Chapter 16

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It was the last day of filming season 2 and Chris and I were working together on what we thought was the last episode. We both had no more scenes so this would be the last time we'd be on set for a while.

The day went by too fast. The scenes went quick and before we knew it the whole cast was giving us hugs goodbye. Of course, because of my hormones I cried.

Chlyer and Chris walked me to my trailer because I was so emotional. Chris had experienced this more than Chlyer so he was laughing while she looked worried. We both assured her this was normal. Chris couldn't stop laughing knowing that'd we'd be shooting season 3 in about a year, yet I was acting like it was the last episode of the entire show. When I finally calmed down, we all had a good laugh.

"So, you're going to dinner with Chelsey?" I ask Chris as Chlyer leaves. She had enough of my emotions for one day.

"Yeah. You sure you don't want to come with us?" He said resting his hand on my cheek.

"No. I'm so tired." I sighed feeling the fatigue increase in the last couple of minutes, "Thank you though. Tell her I say hello." I smile. He nods and gives me a kiss. He lingered in the trailer, and I felt his tension, "Go, Chris." I said stepping towards him, "I'll be fine. I'm not made of glass." I joke with him. He lets out a laugh. He leans down and gives me one more kiss before exiting.

I take my time getting ready to go. My energy was drained from the day, it was hard to push myself to get out the door. I slowly pack up my makeup.

Finally, I get into the car. I text Chris back to let him know I'm on my way home. It was so cute how protective he had gotten in the past couple of months.

Traffic feels so slow and inconsistent. I sit in my car, trying to stay calm. The traffic is driving me crazy, so I decide to take side streets. I get over into the exit lane and speed up a little.

There's a light that is super bright coming from my left. I turn my head and see a car speeding toward me. I speed up in a panic, but it's getting brighter. I feel the impact of the car hit mine and I black out.

Chris POV

"So, how's work?" I ask as we are beginning eating. Chelsey beginnings talk, but my phone is buzzing off control. I ignore it trying to be respectful, but after the fourth buzz, I look down. She notices and stops talking. I lift my phone and answer the call.

"Chris!" yells what seems to be Melissa's mom. "I just got a call from New York Hospital, Melissa was in a car accident-" She keeps talking about I jump out of my seat and panic.

I look at my phone and see two miss calls from New York Hospital. How had I missed those? I felt panic and anger erupt inside me.

"Chris, what is it?" Chelsey says standing too. She walks over to me, holding my arm.

"Melissa was in an accident... I have to go." I say moving towards the door. I felt so overwhelmed. I hear Chelsey behind me, but I start running towards the door.

I bust into the hospital's emergency room. I panic walking around looking. Looking for her. Looking for anyone. I had no idea what to do or where to go. Then, suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn quickly and see a nurse.

"Can I-"

"Melissa! Melissa Benoist!" I shout to her, not allowing her to finish. I see Chelsey come up behind her. She briefly apologizes to her for me. I was freaking out. I needed to see Melissa. Was she okay? Was she even alive? The nurse slowly walks us to a room.

There she was, in a hospital bed. A tube down her throat. All kinds of machines connected to her. I feel my body go numb as I realize that the love of my life was fighting for her life. I feel my body fall back and luckily the wall catches me.

I turn to the nurse, my jaw open in complete shock. I see a man emerge into the room, and my eyes look to him for answers.

"Are you here for Melissa?" The man asks calmly.

"I'm her fiancé." I say gulping my sobs down, and keeping my patience.

"Melissa was in bad accident. She had many injures, but her heart is beating strongly. That is a good." He says trying to reassure me. "She is in a coma, now but with her heart beating this strongly we have good hopes." He says with a small smile. This was good news? I could tell that what the doctor thought, but to me it wasn't. I just saw her an hour ago. She was perfect, healthy, untouched, conscious. I racked my brain, thinking if only I made her came with me or if I stayed with her.

"What about the baby?!" I say in panic, realizing the one part he had not mentioned. The doctor looked at the nurse then at me. I felt nerves fill my stomach. I could see that it wasn't good news. It wasn't good at all.

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