Chapter 13

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I had to wait to tell my parents and sisters for two weeks about the pregnancy. Chris thought it would be a good surprise to tell them all at once and I agreed, but that meant keeping it between us and waiting.

I couldn't tell Chlyer or Katie, no one because what if it slipped out then it wouldn't be the surprise that both Chris and I wanted so bad. He was ecstatic. Although, I was having a harder time with it since we had to wait these two weeks for his sister to come town for work. We needed them all here his our parents and sisters. We knew it could be a shock and confusing so all at once was the best way.

Although I didn't like the plan, Chris convinced me that it would be a good idea, and I couldn't say no to him. We told each of our families separately that we were having dinner at our place, but it was supposed to be casual. Chris made it seem like only his family was invited and I did the same with mine. We wanted to surprise them both at once. The expectation of this dinner made me so anxious.

Today was the day. I got out early from work and so did Chris. I drove up to see Chris's car parked in the driveway already. I took my time grabbing all my stuff out of the car and making my way up to the door.

I entered the doorway and I saw Chris already cooking. I laughed and he turned with a smile, but quickly got focused again.

"Chris, you know we have three hours until they get here." I say putting my stuff down and petting Drift and Farley.

"I want everything to prefect. How was work?" He asks me not turning to talk to me, but focusing on the food instead. I laughed at his concentration.

"It was good, but I'm going to be so happy to tell Chlyer and Katie tomorrow night." I say with relief, placing my bag on the table.

"What's tomorrow?"

"Oh! I forgot to tell you!" I smiled as I echoed the words, "Girl's night." Chris turned quickly and gave me a serious look.

"Mel, you can't drink." He says with concerned and a serious facial expression. I laugh and move closer to him.

"I know." He didn't turn back around to look at the food. He studied my face to see if I was being serious, which I was. I gave me a goofy mocking look. I laughed while he stayed serious. "What can I do?" I say after he turns his head to face the food once again.

"No! You two beautiful things just sit and watch me cook." He said dropping his spatula and motioning me to a chair. I laugh, thinking he was kidding

"You're kidding." I say after calming myself down. His plain smile convinced me otherwise. He stepped towards me. He planted a quick kiss on my cheek and then returned to the food. After I go over the shock, I grabbed my book that was on the table.


It was 10 minutes until our families arrived. I was sitting on the couch casually and Chris was waiting at the door.

"Hey, you can relax. It's not like they will pass you on the way in." I joke laughing and he steps away. He turns in my direction and comes toward me.

"You're right. I'm just so excited." He said grabbing my hand. He stands infront of me and sways my arms back and forth. There was distant noise from outside that cause Chris to drop my arms. He ran back to the door leaving me laughing again. I slowly get up too and make my way towards him

There's barely a knock before Chris opens the door.

Chris POV

"Chris!" Chelsey said running into my arms. It had only been a few months but it felt so much longer. I smile at my dad walks in. I step back watching my mom hug Melissa and then look over to me. As I reach my arms around my mom, I see my sister hug. I felt my impatience creep inside me. I smiled at everyone, and then finally Melissa who was so perfect.

"How are you guys?" Chelsey says looking at the both of us.

"We're pregnant!" I blurt out. Melissa shots me a look. I look at her annoyance fade into a smile and a small laugh. Then, I look at my family who ecstatically stand in shock.

"OMG! Melissa, congratulations!" Chelsey says running over to Melissa for a hug. Then Chelsey basically pushed her out of the way to hug me too. I saw that my mom was on the verge of tears. I laughed as we got seated on the couch.

They asked many questions in the short 5 minutes, but Melissa answered all of them, since she knew most of the specifics. I heard Melissa get more and more euthanistic. I caught her eye from across the room once in the middle of an explanation. Although we spoke no words to each other, I felt her communicating with me. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I was in a quick panic. I bolted up and looked behind me before answering to see Melissa feet behind me.

"Okay, Melissa's family doesn't know yet, so don't say anything until Melissa breaks the news." I say to everyone behind me.

"So, you're going let me say it this time?" Melissa says with a laugh. I kissed her quickly. I wrapped my hand around the door as she grabbed my other hand.

We open the door and I saw her whole family bust through. They walked in immediately making themselves at home. They immediately saw Chris's family and got confused.


Chris looked at me as I looked at him and I shrugged. I didn't bother explaining anything until I broke the most exciting news.

"I'm pregnant!" I say with a big grin forming on my face.

I see each face of my family light up with joy. Jessica and Kristie both run to me. Their hug engulfs me. I let go of Chris's hand and hug them both at the same time. I step back and look at my mom whom had started crying.

"Mom," I said moving towards her to hug her.

"My first grandchild." She said through sobs.

"Oh mom." I said giving her a squeeze. I back off and my two sisters hug. I feel Chris behind me. He grabs my hand. I look back and smile widely at him. He puts his mouth to my ear.

"And it won't be her last." He says with a soft laugh. Before he moves his mouth, he kisses me softly on my head. I turn my head to face my family and I can't help but laugh. They starting all at once, asking many questions all at once.

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