43- Kevin & Hoodie

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Kevin POV:

Feeling dizzy, I woke up to someone cursing. I looked around the room, but saw nothing. Then a pair of red eyes appeared in front of my nose and i jumped backwards. "Hello Kevin...brother" he stuttered like a robot. "What do you want?" I asked him, immediately recognizing him. "I want to be..... family" Hoodie said. "Hell like that'll happen!" I yelled rushing towards a door, but Hoodie appeared right in front of the door as I was about to open it.

"You can't...... escape... here" Hoodie said. I backed up staring at him furiously. "Where's Alison? I have to see her, now" I demanded to know. "She with.... Ben" Hoodie said. "You.... together?" he asked. "Yes. And I have to see her now!" I yelled. "Do not.... yell.... if you want to ....... see... her....... again" Hoodie stuttered once again. So I stopped. 

"Lead me to my girlfriend" I demanded. "When you agree to...... live......here" Hoodie said. "What?! No way!" I yelled. "Then you not see...... Alison" Hoodie said. "Okay okay! I'll stay! Just lead me to her!" I yelled. "You need to make a vow" Hoodie said. "Huh? Like a ritual or something?" I asked. "Yes.. so you not run..... away" Hoodie said. "Okay, fine!" I yelled. "Good" Hoodie said holding out his hand. "Take my hand" he ordered. I did so. "Now don't move away, I will burn your finger, so the ritual......would .........work" he said. I sighed. "Alright" I said.

Hoodie pulled out a lighter and lid up my finger. I squinted in pain and he squeezed my finger, which surprisingly relieved the pain. "Now say that you will stay here forever and do as I say" Hoodie said. I growled. "I'll stay here and do as you say" I said. 

Then the ground began shaking and the walls began collapsing. I looked around freaked out, but the shaking stopped right as Hoodie snapped his fingers. "Now if you break the vow, you.....die" Hoodie said. I nodded. 

"Now lead me to Alison as you promised" I demanded. "Very well....yes" Hoodie said, leading me out the dark room underground.

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