35- Failed Rescue

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Ray POV:

Bella left the shop. I put my hand in between the door and stepped out. "Bella, wait! You can't go out now!" I shouted after her, but she didn't seem to hear me. 

"Hey boy, you have to pay for those!" I heard the pissed shopkeeper's voice. I looked at the butcher knife in my hand. I quickly went back inside and put $50 of cash on the counter. "Keep the change" I said and rushed out the shop.

I looked left and right, but couldn't find Bella. Fuck. I lost her. I fell in thought on where she could be. I started walking down the alleys, searching for her. 

After about an hour I sat down on a bench, tired. I put my head on my hands. A tear fell from my eye. "Where are you Bella?" I asked in my mind, feeling like an asshole because I yelled at her. "It's all my fault. If I didn't yell at her, she would be here right now. Oh please be okay. I promise that I won't give up until I find you" I said to myself. 

I felt like the biggest jerk ever. It was my fault that Bella ran away. And she said not to look for her? She can sure for hell forget about that.

I stood up from the bench, looking to both sides in hopes to spot her. But then I remembered something. The snap map! 

I quickly pulled out my phone and opened Snapchat. I pulled down the screen and saw where she was. In the park. I put my phone in my back pocket and took the shortest way to the park.

Arabella POV:

I sat there frozen, knowing that I couldn't get away this time. I backed away as quick as I could, but Jeff took my leg and dragged me back towards him. "Now where are you going?" he asked. "Hell as far away from you as possible" I said trying to get away again, but Jeff put his hand on my lower back, pulling me close to him. "Let go you bastard!" I screamed. 

Jeff was roaming his hands around my body as I struggled to get away. "Oh you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this. My hands all over you. You're mine now" he whispered in my ear.

"Hate to break this little romance happening here, but I have to take care of some business stuff back at the mansion" Slenderman said. "Don't worry, we'll be there soon too" Jeff said smirking at me. Hatred burned in my eyes. Fuck him. I then screamed as loud as I could for someone to hear me. And someone did.

Ray POV:

I heard a scream. Bella. I sped towards the screaming and soon found her surrounded by those killer pastas. Jeff had her in his arms, his hand over her mouth. I hid behind a tree and searched around for my uncle. But couldn't see him. I had to save Bella. 

I tightened my grip on my knife and grabbed a rock from the ground, throwing it in the center of the circle. Everyone looked at my direction and I jumped out, surprisingly scaring everyone. "Let her go!" I yelled at Jeff. "Ray! How nice to see you! I'm sure Slender would be happy to see you. He was pretty depressed after the last time you left him" Jeff teased. "Shut the fuck up! I am not asking again. Let. Her. Go" I said. "No" Jeff said smiling. "She's mine and will be that til the end of her days" Jeff said looking at Bella. 

I looked at Bella too and my expression went sadder as I saw her struggling in the monster's grasp. "Now Ray, I don't want to hurt you. So why don't you just give up willingly" Jeff said. "Never" I growled. "All right" Jeff said looking at the other pastas.

Suddenly all of them were running towards me. I got ready to fight.

Arabella POV:

As all of the pastas went for Ray and Jeff chuckled, I ripped myself out of Jeff's grip and rolled away from him. He got up and I grabbed a thick wooden stick from the ground. "Oh go on" I said. 

Jeff stroke at me, but I rolled away. "Split!" Jeff suddenly yelled. Then half of the pastas left Ray alone and came running towards me. Well fuck. I began running, but Ben jumped down from a tree that was in front of me, blocking my way. I turned around and saw the pastas form a circle around me. Well this is gonna be ugly.

Ray POV:

I blocked, tucked, rolled, slashed and stabbed. The pastas were all around me. "Come on Ray, just give up" I heard Laughing Jack say teasingly. "Never!" I yelled. I had numerous wounds on my body, but didn't care and kept on fighting. 

Arabella POV:
I was mostly rolling around to prevent the pastas from getting me. I had gotten Ben, Toby and Clockwork down. Now there were only Jeff, Liu and Nina. I rolled behind Nina's back as Liu was about to slash my arm and pushed Nina forward on the ground with my foot. Liu then stepped on her hair and Nina couldn't get up anymore. Now I had these two left. But I had completely lost Jeff. And not knowing he was behind me.

Ray POV:
I had gotten Masky and Hoodie down, I only had the Jacks left. I then saw Bella and Jeff behind her with a thick branch, ready to knock her out as she was tensely staring at Liu. "Bella! Watch out!" I yelled. Bella looked at me and at that moment L.J grabbed me from behind and hit me on the side of my head with his fist. Everything went dead silent and my eyes closed and I heard a faded scream by Bella, "Ray!"

Arabella POV:
As Ray fell on the ground, something hard hit me in the back of my head. My sight went blurry and legs collapsed on the ground. I felt Jeff and Liu's hands on my right arm, that was facing the night sky. "Go to sleep, Darling" I heard Jeff's voice fading as I fell down into a black nothingness of forced sleep.

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