44- Failed Escape

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Ray POV:

I felt a sharp headache. I woke up and figured that I was in a basement. "What the hell?" I mumbled. "Ray?" I heard Bella's voice from somewhere. "Bella?!" I asked shocked. "Where are you?!" I asked. "I'm here, but where are you?! I can't see you!" Bella yelled. "Me neither, it's so dark!" I replied. 

"Uh, Ray? Is this you that is touching me?" Bella asked. "No..." I said my heartbeat quickening.

Then a light turned on and I saw Bella about 10 feet away from me and behind her.. oh no. It was Jeff who was holding her against him. "Well, good morning Ray" Jeff said surprisingly calmly. I tried to get to her, but figured I was chained like Bella was. I thrashed around and heard Bella screaming, trying to get free as well. "Let go you rotten smiled basilisk!" Bella screamed. 

"Bella hold on!" I yelled, trying to get free with all my might. "Are you that stupid enough to think that you can fight off chains?" Jeff asked. "Let her go!" I yelled. "No. You see, she's mine now and a shitbag like you will never get her" Jeff said holding Bella closer to him.

I got real angry now. Just then the door opened, revealing a tall figure. My eyes grew wide, recognizing who it was. I squirmed backwards but in a second he was behind me. "Jeff, what is going on here?" Slenderman asked.

"Well Slendy, these two are in love with each other" Jeff said looking at me. I looked over at Arabella and she looked at me in shock. There was silence for about 10 seconds until Bella broke it. "Ray.. is it true?" she asked. "....Yes"I said looking down. 

I could practically see Bella's surprised look. "See? That's why I want him out of here. Bella is mine and I am not allowing her to love anyone or anyone to love her" Jeff said. "Jeffrey, you can't cancel love, you know that" Slenderman said. 

He then looked at me. "Ray, my boy. Welcome home" he said. "What a great welcome. Being chained up in a rotting basement with my only love captured right in front of me?" I asked. "I am sorry, I will take the chains off once you won't run away. You and Bella are the two leaders and the strongest, so we will keep you here until you collaborate with us" Slenderman said. 

"Well maybe there's a fucking reason that we're the strongest ones" Bella spoke up, trying to get out of Jeff's grasp. "Jeffrey, let go of her" Slenderman demanded. Jeff growled and let go.

I saw the relieved look on Bella's face. But it was also annoyed. But Jeff was mad, I saw it. He was so fucking possessive over her. "What do you want with us?" I asked, my look darkening.

"That's easy. We want you to join us. We want to be a family of pastas" Slenderman said. "Oh you can go fucking right ahead and forget about that" Bella growled. "You already did work with us, Bella" Slender said. "Because I was forced in order to save Ray's life!" Bella screamed.

"Worked with what?" I asked. "Oh he doesn't know? Well go ahead Bella, tell him" Jeff said. I looked at her confused and scared on what she could've done. "I led the survivors in a trap in order to save your life" Bella said. "They are now around the mansion but I don't know where" Bella said. 

"Bella, you.... " "I know, but I had to. I couldn't stand the thought of you dying" Bella interrupted. "And that's why she's also a stupid little girl. I would've not killed you even if she would've not done it" Jeff said. 

"Wait what?!!! You foul and loathsome evil little rotten piece of shit!!!" Bella screamed trying to get free. And then a crack was heard. She had broken one of the chains. She smirked and broke the other one as well along with one of the chains around her ankles. 

Jeff tried grabbing her, but she kicked him in the gut with her elbow. The slender tried hypnotizing her, but she kicked him in the crotch with her free leg. She freed her other leg and ran over to me.

"Let's get you out of here" Bella said, getting three of my chains off before Jeff grabbed her from behind. I then ripped the last shackle off my foot and hit Slender in the head with it. Then I tied him with the chains as he was knocked out. 

"RAY!!!" I heard Bella scream. I looked over to her and saw that Jeff was unbuckling his belt as he was holding Bella down on the ground. "Oh no you don't" I said and attacked Jeff. I ripped him off of Bella and punched him multiple times until my knuckles were bleeding.

I ran to Bella and hugged her. "You ok?" I asked her. "I'm fine, now let's get-----" Bella stopped as she looked to her right. All of the remaining pastas were there. "Oh fuck" I mumbled. 

"Now where are you two going?" Liu asked and grabbed me from behind, but he was different. He was more harsh.... and his eyes were red? Oh God, Sully was out. I struggled trying to get free, but it was no use. He was stronger than me.

Then I saw Ben grab Bella and inject something in her neck. "NO!!!" I screamed, trying to fight my way free, but Sully was too strong. Bella slowly began to fade away, her eyes closing. 

"BELLA, NO!!!" I screamed out of my lungs, but then felt something sharp in my neck as well. The world began going black as I felt some liquid go down my neck. "Sleep now, Ray" I heard Sully say chuckling, before I fell down the deep black hole, aka sleep. 

All I heard were the laughs of the pastas and I saw Jeff walk to Bella as he lifted her up and carried her away. Then I blacked out completely.

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