Chapter 14

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The dinner was filled with excitement and enjoyment. Chris and I would go back and forth explaining the whole situation; from the miscarriage to being pregnant. You could see each face change in expressions as we continued. They held on to every word. While, I did get to add in every once in a while, I let Chris do the most talking.

We end dinner early since Chris had his first scenes on Vampire Diaries tomorrow and he wanted to get some sleep tonight. I pretty sure he was just really nervous and overwhelming with everything, so sleep would be a good time for him to calm down. They all congratulated us again before leaving. Before they had left, Chris and I made plans with his sister to do something before she left on another work trip in the next couple of weeks. Then, Chris and I got into bed and I fell right asleep. I felt Chris wrap his arms around me and give me a kiss before falling asleep himself.

I woke up with excitement because I knew that I could finally tell my friends about the exciting news of my pregnancy. I dressed quickly and tried to not wake Chris since he didn't have to wake up for another half hour, but I failed. I closed my drawer to loud and I saw his body move.

"I'm sorry." I said with a small, soft laugh. I came close to the bed to give him a kiss.

"Come here." He said laughing as he grabs me, pulling me into bed with him.

"No, Chris, I have to go." I said through laughs as he gave my many kisses on my neck. He wasn't listening to me, instead he moved my hair out of my face.

"God, you're so beautiful." He said his eyes looking at my whole body with awe. "How did I get so lucky?" He said in amazement as we made eye contact. I felt myself blush and I leaned in and gave him a kiss that felt like it could have lasted for years. I then finally got up for air and he smiled letting me go. I laid on my back as he turned over, allowing me to continue to get ready. I could see him watching me carefully in everything I did. I finished what I was doing and walked out the door. I quickly turn in the doorway to take one last look at him. His smile grows as he sees my face.

"I love you." I say blowing him a kiss goodbye.

I walked into set with the biggest smile. Chlyer was the first I saw, and she looked at me with confusion.

"Chlyer, I'm pregnant! The doctors misdiagnosed my condition. I didn't have a miscarriage." I say grabbing her hands. I didn't waste a second.

"Oh my god! You're pregnant!" she said grabbing me and pulling me into a hug. Suddenly, I hear someone approach. As we hug and jump up and down someone comes up behind us.

"Did I just hear that you're pregnant, Melissa?" Says Katie as Chlyer and I face her. I smile really big and let out a laugh, nodding repeatedly.

"Yes!" I say. Katie and Alex then yell really loud and tackle me with another hug. It was so relieving that I could finally tell them. They were so happy for me.

They were super excited for me that we rearranged girl's night for a spa night that consisted of talking about the baby and Chris. They were so supportive, especially Chlyer since we saw each other as sisters. After the long night, we walked to our cars. Chlyer pulled me aside and let Katie go ahead.

"I'm so happy for you, Melissa. You know if you ever need anything." She narrowed her eyes on me and got more serious, "I mean anything. You call me. I'll be right there." I pull her into a hug.

"I actually never got a chance to thank you. If it wasn't for you forcing me to go to the doctor, then I wouldn't have found any of this news out." I say as we start walking again.

"I was just looking out for you." She said with a smile.

"You always know what to do."

"That's what sisters do." She says leading us both to start giggling. I hug her once more time before getting in our car and driving home.

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