23- The White Manor

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Arabella POV:

We arrived in front of the house. It was a.... mansion?! Wow. Must be rich people. I got out of the car and the officer got out as well. "Exited?" he asked. "Not really" I shrugged. "It'll be okay" he said. "I do have a right to say no to this family, right?" I asked. "You do, but I think you'll like them" the officer said. I looked down. I knew what I was doing. I was going to say no and live alone for the rest of my life. Well maybe not completely alone.

We walked up to the front door and the officer knocked. The door opened, revealing a woman, who looked about 27-29. Under 30 for sure. "Oh hello! You must be Arabella, right?" she asked. I nodded slightly. "Oh that's great! Come on in!" she invited. I stepped in with the officer following me. "Mary! Anthony! Come downstairs and look who arrived!" the woman yelled. I heard exiting squeals and running from upstairs. 

Down the stairs ran a kid, a girl about 9 or 10. "Yay, you're here, you're here!" she squealed exited. She hugged me and jumped around me. "This is Mary. She's 8, so she might be a bit annoying from time to time, but otherwise she's a good girl" the woman said. 

Out came a man, looking Asian. I think he was also under 30. "This is my husband Shui and he is the head of the White manor" the woman said. "Oh please, give the guest some space" a voice said. 

I looked towards the stairs and there stood a boy with longish blonde hair, green eyes, black jeans, a vest and a black cloak, just smirking at me. He came down the stairs and that's when I noticed his black shoes as well. "My deepest apologies about my sister. She can get a bit carried away sometimes" he said. "Um, no that's okay. She's actually quite cu---" I couldn't finish when the blonde interrupted. "Oh my. What a beautiful voice for such a beautiful girl like you. Like an angel fallen from the sky" the boy said, dancing around me. "Uhhh, okay. This is weird and I'm getting out of here" I thought to myself. "Anyway, nice meeting you, but I think I have to go. Got school stuff to do" I said trying to excuse myself. "You can't be going already. You've just arrived" the blonde boy said. "Anthony, some manners please" the woman said. "Terribly sorry. He is just practicing to act like his father. This is Anthony. He is the same age as you so we all agreed that we had just found a new generation for the White manor" the woman said. 

"Wait what? I think here's some sort of mistake. I am not hooking up with anybody and besides, this house is way too big and overdone. I think we'll have to find a new family, officer" I said looking at the officer. "Well, I do understand her point of view. We'll be going then" the officer said. Finally, I can get out of here. 

But just as I turned around and headed for the door, the blonde boy grabbed my arm and pulled me up against him. "I think you should stay for the night. We have prepared a big family dinner for all of us, including you my dear officer" the blonde said looking at the officer while I was struggling in his grip. I wanted to kick him in the right leg, but he spun me around and caught me onto his right hand with my back on his arm. "You have quick moves, Angel" he said smirking. I went to slap him, but he grabbed a hold of my hand. "But they're a bit slow for me" he said smirking even more. "Anthony. You can continue with that stuff in your room alright?" the woman said to the blonde. "Very well, mother" he said, letting me go and as soon as he let go, I ran to the officer. "What do you say officer?" blondie asked. Yeah, I call him blondie. "Well, I suppose we can stay for the night" he shrugged. "No! I can't stay! I have a meeting with my friends tonight and it's important!" I yelled not wanting to stay for any longer. "I'm afraid that you'll have to cancel those plans, dear. I have much planned for you" blondie said smirking. "No thank you" I thought to myself. "Well I'm afraid that I cannot cancel the plans, since I am doing a trust test for a new squad member, so yeah it's pretty important" I said. "What test is that?" blondie asked laughing. "A test you will never pass" I said. He seemed to growl at that. But he shook it off quickly. "Anthony, why don't you lead our guests to their rooms" the woman said to blondie. "Of course mother" blondie said. "I thought I said that I'm not staying" I repeated. "Well too bad. You can't quit anymore" blondie said from behind me, which I jumped at, thinking on how he did it so fast. He began pushing me forward, up the stairs. The officer came along as well. 

We stopped in front of a door and blondie opened it. "Here's your room officer" blondie said showing the officer his room. "Thank you" he said, stepping in the room and blondie closing the door after he went inside. "And now for you" he said and chuckled darkly. "Come on" he said grabbing my arm and leading me to the whole other side of the mansion. he opened a door and pushed me inside. Inside was a big and fancy bedroom. "This is where you'll sleep" blondie said. "With me" he added smirking. And as I turned around, he pushed me down onto the bed. "Hey!" I yelled, but he covered my mouth, pulling out a smaller knife putting it near my throat. "Now listen here sweetheart. If you scream or tell anyone that's about to happen here, I will cut your throat. Got it?" he asked. "Fuck off" I said and kicked him in the balls with my knee. He fell to the ground groaning as I stormed out the door. 

I ran downstairs and out the front door. I didn't even care that this fucking officer wasn't driving. I opened the driver's door, which was unlocked. Stupid guy. He had even left the keys inside. Dumbass. But good for me, because I started the car and sped off. 

From the side mirror I saw blondie run out. "Guards, catch her!" he yelled. I then saw blondie sit in one of those black fancy cars with some guards and they drove after me. "Well fuck" I mumbled and added speed. I saw an opportunity to escape. An old bridge that was falling apart. If I did my calculations correctly, if I speed through the bridge, it will collapse behind me as I drive over. I turned to the right and aimed for the bridge. I was driving 180 km per hour and I prepared to fly over. I sped up as much as I could and flew over the bridge with every single plank of wood collapsing behind me. "Yes!" I yelled happily. 

I took a shortcut and soon lost blondie and his soldiers. I was proud of myself. If I could escape blondie and his gingerbread men, I could also escape Jeff easily. But that's where I was wrong.

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