Chapter 32

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I endured the day with pride. Though, I didn't leave the house, I also didn't take any of Chris's calls. Chlyer waited with me until Oliver came home, which was around seven. The paparazzi were still there, but the crowd was thinning.

Oliver came back happy to see me and seem to forget about earlier. We played with his cars and trains until it was time for bed. I helped him get ready for bed, as usual. I dreaded going to an empty bed, knowing that Chris could be with someone else at the same moment.

I tucked him in and read him a short story. I felt the whole in my heart knowing Chris wasn't mine anymore, but it became bigger knowing what he had done. Oliver finally fell asleep and I snuck out making my way to my bedroom.

I saw more texts from Chlyer making sure I was okay. Instead of responding or getting some sleep, I stared at the ceiling. I looked for any signs in my past of Chris cheating on me. I couldn't find a thing. He was the best of both of us, purest of hearts, or so I thought. He had to changed. He had to of because up until when he left, he was my Chris. The Chris I knew and would never cheat, yet alone look at another women.

The next morning, I dreaded telling Oliver that he would be asked questions and bothered by paparazzi throughout the day on set. But I put on a courageous smile and walked into his room to see him crying. I immediately, ran to him.

"Oliver? What is it?"

"I miss daddy." He sobbed into my chest as I held him. The mention of Chris made me tense slightly, but I was soon relieved by the fact that Oliver was okay, unhurt at least.

He cried for a while and there were no words that I could form to comfort him, nothing that he wanted to hear. After he calmed down, I decided he couldn't take a day at work alone with how he was feeling, so I looked at his now swollen face and wiped away his last tears.

"How about you come to work with me? And you can hang out with everyone?" He smiled a little bit more, but I could still see the sadness that shined in his eyes. His smiled look just like Chris and my heart warmed up, but suddenly went cold thinking about him.

Oliver hugged me and squeezed me, tightly, filling with joy. I felt so grateful that I had him because if I hadn't, I would be a mess right now. I texted the cast group chat quickly before dressing informing them that I needed 'extra hands on deck with Oliver today.'

We drove to set, and I let Oliver out of the car. We walked over to the trailer to see Chlyer waiting patiently for us. She was surprised to see Oliver so happy. I got him set up with his toys inside and then I went outside with Chlyer.

I could tell she still had no idea what to say, she felt horrible and so did I. We talked for a little bit, but we avoided all topic that came close to mentioning his name. We waited together until my makeup crew came, she waited to stay, but she needed to get ready as well.

The day dragged on, and luckily Chlyer was there because I didn't have any breaks throughout the day. Chlyer and Katie took Oliver to lunch while I filmed, and Jeremy took him to dinner because the director was happy with his work for the day. Others had been with Oliver for other parts of the day, basically making sure the paparazzi could not engulf him. I was glad had such a great team, because they had made Oliver feel special for a day. We stayed on set until 9. Then, I drove a sleepy Oliver home.

Once, we got there I got him inside and tucked him into bed. I gave him a soft kiss and was about to walk out, when his hand grabbed mine.


"Yeah, baby." I said turning to face him.

"Is daddy coming back?" He asked drowsily. This question pained me more than he knew. I didn't want to lie to him but telling him the truth was worse.

"Yeah, he'll be back." I said trying to sound convincing, but I was pretty sure that I wouldn't let Chris near Oliver, or myself, after what he had done. Oliver smiled and closed his eyes. He let go of my hand and held onto the teddy bear that Chris had gotten him.

I spent most of the night watching Oliver sleep from the doorway. When, I finally had enough, I called Chlyer and cried through the phone. She didn't say anything and neither did I. I just had to cry, and I wanted to feel like someone was there. She was always there for me and it comforted me knowing I had someone like that since my husband wasn't.

I had fallen asleep crying, but Chlyer didn't hang up. She stayed on the line. She stayed with me the whole night.

I woke up the next morning with Chlyer still on the phone. Although, she must had fallen asleep as well, but knowing she hadn't hung up lifted my spirits. I dropped Oliver at mothers for the day.

Then, I drove to my doctor's appointment. I had to go for a monthly check up ever since my complications with Oliver's birth.

I walked in quickly due to the paparazzi swarming the office. Who knew how the found my schedule, but they did. I checked in and apologized about a million times for the people outside. Then, they called my name.

The nurse did the usual tests, and I complied. Then there was some more waiting until the doctor, so I just sat in silence. There was no use to look at my phone, because the pictures and the articles would just put me in a mood, which I didn't want.

Then, when all tests were done, my doctor came in. She was smiling, and it seemed like an unusual smile. She was too happy to meet with me. Great she's probably heard about me and Chris, so she'll ask me about it or something. I dreaded what she was going to say, but I was still curious.

"Hi, Melissa!" She said with excitement.

"Is everything alright?" I ask notice something was definitely off. She tried to maintain her smile, and new expression was calmer.

"Yes, everything looks good." She said opening her book or notes. "Actually Melissa," She said looking up at me. Oh dear what was is it? I waited for her to tell me the news, "You're pregnant!" She said excited for me. I was in total shock as my jaw dropped.

"I'm what?" I ask confused. I tried to think back. How had I not- omg I am late. I'm really late. I was so stressed at work and with Chris gone, I hadn't even notice I was just about a month late.

"You're pregnant. Approximately 8 weeks along." She said as she continued reading her notes. "The baby looks very healthy." She said looking up at me and then down at her notes. "You want to want until next week to look?" She asks meaning seeing the baby. I was still startled from the news, that I didn't know what to say.

"So, I'm pregnant?" I ask still confused and baffled.

"Yes, you are. I will need you to schedule an appointment for next week." She said looking up from her notes. "Other than that, we are all set." She said getting up with a wide smile and extending her hand. I stand and shake her hand.

I leave the office conflicted. I feel conflicted, my emotions were high from finding out I was pregnant, but with the man who had cheated on me. Chris wasn't here. He would never be. He cheated on me and nothing could undo that.

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