Chapter 3

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Chris and I decide to drive separately so that Chris can leave his car on set. The car ride seemed so long, even though it was not to far from my apartment. It was probably because I was so excited to tell Chlyer and Jeremy and everyone that we were engaged! I have a feeling Chlyer knew, but she would never tell me either way. She had become one of my best friends since we started filming episode one. When I finally arrived, I saw Chlyer waiting and that gave my hunch an answer. She had known, whether she was in on it or not, I'd probably never know. She came racing towards me as I got out of the car, but then casually tried to slow down and keep in her excitement.

"Hey Chlyer!" I said hiding my ring as I pretended to look for something in my purse. Chlyer was trying so patiently to wait for my hand to be revealed, but she couldn't.

"Okay, let me see it!" she said staring at my hand at the hand in my purse. I looked back to see Chris getting out of his car not too far away. His smile made my heart melt, realizing I would see that every morning.

"I knew it!" I said with a laugh. I looked over at Chris who was beside me now, an even bigger smile slipping onto his face. I took my hand out of my bag and stopped my pretending.

"Oh My! It's even bigger than I thought it would be!" She said with excitement as she held my hand up to her face so she could get a better look at it. I laughed and so did she. She let go of my hand and looked up. "Okay, yeah I knew about what Chris was doing." She said rapping her arm around me as we continued to walk. "So, did he surprise you?" She asked with so much curiosity.

"Yeah, it was...." She was hanging on every word, "The most amazing thing I have ever experienced." Chlyer gave the biggest smile and squeezed me tighter. I looked back at Chris who was following close behind, flashing him a prized smile only to get one in return.

"I am so glad that he makes you so happy." Chlyer whispered in my ear.

"You have no idea." We giggled together and when Chlyer looked back to see him, she turned back to me with an unpleasant face.

"Where is he by the way?" I stop and look back, because I had just seen him.

"I don't know. He must've..." I start to form sentence, but I don't know where he could have snuck off to, so I mumble nothing more.

"But don't get mad," I stopped looking around and shot a curious, mad look at Chlyer. "but I got really excited and told the whole cast." I sigh outload and let a laugh out. We enter my trailer and sit down before I say anything. As I'm about to speak, I started to laugh even more seeing the fear and excitement on her face.

"It's alright. As long as am the one to tell my parents...." I give Chlyer a very suspicious look,

"Hey, I only told our friends." She says with her hands up in defense.

"Then we are all good." I smile and laugh. The door opens and I look assuming it is Chris walking through the door, but instead it's my makeup designers.

"Melissa! Congratulations!" they say all say as I sit in my chair. I laugh as they give me quick hugs.

"Oh, thank you guys!"

"Tell us everything." Someone asks as the beginning getting ready for my scenes. I spend the two hours of preparing telling them how my day had gone leading up to the proposals. I would get into fits of laughter when they would 'aww' and 'ohhh.'

I filmed two quick scenes before I found Chris again. I mean I guess he didn't have to leave at the same time as I did since he didn't start until later in the day. He put his arm around and kisses me on the forehead.

"Hey, where'd you go?" I asked Chris as I start to walk slower so I can soak in the moment.

"I was just hanging out in my trailer and talking to Mehcad." Chris said with a grin.

"I didn't realize you had scenes only in the afternoon. Why'd you leave so early?" I asked as we continued to my trailer.

"Wanted to spend the first day of our engagement together. Sorry I came late, though, I had almost forgot about drift." Chris smiled.

"Oh My God! Drift!" I had totally blanked, "Why don't you bring him over!" I say as we sit down on my couch.

"Are you asking me and Drift to move in with you and Farley?" Chris said trying to sound like someone famous. I can't help but laugh.

"By a matter of fact yes." I say trying to copy the same voice but failing miserably. He laughs and leans in to kiss me quickly.

"Then I will accept the offer. After you my lady." He says in the same voice. As he gets up to leave. I smile and laugh, not wanting him to go. "Until next time, my queen." I feel my face blush as he exits leaving me sitting on the couch happy as could be.

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