6- Don't Be a Bully

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Monday, September 18th 2019

Arabella POV:

It has been 2 weeks since the incident that happened to Sierra and the events at school. I actually was up early this morning. It was 6:24 a.m. I got dressed first. I put on a dark blue hoodie and black skinny jeans. Because I had no other jeans to wear. I brushed out my hair and since it's naturally straight, I didn't have to straighten it. I put on mascara and grabbed my bookbag. I went downstairs to find a note in the kitchen. It was from Kate.

Kate: Hey, I had to run out for a meeting at 7, so get your own breakfast and also I'll probably be late tonight, so go to bed yourself okay? Love you!

I sighed, but was also excited to be alone for a day. Finally. I liked being more alone than with other people. Kate used to say that I was exactly like.. you know who. And I got very mad at that, so she stopped. Anyway, I grabbed some Lucky Charms from the cabinet. I poured some milk over it and ate my breakfast. Once I was finished, I thought I'd go on Instagram. I sat down on the couch and scrolled through some pictures. I made it to a picture of my cousin John, who was 4 and adorable on his dad's account. But something was off about the photo. John was smiling and swinging like a happy kid, but in the backround, there was.......SLENDERMAN?! There he was, standing and looking at John. Oh God. And none of my squad is related to that pasta, so we're pretty much done for it. I quickly closed Instagram and put my phone down out of fear. I looked at the time and figured it was time to go. I put on red converse and headed out the door. I wondered, if anyone will even show up today? I plugged in my headphones and locked the front door. I listened to Billie Eilish, because her songs just make me feel comfortable. 

*15 minutes later*

I arrived at school. I was relieved, when I saw kids playing and yelling. I wanted to enter the school grounds, but a security guard stopped me. "Excuse me, what is your name and in which grade do you study?" the guard asked. "I'm Arabella Woods and I'm in 10th grade" I responded. The guard took out a clipboard and scrolled some pages. "You may go" he finally said. "Excuse me, but why are you here?" I asked. "There are guards all around this schoolhouse" he said pointing at another guard. "Since the incidents that happened a few weeks ago, we were hired to check every student's name and grade in which they study in, so we wouldn't have any intruders" he said. "Pretty dang smart" I said sarcastically, because I knew those pastas would get in anyway. I passed the guard into the school fields. I looked at my schedule on my phone and it said that my first class was Math. And that reminded me of the event that took place exactly 2 weeks ago. I shook off the memories and headed towards class. 

I remembered that Alison was in this class. Yes! Now I can talk to someone. I sat down in the back of the class and went on my phone. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ray walk in. Does he have Math too? Oh God. I was hoping he wouldn't see me, but he did. "Hey Arabella" he said. "Hi" I said in a low tone, not wanting to talk. "Do you want to talk at lunch? I gotta tell you something" he asked me. "Is it another one of your little stories?" I asked. "No" he replied. "I-" I began. "Bellaaaa!" I heard someone yell my name. Oh my fucking God. It was Ashley. I tried hiding under the table, but she got to me. "OMG Bella, did you see the Insta post that your uncle posted of your cousin? The backround is terrifying!" she squealed, trying to make a big act out of it. "Yes, I saw it" I said annoyed. Ashley is the 'popular' girl and once you talk to her, she just talks shit about you. "Anyway, gotta go. Bye!" she yelled in a singing tone. I looked back at my phone annoyed. "Hey, what was that? What post?" Ray asked. "Ugh, I'll show you then" I sighed. I found the picture and showed it to Ray. It took him only a second, when he went completely pale and had a shocked look on his face. "You ok?" I asked, confused at what was happening. "I-I'm fine. Yeah, I'm good" Ray stuttered. "Dude, I can see that its not nothing. You're as pale as a ghost" I said. "No, I'm okay" Ray faked his well being. "Let me guess, Slenderman in the background?" I asked. "Don't say that name!" Ray suddenly yelled. I had never seen that behavior from him. So I was concerned that Ray had something to do with Slenderman. Then the bell rang for class. 

15 minutes had passed and I was tapping my pen on the desk as the teacher was blobbing about different solutions to find Pi. I almost fell asleep, when all of a sudden Ray asked: "May I go to the restroom?" "Yes you may" the teacher said. I was curious and saw that look in his eyes, that the had in there earlier, when I showed him the photo. I raised my hand as well. "May I go too?" I asked. "No" the teacher said. "But I'm on my period!" I lied. "Fine, go then" the teacher finally gave up. I stood up and went after Ray. 

When I stepped out of the classroom, I saw Ray going behind the corner. I followed him. When I almost caught up I yelled: "Hey Ray, wait!" He stopped and turned around, looking at me confused. I caught up to him. "Why did you follow me?" he asked. "Ray, please be honest. Do you have some connection with Slenderman?" I asked him, hoping for an answer. "No, I'm just very scared of him. And that photo gave me the ultimate chills" he said. "You don't look like you're telling the truth" I said to him. "What is going on? You're never like this" I asked him confused and for the first time, I didn't feel hatred against him. "You don't know me Arabella. You don't know what I'm like. You don't know anything" he told me. "And neither do you know things about me" I said. "Yes, I do. You're a fierce girl who swears a lot and also bullies a lot" he replied with the most sad tone I've ever heard a person talk. I froze. Bully? Me? I now realized. I had hurt Ray's feelings... a lot actually. I felt bad. Yes, I felt very bad. "You should think before you go into action because you already hurt me. I don't even want to be friends with you anymore. Be with your stupid fucking gang and leave me to rot inside a garbage disposal" he said walking away. 

I realized, that I had hurt him a lot. Just like I had been hurt a lot. But I ignored it. But Ray was more emotional than me. I felt bad. I felt like the biggest asshole ever. I had to make up for it. But first, I gotta talk with my gang about how we actually hurt him. And about his thing with Slenderman. Because if he has a connection with him, we have to help and protect him. Because that's what the Survivor squad is all about.

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