Chapter 5

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The time had come, and we were heading to dinner. In the car, I was nervous and I felt my body have a quick chill. I tried not to call attention to it and I did a little shrug. Unfortunately, Chris had seen and grabbed my hands which were together in my lap. I looked up to his face and he was already looking at me. He gripped my one hand smoothing it in his. Then he smiled at me as we stopped at a red light. That smile had made all my feelings of fear and worry go away, because I knew if anything would go sideways I would have him next to me.

Walking into the restaurant seemed like it happened too quick. Then as we pasted the waiter, I saw them. My parents, his parents together talking. I took a quick gulp and squeezed Chris's hand. He squeezed back and ran his thumb over the top, as if saying 'I've got you, and lead the way.

"Melissa!" My mom yelled walking toward me. Chris let go of my hand and I embraced my mom. "Let me see!" she said letting go of me. I was confused on the fact that she knew, but she picked up my hand and looked at my engagement ring. Chris's parents and my dad soon joined behind her.

"What? How did you know?" I ask her confused. My mother and father laughed.

"He didn't tell you?" My dad said talking about Chris, we all looked over to him.

"Tell me what?" I said looking up at Chris who was slightly embarrassed and blushing.

"Chris called us a month or so back. He wanted to meet for coffee and your father had agreed. He asked your father if he had his permission to have your hand in marriage." My mom said, and I felt my heart melt, I had forgotten. Chris was such a gentleman, and it made my family fall even more in love with him. "You've got a good one. I've got a good son in law!" She said going to hug Chris. I looked back at my dad and hugged him.

"He is a keeper sweetheart." He whispered into my ear. When he let go, I smiled and whispered back.

"I know." The next thing I knew Chris's parents were out of their seats too.

"And we've got a good daughter-in-law!" Chris's mom and dad said in unison. I was shocked by their reaction. His mom extends her arms for a hug and I can't help but feel overwhelmed with happiness. Chris was right. They did like me.

Chris POV

"So, Chris, how'd you do it?" This was the overwhelming question that kept popping up, but somehow had gotten interrupted. I looked over at Melissa who was in an enjoyable conversation with her mother, but when she heard the question she turned to look at me once more.

Her eyes seemed to glisten in the lights in the restaurant. God, I couldn't believe that the most beautiful woman on the planet was going to marry me. I loved her so much. She ended up turning her body to me and grabbed my hand. It snapped me back in reality, I hadn't realizing that I had gotten caught up thinking about her, until I saw everyone staring at me, waiting.

"I made sure it was a night I got off early so that I could get everything ready without her spoiling it." I looked over at Mel who was paying close attention. "I grabbed the white roses, the cookies from Eddy's bakery, and a few candles." I heard Melissa's mom speak up softly.

"You have always loved white roses."

"I made sure Farley stayed in the room because I knew if she wouldn't look for me, she'd look for her."

"Yeah and you had me worried." Melissa said punching me softly. Everyone laughed. "I ended up opening my bedroom door.." She continued the story perfectly; it was so enchanting listening to her. I looked at her dreamily still feeling the realization that I was the luckiest man.

"She's a good one." My dad said whispering to me. Everyone else was caught up in the story but I heard him.

"I know. I'm a lucky man." I said back to him. He patted my shoulder in agreement. I looked back to Mel who had obviously heard us. I say the look in her, the want to say more, but didn't knowing she had to finish the story, so she turned continued.


The night went so fast and before we knew it, it was almost eleven. It was such an enjoyable night that I didn't want to ever leave, but I had work tomorrow and so did Chris. We say our goodbyes and once more giving everyone hugs. They were all so happy which made me even more happy, which I hadn't known was possible. We got in the car and I felt exhausted rush over me.

Suddenly, I feel a hand slightly shaking me. I slowly open my eyes and I see Chris. He's smiling at me.

"Good morning, sunshine." He jokes with me helping me out of the car. We make our way upstairs and Chris lets the dogs out as I get ready for bed. I felt so tired that I didn't have the energy to do much else.

He walks into my room as I finish brushing my hair.

"You're quite a softy." I goof with Chris. I laugh and so does he. As if I had done something sudden, I feel a pain in my stomach, and I shrug it off. It's grows worse in the slight seconds that I try to let it pass. I turn around to see Chris. He his hand on my face and I let him hold me. Then another painful stabbing feeling comes.

"Oh god!" I say unable to stay calm. I lean forward hoping it'll go away. I get up hoping that maybe standing will help. I see Chris out of the corner of my eye, but the pain consumes me. The pain grows worse than imaginable in a matter on a second and I can't help but fall to the ground. I can't think straight, I can't talk, just scream. All I can think is it hurts, this pain it hurts. It hurts like hell.

Chris POV

"AHHHH!!!" I am already on my feet racing to her side of the bed. Wrap my arms under her.

"Melissa! Melissa! What is it?! Melissa!" I pick her up and start to move down the stairs. The dogs surround us knowing something was wrong. I can't call the ambulance; I have to drive her.

"Chris! It hurts! God! It hurts so bad!" I continue to talk to her but she continues to scream in pain. I get in the car and try to calm her down, but soon her screams disappear. I'm scared to death as we drive up to the hospital. I get her out of the car, and she unconscious. I cling to her calling for help, and suddenly we are separated. She's gone and I don't even know if I'll see her again.

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