Chapter 4

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Later, as I we finished filming, I still felt sick, but it was starting to fade away. It was a rough day, but with Chris by my side I got through it. I couldn't thank him enough. Every time I was in the bathroom, he went to the director and tried to distract him until I was done. I didn't know why I was so sick, but luckily Chris had my back.

He had drove my car because he was worried that I wouldn't make it home. We had planned on leaving one car on set anyway, but the circumstance decided it was mine. I honestly didn't feel like fighting him on the matter, so I let him.

"Hey, would you mind if we had dinner with my parent's tomorrow night after work, if you are feeling better? You know so we could tell them the news." Chris said with a nervous laugh.

"Yeah! Maybe it would be a good idea to invite my parents too. You know so they are all there. Does that sound okay?" I said as I looked at Chris to see his approval. I sense there something more he wasn't tell me. "What is it?"

"Nothing. That's a great idea, Mel!" Chris said as we approached his apartment, trying to distract us from the conversation.

"Chris, what is it? Do you not like my parents? Did something happened because- "

"No, oh god no! It's just..." I clung onto every word imagining the worst, "I already told my parents and I asked your father for his permission." I felt a rush of relief and emotion run over me. I have never loved a man more than I do right now.

"Oh my.... Chris." He stood there slightly nervous.

"Sorry, Mel."

"Oh my gosh! NO! That is the most thoughtful thing!" I rush over to him, and hug him tightly never wanting to let him go.

Chris POV

"I had to do the right, you know, asking for your hand."

"Stop! You are going to make me cry." Melissa said on the edge of tears. "I thought maybe you started to hate them or something."

"How could I, when they made the most perfect human being in existence." I said meaning every word.

"How did I get so lucky?" She uttered in a whisper. I wrap my arms around her neck hold her head, because I was taller than her, and I kiss the top of her head.

"I think it's the other way around." She held me close and I felt her wet tear on the chest as her face rested on my chest.

We, finally, march inside and Melissa gets Drift's things as I grab more clothes. This had become a routine since I pretty much spent every day at Melissa's.

"Hey, Chris..." Melissa started to say as I moved into my room. She seemed very hesitate so I decided to pay close attention as I continued to get ready.

"I will move all my stuff in. Just not today, okay." I said as she moved toward me. Melissa smiled with happiness knowing that she had finally won, but I guess technically I was the one who proposed. She put her hands on my arms and kissed me passionately, that I did not want to stop. She took a step back and then started to walk out.

"I'll meet you down-" I cut her off.

"I got everything. You ready?" I asked giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and cutting in front of her. I lift the bag into the car, as Melissa walks out with Drift by her side. I help them both get in the car was ease.


That night we talk about dinner that will happen the next night. I was a little nervous, though I shouldn't be because his parents already knew and so did my father. But I sometimes wondered how his parents truly felt about me. I remained wary.

Chris seemed to realize that I was bothered and in deep thought, so he moved closer to me and made me more comfortable.

"What's wrong?" he said with worried just because I seemed to be. I shrugged and tried to laugh if off, but he wasn't buying it. "No, tell me." He said rubbing my shoulder. He was so caring.

"I'm just thinking about dinner tomorrow." I paused. How could I tell my fiancé that I was worried about how his parents liked me? But I knew I wanted to always be honest with him, so I continued, "I guess you could say I a little worried." I say hesitating at every word.

"Mel," He said with his brow lowering, "Is this about the engagement?" He asked even more worried, believing that I was having second thoughts.

"Chris!" I was shocked "No! I am not nervous about the engagement. I want to marry you more anything! I've never wanted something more." His face relaxes and a see a smile spread slowly. "I was just thinking about your parents. I could never tell if they really like me." Chris was washed over with even more relief and he started to laugh.

"Mel, they love you!" His enthusiasm calmed me. "They were so excited when I told them I had planned on proposing. That's when my mother gave me that necklace." I felt better. "Melissa, what's not love about you?! You are funny, adorable, smart, and kind, and so beautiful." As Chris started talking I felt myself relax and my face light up. He was smiling so wide and so was I. I signed with relief, maybe they did like me. I leaned in closer and he grabbed my waist as we sat there on the couch.

"I love you so much!" I say before kissing him affectionately.

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