10- Secrets Revealed

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Arabella POV:

I sighed and looked at everyone. I walked over to the poster and stood beside it. "Now, on whoever I point on, on this poster, the person who has a connection with the pasta, comes in front of here and tells us about who the pasta is in your family and how you live right now after the pasta became a pasta" I explained to everybody. Everyone nodded. 

I inhaled and pointed on the first pasta. Hoodie. Kevin stepped in front and walked over to me. "I'm Kevin Thomas and my older brother is Brian Thomas, better known as Hoodie. Right now I live with my mom, since my dad got killed" Kevin sobbed, tears falling from his eyes. "Thank you Kevin" I said hugging Kevin. Kevin walked back to Alison. Kevin and Alison hugged. 

I looked away onto the poster and pointed at another. Ben Drowned. Alison looked up and stepped forward. She came beside me and began. "I'm Alison Lawman and my older brother is Benjamin Lawman, better known as Ben Drowned. I already had an incident with him a couple weeks ago, which was terrible and scary" Alison's voice became more rusty and tears formed in her eyes. "Right now I live with my mom, because my dad was killed by Ben" she began crying. "Thank you Ally" I said giving her a hug. Alison went back to Kevin and they hugged, Kevin rubbing Alison's back gently. It was hard, but we had to let Ray know. 

So next I pointed at.... Ticci Toby. Sierra stood up and walked to me. "I'm Sierra Melanie Rogers and my 1 year older brother is Tobias Erin Rogers, better known as Ticci Toby: she began sobbing. "Toby broke into my house a few weeks ago and almost caught me, but my grandmother with who I live with, because my parents and older sister Lyra died in a car accident" Sierra sobbed with tears falling from her eyes. I immediately hugged her and said that everything will be okay. Sierra sat back down. 

Next, I pointed at....... Laughing Jack. Mark stood up and sighed. He walked up to me and faced everyone. "I'm Mark Browns and I'm the younger brother of Laughing Jack. I am currently living with my uncle, since my parents and little sister were killed" Mark said wiping his tear away with his sleeve. I hugged Mark and he sat down. 

Next, the stick pointed at Eyeless Jack. Jonathan looked at Ray and stood up. He walked beside me. "My name is Jonathan Hammerson and I'm the cousin of Eyeless jack. I currently live with a foster family, since all my family was murdered and their kidneys were eaten" Jon sobbed out. I hugged Jon tight and he went and sat back down, wiping his nose with the back of his hand.

The next pasta, I pointed on, was....Masky. Tony stood up and slowly walked up to my side, his hands twisting around each other. "I-I'm Tony Wright and I'm the cousin of M-Masky or as I knew him... Timothy Wright. I am currently living with my both parents, which I'm very blessed for, but Masky killed my grandparents" Tony sobbed, wiping his tears. I hugged Tony and he sat back down beside Ray, who hugged him.

And the last ones left were Jeff the Killer and Homicidal Liu. I sighed and put away the map stick. "I'm Arabella Woods and I'm the younger sister of Jeffrey and Liu Woods. Also known as Jeff the Killer and Homicidal Liu" I inhaled holding back my tears. "Since the night Jeff killed my parents and almost killed Liu, I have been living with my aunt. And how was I not killed? Answer is easy. I was at a sleepover and Jeff didn't know which friend's sleepover. So he couldn't kill me. But when I came home the next morning, my parents were dead. Stabbed. I remember my heart breaking. I later on got news that Jeff was missing and Liu had escaped from the hospital. I was heartbroken. And for four years, I have lived with my aunt Kate" I finished my story, sobbing and crying. I looked around and saw everyone depressed and crying. "I think we should all take a moment" I said through my tears walking into the bathroom and locking myself in.

Ray POV:

I feel like it's  my fault that the atmosphere is full of sobs and tears right now. I mean they had to tell me and if they didn't, they would be in a normal state, not a heartbroken one. "Hey, guys. I'm sorry" I said mumbling. "It's fine bro, we just need a few moments" Mark said. "I feel like it's my fault though that you feel this way right now" I said trying to be supportive. "Bro, we're fine. Just give us 10 minutes" Jonathan said. I nodded and leaned back on the couch, sighing heavily. 

