Chapter 26

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We walk in together arm and arm. I can feel my dad's loving touch on me, but all I can do is look for Chris. I stare straight forward at the alter.

There he is. He has the biggest smile on and is looking back at me. We make complete eye contact all the way until I meet him. I couldn't help but gush with happiness. His loving eyes Then we are there, and my dad gives me a kiss on the cheek. I look away from Chris briefly so that I am looking at my dad.

"Thanks, dad." I said as he starts to walk away. He simply nods with a soft smile. Then, I turn back to Chris who is look only at me.

"You look absolutely amazing." He said whispering. A laugh escapes my lips and he chuckles lightly. We turn to the priest. He goes through the service. Suddenly it was time, he turns to Chris and asks for his vows.

"Melissa Marie Benoist, soon to be Wood." He added giving everyone including myself a laugh. Chris was always so good with words. "You are the light of my life. The first moment I met you, it just felt so right. Everything I did with you felt more then right. It was like it was fate, meeting you. You are the kindest, most considerate woman I have ever met. You are the greatest person in the universe." Causing me to laugh more and slightly shed a tear. "Melissa, you are my home. I will never leave your side because I need you. You help me be a better version of myself. I could live without, but it would be unbearable, and I would hate it, because you are the love of life and you will always be. I love you with everything I have. I will always protect you although you probably won't need me." He says laughing and everyone joins in. There was tears in his eyes that dared not to come down, but my tears did not do that same. "For all the days of my life, I will never leave you. You are my best friend and I never want to lose you. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. Thank you for loving me because I love you with everything in me." He says smiling at me. His tears were still staying back, but at this point I was basically a mess. The priest ushered for me to start.

"Christopher Charles Woods, you are the greatest thing to ever happen to me. When I first met you, I was a mess." I meant this. I was going through a divorce and it was a true mess, emotionally, physically, and mentally, "I was wearing sweats and had just finished crying about something when you walked up to me." I remembered every second of the day I met him, "You gave me the biggest smile ignoring everything that was going on and how I looked." There was an eruption of laughter, "You talked to me as if I wasn't broken. You made me feel normal when I knew I wasn't. You knew somehow that I was strong and could get over it. You gave me the strength to be my best self and you have continued to do that since that day." I took a deep breath, "That was the moment I fell in love with you. Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. Chris, I can't live without you. You're my best friend and I will always be by your side, cheering you on, cheering you up, doing anything you need. I will never leave you, because there is a part of me that lives in you. I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts." Everyone laughed, but I focused on the laughter that was between Chris and I, "When I look at you, I feel it." A tear escaped from his eyes, "And when I look at you, I'm home. I love you. Thank you for running into me when I was a complete mess and putting me back together. I will love you until the end of time. I love you more." I said ending and Chris's tears were now dropping.

"Not possible." He whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear. He continued smiling causing the crowd to 'aweeee.' We turned to the crowd and started laughing. We placed the rings on each other's hands, quickly. After Chris put his family ring on my hand, he kissed it lovingly, and it caused a laugh to escape from my lips. The priest ignored my laughter and faced us both and congratulated us.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest to Chris with a humble smile.

"Finally." He said making me laugh again but he cut off my laughter. He placed his gentle hands and pressed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and we stood there together as one for a moment. The crowd stood up and started clapping. I dropped my arms and Chris rested his hands at his side. When I pulled away I looked at Chris with biggest smile.

"I love you." I told him once more

"I love you so much." Chris told me as he brushed his hand against my cheek.

Kristie came up behind me with Ollie and I took him from her arms. We walked down the aisle as a family. We waved to everyone, enjoying the short moment, and then got in the car on our way to our honeymoon.

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