Chapter 18

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The next few weeks were difficultly for me. Although it was Christmas season and it was supposed to be fun and joyful, it was not. I would get terrible pains while I slept making me wake screaming. Chris would try his best to massage it out, but it never worked. When I was awake, I couldn't get comfortable, like at all. All I could think of was that I have 2 more weeks of this, because I was due January 17th and they assumed I would be about a week early.

Chris tried to cheer me up with the Christmas season which was now coming to an end because it was my favorite holiday. I always extended Christmas for another month. Meaning I kept Christmas decorations all through the house. But nothing helped. Being stuck in a hospital bed just made me more miserable. I felt myself become more and more like the grinch. I HATED it! But the doctor said it was normal, so Chris put up with me and I tried even harder to get back to myself.

Today was New Years Eve and of course I was in bed. Bedrest was the worst part. I couldn't get up for anything, but the bathroom and Chris strictly enforced it. I knew it was for the best. The best for the baby, but I still hated it.

"Hey," Chris said walking into my room.

"Hi." I said with attitude, but quickly realized it and tried to be happier and more easy going.

"You want to come watch the fireworks?" He said with a devilish smile. He rolled a wheelchair in and I was kind of shocked. I had never left this hospital room since I was put here.


"I said do you want to come watch the fireworks?" He said laughing pushing the wheelchair farther in front.

"What's the catch?" I ask in suspicion, testing what his motives were.

"There is no catch!" He says offended moving towards me. He laughed with happiness in his voice.

"You never let me out of bed." I say still curious of what he is up to.

"You make me sound like a security guard, Mel." He says laughing. I can't help but laugh too. I started to move towards the edge of the bed, and Chris was at my side.

"I'm sorry." I give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Can't I walk?" I say disappointed.

"Mel..." He takes a deep breath, being protective, "Come on, I'll carry you if you want." He says laughing and getting ready to actually carry me.

"Now, if these were normal circumstances I would accept." I looked back down at the chair in disgust. I grab his hands, so I steadied myself into the chair. My feet feel so weak. If it wasn't for Chris I would have fallen. He had most of my weight, and now I was glad he refused my request to walk. We were a good team.

We slowly made our up the elevator and to the street. We walked a few blocks and I engulfed the beautiful outside that I had so missed. We reached a restaurant door and the air fill my lungs with anticipation.

"Wait, Chris." I said anxiety killing me as I prepare to see somewhere that wasn't the hospital. I took one last look at the busy streets. I missed them.

"But we're almost there." He says with excitement. I looked up at him curious of what he could be excited about.

"Chris I just-" I say but quickly stop and he picks me up bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck, feeling really vulnerable. He carries me out the door. I go look forward and suddenly I see so many people.

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone yells at once. I feel my jaw open in shock.

"Happy Baby Shower!" Chlyer says coming up to us. She had a more comfortable wheelchair in her grips, and I felt Chris lower me into it. I look around at the crowd. All my family is here, Chris's family, my friends, my coworkers. It was late so there were lights everywhere shining, the place was completely empty, only us and the servers. Balloons and food were scattered. It looked so perfect. I can't help but smile and laugh with joy.

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