*14 minutes later*

Arabella POV:

I unlocked the bathroom door and came out. The situation had calmed down. Alison and Kevin were sitting on the bed, Jonathan, Ray and Tony were on one couch and Sierra and Mark on the other. Everyone looked at me as I came out. I sighed and looked down. I walked to the poster again and covered it with fabric. We always do that when we feel afraid or unsafe. "Okay" I began inhaling deeply. "Let's continue shall we? It's getting dark and we all should be home by 7:30 at least if we don't want to meet anyone we don't want to" I said looking at everybody. Everyone nodded. "Okay" I said sighing. "Ray Surge, because of the private information you told us, we invite you to join the Survivor Squad. But you can't just step in. First you have to complete some tests in order to earn trust. Is that clear?" I asked. "Yeah, of course" Ray said. "Good" I said walking over to a glass cabinet. I opened it and took out a knife with a row of diamonds on the handle. I walked over to Ray. 

"Stand up and put out your left arm" I ordered. Ray did so. "Ray Surge, do you swear to protect, help and save anybody who's having trouble with their pasta?" I asked taking his arm. "I do" Ray said. I nodded and put the blade on his palm. I cut his palm and then cut mine, which had scars from previous rituals. I took Ray's hand in mine and pressed our blood together. I looked him in the eye confident and he did the same, understanding that he was now one of us. "Bro, do you know how lucky you are? " Jonathan asked Ray. "You're now Bella's right hand mate" Jonathan said with his jaw dropped. "Really?" Ray asked me. I gave a little smile and nodded. I pulled away my hand and told Ray not to wash his hand for 1 hour and 13 minutes. He nodded understanding. Of course that rule went for me as well. 

"Hey guys, we should get going. It's 7:12" Tony said worried. "Yeah of course" I replied smiling. We all stood up and headed out the door. I locked it once everybody was out and put the key under the doormat. I was let in front, because I was the leader and had to check the surroundings before completely exiting the hideout. I walked up the stone steps with all the others following close behind me. I unlocked the door and peeked out. Coast was clear. I quickly opened the door and got out, everyone else following quickly behind me. Last one out was Ray. "Okay, Ray you will get your key to access the hideout door after you complete the tests. That shows that you're trustworthy" I said. Ray gave a quick nod with a confident and understanding look. 

The Survivors walked out of the alleyway and we stopped on the corner of the street. "Wait Bella, did you lock the door?" Sierra asked. "Fuck, I forgot" I said mumbling walking back to the alleyway. I took out the key and locked it. I then heard a scream. Sierra. I rushed back and was shocked at what I saw... a dead body of our Math teacher. "How did that get here?!" I yelled. "It fell down from the roof!" Tony yelled. We all slowly looked up at the roof.... spotting......Liu. My heart exploded. Liu jumped down from the roof and looked at us. I couldn't breathe. Liu's emerald green eyes landed on me. His eyes widened a bit. He began walking closer to us. "No! Stay away from her!" Ray jumped in front of me. "Ray no!" I yelled pushing him out of the way. I backed up and ran. The others tried holding Liu back, but he was stronger and got loose. I turned in from an alleyway, that I knew had a shortcut. But it came to a dead end. Fuck! I chose the wrong one! It was the next alley! I turned around and saw Liu standing in the middle of the alleyway. I backed up as much as I could as he came closer towards me. "Go away!" I yelled at him. He made it in front of me with me pressed against the wall and put his hand on my cheek. I snapped my head away, but he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. I had enough. I kicked him in the gut with my knee and ran out of the alleyway towards the Survivors. "Go! Run!" I screamed at them. We all ran towards the maple tree. We stopped there. "Okay, everybody take the shortest way home with no exceptions!" I yelled at everyone. The others nodded and ran off. I turned around and ran in from a street. 

I made it home and shut the door with a loud bang. "What happened?" Kate asked when she saw my state. "Take one guess" I said panting. "Uh, the sun set?...... oh no" Kate said her eyes widening. She ran to the curtains and pulled them in front of the windows. She locked the windows and doors while I walked to my room and crashed into my bed, my heart about to pop out of my chest. I stood up and locked my window and pulled the curtains in front. I went back to bed and closed my eyes. "Bella! You're staying home tomorrow!" Kate yelled. "Well fine with me" I thought to myself, drifting off to sleep.

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