7- The Realization

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Tuesday, September 19th 2019

Arabella POV:

I woke up with a headache. I couldn't think or do anything. But I had to meet up with the survivors today and talk about Ray so I couldn't miss out. So I got out of bed, groaning from my headache. I chose to wear a black MCR T-shirt and a black leather jacket to go with it. For the bottom part, I just wore black jeans... because Kate still hadn't washed the laundry. So I left it. I brushed my hair and looked at the time. 7:14. I had time. I walked out of my room and checked into Kate's room. She was asleep. I smiled and went downstairs. I wasn't hungry this morning, so I didn't eat. I put on black converse, grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I was hoping for a normal day today, because every single day something happened. I sighed and walked out of the yard. 

I forgot my headphones at home, so I couldn't listen to music. So I was lost in my thoughts. But I was immediately snapped out of the as I heard something moving in the woods, that was across the road. I snapped my head towards to where I had heard the sound, but saw nothing. "Just an animal" I thought to myself. I shook it off and kept moving. As I was walking towards a corner that I had to turn behind to, I heard a low giggle from behind that corner. I stepped closer, getting my fists ready when suddenly Jeff popped out from behind it. I screamed. I then heard laughing. It was fucking Daniel trying to scare me. He had makeup on and a white hoodie, with fake blood smeared over it. "You fucking snake!" I yelled and tackled Daniel to the ground. He was on his stomach and I held his hands behind his back, squeezing them together. "Ow, that hurts!" Daniel whined. "Yeah it better hurt. You scared the fucking crap out of me you shitty little worm!" I yelled at him. I let him go and stepped hardly on him. "Ow!" he whined again. "Next time you better think about who you're messing with" I warned him walking away. My heart was still pounding and I was so mad at Daniel. I continued my way to school.

I finally arrived at school. It took me a few seconds to spot Tony on one of the benches. I walked up to him. "Hey!" I said to him. "Oh hey Bella" Tony said. "What's up?" I asked. "Waiting for Kevin. We were assigned a speech for all of the students, who passed away these weeks ago" he said with a sad look. "And why are you so sad about it?" I asked. "I'm not sad because of the speech. I'm sad because so many students passed away" Tony said, his head dropping a little. "I know, I feel like it's my fault. I mean I found and brought together the Survivor Squad and now all this stuff is happening" I said getting throwbacks from the incidents. "Is?" Tony asked confused. "Well, me and Ray got into a fight yesterday, sorta" I shrugged. "Really? I actually kind of like him" Tony said shocked. "It's a long story, but I'll tell y'all at lunch okay?" I told Tony. "If it even makes it to that point of the day" Tony said jokingly. I let out a little laugh. "Yeah, you're right. We can hope though. Okay I'll see you later" I said to Tony and walked away. I checked my schedule and I had Science first. So I headed towards the classroom. 

*bell rings for class*

I was sitting in the second row from the back and I rolled my eyes when I saw Daniel sit behind me. Fuck. This is going to be a long 45 minutes. 

*approximately 18 minutes later*

I was writing things from the board into my notebook, when I heard Daniel whisper about something. I obviously knew it was about me. I heard a paper being scrunched up. I knew he was going to throw it at me. And he did. I didn't even want to open it, but I didn't care, so I did. Inside written on the paper were the words 'go to sleep'. I was very annoyed. He should actually be the one going to sleep. Was he in a good mood today? Well it looked like it. I scrunched the paper back up and tossed into the trash can on the other side of the room. Daniel seemed to be shocked when the paper flew into the trash perfectly. But I couldn't care less of whatever shit he thought of me. 

*the bell rings*

I walked out of the classroom and saw Ray leaning against the wall, listening to music. I didn't go near him, because I knew he hated me now. So I walked off. I checked my schedule and found out that my next class was Drama. I headed towards the class, but saw Daniel staring at me. I gave him a cold look and he jumped at that. I was shook myself. I didn't know I could do that. "Hey Bella!" I saw Jonathan running towards me. "You looked like Jeff a few seconds ago" he said jokingly. "Shut up" I said in a low tone. "Hey, gather all of the survivors and tell them to meet at lunch. I gotta discuss something with you guys" I told him. "Sure what is it?" he asked. "You'll find out at lunch" I said. "Fine" Jonathan said in a moody tone, walking away. I giggled at his reaction and continued my way to class. Then the bell rang. 

I didn't care if I was going to be late, so I kept my walking speed. When I opened the class door, everyone stared at me. "What?" I asked. "You're late, that's what" ms Ambin said. "Sorry" I said in a 'not giving a shit' tone. I sat down in the back row to the left side of the class and took out my notebook. I was yawning at what ms Ambin was blubbering about in front of the class. I looked at the clock every 12 seconds, I think. But I remembered that I'm meeting up with the survivors. I began thinking about what to say to the squad and how to tell them that we were bullying Ray. I was so lost in thoughts that when I heard ms Ambin call out my name, I jumped. "Arabella! Can you answer the question?" she said in a super mad tone. "What?" I asked. "What is the first genre of art?" she repeated the question, which I didn't hear the first time. "Uhh" I thought out loud. I had to think or else she was going to throw me out. "Umm, drama?" I asked, hoping my logic wouldn't let me down. "Good, correct" ms Ambin. Well at least I answered the question correctly.

*the bell rings for lunch*

I walked out of the classroom and searched around for the survivors. I walked to the lunch area, but didn't find them there. I walked through all of the hallways. Nothing. I turned around and saw Ray. I froze. He looked at me and I looked away. He came closer to me. What did he want? "Hey.. um" he began. "I gotta go" I said quickly and rushed away. I walked out of the schoolhouse and searched for the survivors outside. I went behind the school and saw them under an old big oak tree. I inhaled deeply and exhaled, hoping it would go well. All of my hopes were high up for the first time ever. Mark saw me and waved. Everyone then looked at me and signaled me to come to them. I smiled and began stepping towards them.

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