing.

"uhh I could ask around." I played along laughing. I knew I didn't know anyone, but I'd spread the word for her.

"How's Chris?" She said, her tone getting serious. I sighed at her question and set down my burger, wiping my face afterwards. It was complicated.

"He is getting there. You know nothing big has hit for him. He seems more alone since Chelsey and he was a wreck after the break in." I paused taking a deep breath, remembering all that had happened over the past months.

I could say more. How I noticed he didn't sleep or how he was more distant with not only me but Oliver too, but I didn't.

"I really hope this baby will make him happier." I said looking at my stomach then to her. She showed me a small smile and then spoke.

"It's hard to lose a sibling..." I could tell she wasn't sure what to say, so I changed the subject.

"It is... How's the girls and Noah?" I asked wanting to hear about her family. I hadn't seen them since Oliver's party and that was so long ago.

"They miss their favorite aunt." This lead me to start giggling. I loved these small words.

"I need to stop by sometime soon." I told her. "I promise I will. Tell them I miss them." We both exchanged smiles and she reached for my hand. I held it tightly, missing her these past months.

We giggled on and on with jokes and updates about our lives, and it came to an end around two hours later. Kevin, one of the set helpers, came towards us and shouted Chyler's name from a far.

"Well, work calls, you coming?" She asked getting up and throwing away her trash.

"Yeah, let me throw this out." I said. As I got up, I felt unbalanced. I saw a sight of blood on my chair.

I'm on my period? I was pregnant I thought- WAIT!

I felt myself get lightheaded and dizzier as I tried to walk towards Chyler, but I felt myself fall to the ground.

"Chlyer." I whispered just before hitting the ground. I felt my body hit the cold pavement and there was no way of protecting my body from the impact.

I see chyler turn slowly and then come running towards me. She had panic and fear in her eyes. She was speechless and I knew as I laid there barely being able to breath, I needed help.

"Chyler," I said lifting my hand slightly to point to the chair I was sitting on. When she saw the bright red blood that I had seen seconds ago, her eyes widened with terror.

"CALL 911!!" Chyler called out to people who were there. As she held my broken body in her arms.

"Do me a favor?" I whimpered to her.

"What?" she barely spoke as she continued to freak out. She didn't let me talk much because of her fear "Melissa,"

"Tell Chris I love him and-and the kids." I said smiling and barely keeping my eyes open. I felt her body quiver with my words. Her face started to flood with tears and I smiled a bit more.

"No, mel, come on stay with me." My eyes shut but she shook me slightly and my eyes flew open a little bit more alertly, "You going to be fine. You're going be just fine."

"No.... I'm not." I whispered flatly and direct. I was okay with that now. Chris had Oliver and the baby. I got to be a mother and a wife and that was enough for me.

"Mel," I coughed, cutting her off.

"I'm not going to make it." I took a deep breath finding the air to breath, "The doctor told me the risk of carrying this pregnancy to term, would end in my death, but this was our second miracle baby, how could I just kill her?" said half laughing, stil gasping for air.

Chyler was crying even more and trying to look around for some kind of help, but when she heard this she froze.

"Did you tell Chris?" Her speechless words sounded funny to me at the time, but I didn't laugh.

"He would have said no. I couldn't let that happen." I smiled, as I felt more blood rushing to leave my body, "I'll be okay."

"No, mel don't." She said gripping me tighter in her arms.

"It's for the best. My baby girl- she'll live" I gasped more for air hoping I could last to say more. "and be happy and have good life with her brother and father." I coughed loudly. Blood splattered everywhere and I couldn't help but think of the Supergirl scene from season. I could taste the red liquid in my mouth as I spoke.

"Can you do me one more favor, Chyler?" I asked her, and she stared intensely at me. With tears running down her face, she nodded repeatedly, waiting for what I had to say. "I need her name to be Malia or Allison." I said smiling. "Can you make sure you tell Chris that?"

"You're going to tell him." She sobbed.

"Chyler I need you to do this for me." I coughed again and saw more blood in the palm of my hand.

"You're going to be okay. You're going to be okay." She sobbed, trying to convince herself.

"Chyler," I said touching her arm with my bloody hand.

"I will. I will."

"You have been the best possible person I could have stumbled on. Thank you." I laughed as I felt my eye and my head grow tired. "You'll tell I love him? You'll tell him?" I asked as my eyes fluttered closed and then opened. After no response I squeeze her hand with the only energy I have left. "Please"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll tell him." She cried as people started to gather around us. My only focus was on Chlyer, but even she was becoming blurry to me.

"I'm tired now, Chyler."

"No, mel. No, mel!" I heard her voice but all I could focus on was that bright sun that was shining brighter than I have ever seen.

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