Chapter 29

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Soon 6 weeks went by and all I was able to get was texts from Chris, rarely any calls. He got done filming too late, and I usually couldn't keep myself awake to hear his voice, and due to him being the main character he hasn't even been able to make a short call to even talk to Oliver. I knew the industry and it was how it was, it wasn't Chris's fault, but it did hurt, both of us.

Ollie cried every night after I put him to bed. I would cradle him until he got too tired to stay awake crying. It was worse knowing that once Oliver was asleep and had stopped crying, that I would start in my own room.

The start of week 7 was the worse.

I woke up to tons of notifications on my phone. I wanted to read them quickly before I got Ollie ready for school, luckily, I didn't have work today, so we had more time to spare. I looked and stared at the notifications. My phone was blowing up. My name and Chris's were on every article. I ignored it, quickly turning my attention to something important, knowing the media was ridiculous. Then I saw Chlyer's texts:

Hey we need to talk.

Is it true?

The next one:

Hey have you talked to Chris? Did you see the news?

The following one:

Mel, you can't believe them. These news reporters are always wrong. He loves you.

I was about to stop reading her texts and read the articles when another message cam:

Mel, you gotta talk to me. I'm here for you, okay? Please just talk to Chris first.

I was confused, so I checked the previous notifications that I had ignored. I opened one of those articles. It read: 'Chris wood is having an affair?' The next: 'Chris cheats on wife Melissa Benoist.' An the next: 'Chris cheats with Christina Moses.'

I was confused, but my emotions started to get overwhelmed. I grew upset and utterly devastated. Then, there was a knock on my door and then the doorbell rang, quickly after. I got up quickly and went downstairs to open it.

It was Chlyer. Her eyes told it all. She thought he had cheated. She believed it was true and she felt bad, she was feeling sympathy for me. She ran in seconds after looking at me and gave me a hug. She squeezed me tight. I was still in shock, slowly realizing if she believed it then it had to be true.

My husband, Chris had cheated on me.

"Did you call him?" She asked me, letting go of me and looking at me once more. I shook my head and she led me to the couch. She went upstairs quickly and to check on Ollie. I sat there, confused in everything I ever believed. Then, she returned and sat next to me grabbing my hand.

"He can't go to school today. They will eat him alive." She said concerned. I gave her a confused look and she pointed to the window. "They are all over the door downstairs." I looked and saw the paparazzi was jammed against my apartment's door looking up and then to the door, again. They were looking for us, Ollie and I.

"I don't understand." I said to her still confused about the whole situation.

"Mel, they have pictures of Chris kissing his coworker. They say it was after hours." Chlyer said.

"He's almost done with the series." I utter the few words he has spoke to me over this long period of time apart.

"They said it has been going on for a month or so. They just now have released the photos." I start to get angry and aggravated. My other hand rolls into a fist.

"Let me see them." I angrily say.

"I don't think it's a good idea. I think you should-" Her voice quivered.

"Show me the pictures, Chlyer!" I demanded. Shooting her a death glare. She opened her phone and stared at for a second before turning it, so that I could see what she was seeing.

It was Chris. He was kissing a woman that I hadn't seen before. It was him. It was Chris, the reporters and Chlyer were right. Chlyer was right. It didn't look like a set. It looked like a bedroom. The thing was Chris had sent me a picture of all the sets he had went to, so I felt that I was with him. And this one was not one of them. I shivered as my anger dwindled into disappointment

"Chris cheated on me." I whisper and when I did, it felt like a knife had just stabbed me right through the heart. I felt my body go numb. I fall into Chlyer's lap, speechless.

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