Chapter 43

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Before we knew it, kids were arriving with parents and gifts and even more desserts. Chris and I took turns answering the door, since it seemed that the door was filled with more people every minute that pasted.

I, finally after getting all the kids in, I start to recognize familiar faces. My mom, dad, sisters, Chris's parents, Chlyer, and Jeremy were here, in different places throughout the first floor. We had sent Chelsey to pick up the cake on her way over, so she wasn't here yet. When some more children busted into our small home, Oliver went running to greet them.

While he did that I looked all over for Chris and saw him by a group of kids. He was so cute as he entertained them. The entertainer was late, so Chris stepped up in his place until he arrived.

He was such a good dad. He made them all laugh, even Oliver who knew all his jokes. He would pull magic coins out of their ears and then flowers out of his sleeve. I honestly didn't know Chris was so good with his magic skills. I caught myself staring and laughing like all of the kids. Then, I snapped out of it, catching Oliver before he headed back over to another group of friends.

"Oliver, we are going to do presents soon." I told him and he gave a big smile.

"OKAY!" he said turning again.

"No, Oliver, hold on." He stopped as I grabbed his arm. He turned to face me again. "You need to show some appreciation. Remember thank yous after every present?" I said sternly to him.

"I remember, mom. I will. Pinky promise." He said sticking out his pinky. It was the new kid's way of promising. I liked that most of the time when we made this promise, he stuck to it, so I wasn't going to stop him, now.

I smiled at him and wrapped my pinky around his. His smile appeared once more and gave me a kiss on the check before running after his friends, who were playing with the decorations. Chris stood up as I leaned against the nearest wall and looked at everyone. I was in awe of this whole scenario as I crossed my arm and examined our masterpiece.

He came next to me and leaned against the wall just inches from me. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I unfolded my arms and held his hand at my side.

Then I heard his ringtone go off. I was the only one to turn and look at his phone where the sound was coming from. It took Chris a few seconds to react and pull it out of his pocket. He turned the phone to me, and I saw that the call from coming from Chelsey. I smiled reassuring him and he answered it. His eyes remained on me as he held the phone up to his ear.

Suddenly, I saw panic flash in his eyes. His eyes poured into mine pure fear and I stood in front of him confused and fearful, waiting for him to speak. He wasn't saying anything to me nor Chelsey. I tried to listen to the call, but I heard nothing. Finally, he hung with tears threatening to fall.

There were multiple people calling both mine and Chris's name. Oliver stood on the side of me trying to get my attention, but I could tell something was wrong and I waited for Chris to finally spit it out.

"Chelsey was in a car accident." He said with wide eyes. Tears ran down his face as he tried to communicate with me. "They said she won't last the night."

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