3- Return of Jeffrey Woods

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Arabella POV:

I followed the police officer to the Principals office. When we got in front of the door, the officer knocked on the door. Principal Kendel opened the door. "Oh officer and Arabella, come in" she said. We stepped in. "Where's the boy?" officer asked Ms Kendel. "He's coming, we'll just have to wait a bit" she said.

Ray POV:

I was walking to Drama class, when I saw someone run past me from about 6 feet away. The guy had black hair and a white hoodie. He also had a knife. I immediately knew who it was. Jeff the Killer. I ran after him to see what he was up to. While I was running I accidentally stepped on a crunchy leaf and it made noise. I slid behind a corner, but he had heard me. He came towards me and I hid in the garbage disposal. Gross I know. When Jeff made it to the corner, he walked behind the disposal and looked behind it. I was holding my breath while he was there. He then ran off again. I quickly got out of the garbage and sprinted after him, trying not to make noise or to be seen. He then stopped. I quickly hid behind the corner looking at what he was going to do. A third grader then came singing from past me. Jeff heard and saw her. Jeff ran and grabbed her. He stabbed her about 6 times. The girl was crying and screaming. I would've jumped between, but I knew it was too risky. I was also new to the school and didn't know any hiding spots. So I left it. I watched horrified as the girl was stabbed over and over again. Finally Jeff was covered in blood. He dumped the body into a nearby trash can and ran off again. I ran after him and almost was seen when he suddenly stopped. He was staring at someone. I jumped behind a car and looked at what he was looking at. It was a girl. My age I think. She was entering from the back door, which was forbidden so she must be a rebel. My first thought was that Jeff would slash her too, but he just stood there. When the door closed, Jeff ran to the door, put his hand on the glass and ran off. I was shook. But I don't know why Jeff didn't kill that girl. Hopefully I can talk to her soon. I came out from my hiding spot, looked around to make sure I lost Jeff and I ran to class afterwards. When I made it to class, I told the teacher that I was new and couldn't find the classroom. She accepted the excuse. When class ended and a new one was about to begin, I heard police sirens. I instantly knew, what was happening. So I ran into the guys restroom and hid in one of the cabins, because I knew I would be involved because I was the only one who was late.... well except for that girl too. About 5 minutes later, an officer came into the guys restroom and asked if someone was there. I stayed silent. He opened my cabin door and asked if I was Ray Surge. I answered yes. He told me to go with him. I didn't want to, but he eventually dragged me out of there. He dragged me to the door of the Principals office and knocked.

Arabella POV:

Someone knocked on the door. "Come in" Ms Kendel invited. The door opened and I saw an officer with a boy who was a bit taller than me. Maybe 1,75 cm, because I'm 1,64. Short for a 16 year old, I know. Anyway they walked in and the guy sat next to me on a chair. "Alright, first I assume you two don't know each other, so why not introduce yourselves" Ms Kendel said. "I'm Ray" Ray said. "Arabella" I replied to him with a handshake. "Okay, now that you two know each other, let's get on the main problem. So Arabella and Ray, you two were both out before first period and you were late for class which isn't good, but we'll leave that for now. So I assume you both know about the real blood handprint on the door glass. Arabella, you said you walked in the door, which was wrong but again we'll leave that for now. When you entered the glass was clean right?" she asked. I nodded. "And when you turned to look back, the handprint was there" she said asking. I nodded. "Did you see anyone running away from the door?" she asked. I shook my head no. "And Ray, what about you?" Kendel asked Ray.

Ray POV:

She asked me if I knew anything about it. I couldn't tell her that a internet creation is now real and did it. So I had to think about something quick. "Um" I began thinking with my every brain cell. "Well I got a bit lost and was wandering around. Then I heard a trash can bang shut along with footsteps running. I didn't pay much attention because I thought another student was running to class and had to throw away some trash real quick. So I searched my class for about 10 minutes until I found it" I finally made up a story. "Hmm, okay" Ms Kendel said. "Officers go look in every trash can just to make sure there are no bodies" Kendel said to the officers. Then the office door burst open. "We found the body" and officer said. "10 year old girl Tina Parkins" the second officer said. My heart was about to burst. I wanted to tell the truth, but I couldn't. "She was dumped into a trash can after she was stabbed" the first officer said. Ms Kendel got up and ran to the door. "You two are dismissed" she told me and Arabella. Then she burst out the door with all of the other officers. Arabella stood up and began to walk away. Now was my chance to talk to her. "Hey" I said awkwardly. "Do you have time to talk some time?" I asked her  nervously. "Leave me alone" she mumbled angrily. "Hey to be honest with you, I made up that story. I actually know who it was, I saw" I spat it out. "And how do I know it wasn't you?" she asked. "Trust me, I would never do such a thing" I tried convincing her. "I don't trust you, but I'll hear your little story then. But don't piss me off with love stories. Seriously. I'm not in the mood"she said warning me. "Oh yeah, no problem" I said relieved. "So when?" I asked. "Tomorrow at lunch. You can tell me and my squad" she said. "But I just want to tell you" I told her. "Hey me and my squad are one soul and we share a very uncommon thing, so we'll all hear it. Dot" she replied. "O-okay" I stuttered out. "I'll find you tomorrow then" I said. "Yeah whatever" she said, sounding clearly annoyed, pissed and tired. She walked out of the office. 

Arabella POV:

I walked out of the office. I took my phone and rang Kate, "Hey Kate, can you pick me up?" I asked. "Hey, yeah of course. I heard what happened.Coming right away" she replied. I hung up. I walked outside and waited for Kate. Flashbacks from this day kept coming back into my mind. I shook them off when I heard Kate signaling me to come into the car. I sat in the passenger seat and we drove off. "So tell me now what happened" Kate demanded. "It's a long story" I replied. "I have time" Kate said. "Ugh, fine" I finally agreed. As we drove home I told Kate everything that had happened and about Ray. When we got home Kate was speechless. "Oh my god. That's horrible" she said. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. I unlocked the door and went inside the house. I walked into the kitchen, trying to shake off the memories from this day. I grabbed an apple and a KitKat and headed to my room. I ate the food and watched "Pretty Little Liars" on Netflix. When I looked at the time, it showed 10:37 p.m. I turned off my laptop, set my alarm and rolled under the covers. I was trying to solve the puzzle and get to know, who was the killer. As I repeated the sentence 'who was the killer' in my head, I quickly realized...... it couldn't be anyone but... no it can't be. I shook off the theory and went to sleep.

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