Chapter 44

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"Chris! Chris!" I said running through the hospital with Oliver on my hip and my two parents behind me. I could see him a few feet from where I was, crying. His head was buried in his hands and his back was slouched over.

I put Oliver on the ground with my parents. "oh, no. no. no. no" I say rushing over to him as my parents followed. I knelt in front of him and held her hands and head in mine. "What is it? What happened?' I said trying to get him to lift his face.

"She's gone." He said blankly clearly too emotional to show his feelings. I sink back onto the heels of my feet.

"That can't be right." I felt tears form in my eyes as well. I feel my body go numb. Chelsey had become a true sister to me.

"We didn't make it in time. She died on site." His voice quivered as he held his sob deep in his throat.

"But-but you didn't get to tell her.... I didn't get to tell her...." I said feeling a loss for words. I stand in frustration. I turn my head and look down the hall she had to located in. "No! No!"

I can't accept it. I just can't.

"Mel," He said trying to catch up to me as I start running down the hall. "MEL!" He said finally stopping me. He turned my body, without restriction, so that I was facing him. I felt my body hit the wall. I refused to meet his eyes as I sobbed and continued to shake my head, in disbelief.

"I didn't get to tell her-I didn't get to tell her...."I feel tears flooding down my face.

"Mel, she knew. She knew." My face shoots up and I see his eyes.

I wanted our child's middle name to be Chelsey. She was the first person I told I was pregnant. She was the one who helped me when I needed a food for my cravings or just needed a girl to talk to. She was over with us for dinner every week since she got transferred to the New York office and we couldn't be happier. I had bonded with her so much in this past year. She was my only sister that lived in New York, the only one who I could call when I was bored, sad, upset, or annoyed. She was like my other half. My closest of friends and I lost her. Chris lost her.

"I'm sorry." I said pulling myself together as I wiped my tears away. "You uhh..."

"We both loved her." He said just before pulling me into a hug. We both needed each other to lean on, so we were each other's rocks. We had always been, but this time was different.

I stepped back slightly so that there were a few inches between us. Chris wrapped his arm around me, and we walked back to where our family was. He kissed my temple and his strong hands rubbed my back.

Oliver with my parents sitting down looking at the ground. He looked up at us with happiness when we entered the waiting room, but it soon faded seeing how upset we were.

My parents got up when we came closer, so we could talk to Oliver alone. I sat next to Oliver while Chris crouched on the ground in front of him.

"Oliver, we have something-"

"It's auntie Chelsey, isn't it?" He whispered obviously reading right through us. I brushed his hair as Chris got a little emotional. The tears built up in his eyes and he battled to keep them from falling. "that's why she was late to my party."

"Yeah. Oliver, she was in an accident."

"Then, how come the doctors aren't helping her? They are just standing there!" He said getting upset. He pointed and looked at the nurses who were standing by the front desk.

"They did-"

"Then why haven't we seen her?" Oliver was so curious and confused and Chris tried hard to stay calm, so he won't upset him, but he started to cry.

"Ollie, they did everything they could, but they couldn't fix her." I said, and he turned his head toward me. His sad eyes pained me.

"Why not? They are doctors aren't they supposed to fix everyone?" He said angry and I saw tears forming in his eyes.

"Yeah, but auntie Chelsey was too hurt for them to help. There was nothing they could do."

"so, she's gone?" Oliver said as tears rolled down his eyes. He sniffed quietly waiting for my response, but my lips trembled.

"Yeah, she's gone." Chris said answering his question. He grabbed both me and Oliver's hand. I pull Oliver into my arm and we all sat there as he cried. I looked at Chris and Oliver, who continued to cry knowing tonight would be a long night for all of us. After kissing Oliver's head for the thousandth time I looked up into Chris's beautiful eyes and I say him move his lips.

"I love you." He whispered loud enough for me to hear. He smiled his sweet and precious smile. How could he be thinking of me when he just lost his sister, but it was true I was thinking of him right now too. I was thinking of how great of a father he was and how he had handled this situation with great strength. I wanted to hold them both at once, but I couldn't I needed to hold our little boy, so I did the only thing I could to show Chris how much I loved him and needed him. I squeezed his hand and showed him a soft smile.

"I love you too." I whispered back

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