Chapter 50

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Observed POV

Once Chyler got into the ambulance with the medics and she was in complete shock, her best friend/ her sister was dying and she could do nothing but watch.

"Is there anything you can tell us?" The medic asked as he started working on Melissa. Chyler's mind was spinning and she couldn't speak.

"Please, information could save her." The other medic pleaded and these words snapped her back into reality.

"She's pregnant! 8 months!" She yelled to them as they tried to revive her. "She said that the pregnancy was complicated and risky." She watches in horror as the medics keep working. "I don't know anything else." She said starting to cry again. " I'm sorry." She whimpered, defeated.

"That information helps. A lot." Chyler smiles back at the medic and then pulls out her phone. She quickly dials Chris's number and puts it her mouth.

"Hey, Chlyer! what's up?" Chris said casually with slight excitement, but also slightly curious why she was called him. Chlyer dreaded the words she was about to speak.

"It's Melissa. Ahh... something happened." Chyler said trying to stay calm as more tears streamed down her face.

"WHAT?! What-what happened?" He was freaking out. The fear in his voice was sensed by Chlyer, and she wished she could tell him good news, but there was none.

"Chris, you have to listen to me." She said trying to calm herself as well as him.

"Melissa said there were risks in the pregnancy."

"risks?" He asked confused gasping through the phone.

"She knew that there was a great possible that she could die carrying and delivering the baby."

"What" His voice broke with uttermost sadness and despair.

"I am with her in an ambulance on our way to Lenox Hill Hospital." Her throat dries up as silent tears fell.

"I'm coming!" he said hanging up the phone instantly. Chyler was going to tell him more, but he cut her off. She looked over to Melissa who was awake, but still did not look good.

"Mel!" She said sliding down and getting close to Melissa's head so Melissa could see that she was there. Melissa was looking at Chlyer, but it looked like she was in daze and had no idea what was happening. To Melissa the voices were muffled, and she couldn't make out any words, but she continued looking around.

"Melissa, Chris is on his way, okay?" She kept talking to her, "He's coming and you're going to be okay." Chyler kept looking around at the medics who sat back looking just as defeated as she felt. More tears were going down her face. "You want me to tell you a story?" Although Melissa couldn't hear she kept slightly nodding at Chyler to know she was there.

"After, this you going to have a baby girl and together you and Chris will have the huge house...." She kept going into detail, but Melissa couldn't keep her eyes open.

"We're here!" The driver yelled back to us. Chyler was about to get ready to exit the ambulance when she heard the haunting machine's long beep. Her face turned to the screen to see a flat line.

"We're losing her!" The one medic said and the other started compressions. "We need to get her into the operating room. NOW!" He said as the monitor continued to read no heartbeat. Chlyer's heart dropped with this image.

The car doors opened quickly and they jumped out. Chris was running up to the ambulance as the medics ran past him and into the hospital.

He stopped mid-way in his step. Chyler ran to him as she watched Melissa going down the hallway of the ER. She hugged him as fear consumed them both. It didn't help him nor her.

Chris felt numb and seeing the love of his life like this made his heart feel broken.

"What's....." He couldn't get out the words. Chyler stepped back and looked up at Chris who was still following Melissa with his eyes into the back of the hallway.

"She-she stopped breathing." Chris immediately looked at Chyler with tears filling his eyes along with pain of the words.

He couldn't handle this, but there was nothing he could do. He kept looking at the hallway imagining Melissa coming out skipping towards them as if this was all a dream. But he knew it wasn't. Melissa was dying. And he couldn't save her. Not this time.




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