40- Mark & Laughing Jack

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Mark POV:

I began to wake up with a huge headache. I groaned and tried to sit up, but my hands were tied behind the chair I was sitting on. I looked around and saw stone walls and prison cells around me.... wait. I WAS IN ONE OF THEM! 

I began thrashing around, trying to get free. "Oh, I wouldn't try that. It's not going to work" I heard a high voice laughing from afar. "Come out here and show yourself you bastard!" I yelled. "Now now, that is not a way to speak to your uncle, is it?" I heard his voice again.

I was angry and frustrated. "Just come out!" I screamed. "Oh, okay" I heard him giggle. I was getting sick from his giggles and laughs.

From the right side of the cell, Laughing Jack appeared. "I swear to God, if I get out of here, I will kill you" I growled. "Oh but that's nonsense, like you'd want to leave" he giggled. "STOP THE GIGGLING" I yelled. "Okay" he said giggling again. I growled.

"Now, I don't want to kill or be enemies with you Mark. I really don't. I want to be a family again" the clown said. "Like hell I'd want that" I growled once again. 

"Oh come on Mark. It'll be so much fun. I can teach you lots of things" "Like stealing and murdering?" I asked annoyed. "And hunting, too" he said with a silly face. I rolled my eyes and struggled once again. 

"You know that those restraints won't give up until I release them, right?" he asked. "Fuck I know that" I mumbled and stopped struggling, because it was pointless wasting my energy. "Now hear me out Mark. I just need to talk to you" L.J said. "Whatever. Go on I guess" I said rolling my eyes. 

"Okay, look. I am very lonely here and I've seen you play soccer and other sports at school. You're so good at them and I adore watching you. And I was thinking that maybe you could teach me and we could do other stuff together. Like cousins do, right?" he said.

"I just missed you so much" he said holding back a tear. Wait, A TEAR?! He's crying?!!! What the hell? He really wants to be a family with me? 

I began considering it. "I'll think about it. Give me 24 hours and I'll tell you. But first get me out of these motherfucking restraints!" I demanded. "Sureee" he teased happily. I rolled my eyes once again. He really was annoying. Annoyingly hilarious.

He untied me and I massaged my wrists a bit. "But I will have to leave you in the..." "No. I want to look around. I pinkie promise I won't run away" I interrupted him from saying 'cell' and held up my pinkie finger.

He crossed mine with his finger and looked me in the eyes. "I pinkie promise, I won't run away" I said. "And if you break it, I get to have your finger" L.J said smiling a devilish smile. I mean of course he would cut off my finger and keep it. He's a pasta after all.

He took his finger away and stepped out the cell, with me following him. We went upstairs and up to a door. "This is my room. I'm not here too often, so if you need privacy to think then you can come here" L.J said. "Thanks" I replied.

L.J smiled.... a friendly smile this time and walked off. 

My thoughts went back to the deal that we had made. I was a bit nervous. But hey, maybe I'll like it here? Jack wanted me to teach him football and I do like teaching people because ya know... I'm kinda expert at football.... but that's not the main thing now. 

I opened Jack's door and went and sat on the bed, putting my head in my hands. And then I remembered the cause why I was here.... Bella. My hands clenched into fists and I stormed off to find her. I really wanted to kick her ass right now and that's what I was going to do.

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