Chapter 24

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The few days were dress shopping with my mom and two sisters while the boys stayed at the house. We spent long hours at wedding dress shops with no luck. I wanted to find the best one, but I was getting tired and annoyed fast. I finally called it a day for today since I was so tired and I didn't want it to affect my choice.

I returned home to the two asleep on the couch. I carefully picked up Ollie to put him in his crib, since it was just about time for his nap, and I heard Chris wake up. He walked behind me with his hand resting on my back. When we exited Ollie's room, Chris walked back downstairs with me.

Chris POV

"No luck?" I asked already knowing the answer. She shook her head in defeat. I moved to the floor and started straightening up. Mel helped me by cleaning up Oliver's toys.

"You have any good news?" She ask me since The Vampire Diaries part was over, and I was starting to audition for new parts.

"Actually, I have an audition for a commercial. Some kind of body wash," I tried to hide my disgust. I didn't want to say I was better than commercials, but I wanted a movie or a show. Commercials just felt awkward and so short. "but it's a start." I said flashing a fake smile.

Melissa had started working on Supergirl a few months ago, so I knew she was in a happier place than me. I supported her with everything in me, but I felt like I was falling short all of a sudden. It killed me being unemployed, waiting for a new project. I knew Melissa was 'secretly' (or so she thought she was) looking for work for me, but I wished she wouldn't. She had so much going for her, and I knew with time I'd figure it out as well.

"That's good. When is it?" She asked pulling me out of my thought.

"Next Wednesday." I stopped and realized what else was going on that week, "The day before our rehearsal dinner." I said as I expressed a real smile and I leaned in to kiss her. I stopped as she faced formed a frown. "What?" I asked noticing her change in attitude.

"Our wedding is in two weeks." She got even more upset and I held her hand tighter in mine, "and I hadn't even found a dress." She finally said. I thought she was about to lose it and have a meltdown. She didn't need to, she looked beautiful in everything she wore.

"Hey, hey" I said holding her fallen face in my hands. I lifted it so she was looking at me. "You're going shopping tomorrow, right?" She nodded her head slightly, "I have a feeling." I smiled and I saw her spirits slightly raise, "You'll find it." I said smiling.

"What if I don't." She said with a cute pout appearing across her face.

"You will." I assured her, "Stay Positive, Mel." I said kissing her gently on the forehead.

"Ughhhh" She groaned as I continued to pick up the scattered toys.

"And if you don't," I said looking down at what I was doing, "you look good in anything." I said smiling and looking at her. She pushed me and I lost my balance. I was laying on my back laughing as she leaned me. She sat down on the carpet and I leaned up so I could see her. Her grumpy, moody expression was shown on her face. "Come on, you know I'm right." I said laughing, but it only made her ore uneasy.

"Chris." She said pleading mt to be serious, "It's our wedding. I need a dress." I tried relaxing her with jokes, and obviously it didn't help so I took a different approach. She stood and walked over to the counter. I stood shortly after and saw her going through the mail. I walked up behind her.

"And like I said you'll find one." I said putting my head on her shoulder and wrapping my arms around her waist. I felt her tense body in my arms 'Mel, relax and take a breathe." She turned around and I released her so that her body was facing me. Once she looked up at me, I again wrapped my arms around her waist and she rested her body in my arms. I felt her head move slightly so it rested on my shoulder. "It will all work out." I whispered to her, before kissing the hair behind her ear.

"You think so?" She whispered to me, uneasy. She lifted her head so that I could see her face again. She was on the verge of tears.

"I know so." I said calmly before I leaned in to kiss her. My lips on hers made her tension disappear.

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