4- The Glitch Scare

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September 2nd, 2019

Arabella POV:

*alarm goes off*

I groan as the alarm beeps beside my fucking ears, disturbing my sleep. I get out of bed and look at the time. 7:45. I didn't even care that I was going to be late. The events from yesterday really wore me out and I needed rest, so that's what I did. Then I remembered. I had to meet Ray today and hear his little story. Ugh. I just thought that he tried to get me to be his girlfriend or something more annoying. So I threw on a black hoodie and black sweats. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. Kate was already gone. I'm surprised she didn't wake me. Maybe she thought that there was no school today. Oh well. I grabbed a donut and headed out the door. When I was walking, I saw some people in front of me. Two girls gossiping about Ray. I plugged in my headphones and played my Spotify playlist, trying not to get that guy on my mind. 

*20 minutes later*

I arrived to school. I checked my schedule for today. First was Math. I started walking towards that class and thought about what could happen today. When I got to the class door, I opened it quietly so no one would hear. But when I opened the door... nobody was even in there. I looked around confused and then I screamed at what I saw. A dead body in the corner of the classroom. I called Sierra. Luckily she picked up. "Hey where is everyone?" I asked. "Hiding" she answered. "What?" I asked confused. "We're at the basement. Get your ass here now." Sierra said. "Is this a fucking joke?" I asked annoyed. "NO!" Sierra yelled. Then I heard Sierra scream. "Where are you? What happened?!" I asked panicked. The call was hung up. Suddenly I heard like a whole apocalypse coming towards me. The entire fucking school came running towards me at once. I tucked behind the corner. Everyone ran past me and I looked sharp eyed for somebody. I saw Alison running past me. I grabbed her from the arm and pulled her behind the corner. "Alison what the fuck is going on?!" Alison was breathing heavily and she was shaking. "I-i-i-t's B-ben" she stuttered out. I opened a door behind us and took Alison in the room, which was a secret entrance for the teachers. I sat Alison down on a chair and gave her water from my bag. "Now calm down and tell me what happened" I told her. "Well it happened about  15 minutes ago" Alison began.

Alison POV:

The bell for Math class rang. I got to class and sat down. Once the teacher came in and told the class that we are learning algebra. Everyone exhaled deeply. Once the teacher pulled down the screen and showed us a couple examples the screen began twitching. The screen went black and white and was like that for about 7 seconds. Then Ben's picture popped up. Everyone screamed. One student had looked behind and screamed. We all looked back and saw Ben with a pocket knife and a student dead on the floor. "Holy shit" I said to myself. The whole class got up and we ran to the basement. Once we made it, the whole school was there. Turns out that Ben had messed up everyone's screens and creeped them out. I couldn't breathe. I was sick to my stomach. The thought of him being here and I didn't know what he wanted, but I assumed he was after me. My heart raced after that thought. I heard Sierra pick up her phone and talking to someone. Suddenly  she screamed 'no' and the whole room went quiet. There was dead silence for about 4 seconds when the basement door shot open and there was Ben. Standing and smiling in front of everyone. Everybody screamed and exited from the emergency exit. We ran from Ben. I was on the edge of crying and I couldn't breathe. Then I felt someone pull me by the arm. I screamed, but no one heard. Then I realized it was Bella and I was a bit relieved. She took me to a room, gave me water and calmed me down. "And that was what happened" I said to Bella. "Oh god" Bella said exhaling deeply. "Why was he here I wonder?" Bella questioned. "I think he might've been after me" I said shaking. "Why you?" Bella asked. "Because I'm her goddamn sister!" I yelled. I quickly covered my mouth, realizing I made too much noise. "Sorry" I apologized. "No it's fine, I know what you feel. Hang on, I'll text our group chat to meet in here. We're safe here" Bella said. "O-okay" I stuttered, still scared but also relieved because the Survivor squad always helps me when I'm in trouble.

Arabella POV:

I took out my phone from my pocket and texted our group. I waited for their responses.

Mark: K, be there in a bit

Sierra: Coming

Tony: On my way

Jonathan: Oh okay, coming

Kevin: Is Ally there?

Bella: Yes

Kevin: Hold on babe, I'm coming

Sierra: Hey what about that Ray guy? Wasn't he supposed to tell us something?

Bella: Ugh, right. Fine I'll text him.

I searched for Ray on Messenger. I finally found him. I texted him to meet us in the room and directed him how to come there.

Ray POV:

I was hiding in the guys bathroom again. Suddenly my phone pinged. It was a message from Arabella.

Arabella Woods: Meet me in the secret room. Come the way you would go to Math class but there is a door before the same color as the wall, so pay attention.

My eyes widened at her family name. Woods. like Jeffrey Woods? Or like Liu Woods? I shook off the thought and thought it must be a coincidence. I followed the directions Arabella had given me and soon found the room. I knocked. The door opened, revealing Arabella. She dragged me in quickly and shut the door. When I looked around, I saw some new faces. "Wow you're tall man" a boy with brown hair and ear piercings said. "Shut up Jon" Arabella said. "Guys this is Ray Surge and he has an interesting story to tell us" Arabella said. "Hi" I said shyly. "Just get on with it already" Mark interrupted. I had met Mark. Well not really, but he had Drama with me yesterday and I heard his name. "Well, um" I stuttered. "I think you all know what happened yesterday. I made up a fake story at the principals office, because no one would've believed me" I went on. "Just get to the goddamn point!" Jonathan yelled. "Jon, shut up!" Arabella yelled at him. "Well that person who left the handprint was..... Jeff the killer" I spat out the last three words. There was silence for about 30 seconds. 

Arabella POV:

Did he just say... Jeff? Oh hell no. "Okay, thanks for that you can go now" I began pushing Ray out of the door. "Wait! You're not going to send me out now!" Ray yelled shocked. "Yes I am, now go" I said. "Wait!" Ray said. "What?" I asked annoyed letting him go and him facing me. "Are you by chance related to Jeff?" he asked. I felt my heart explode. How did he know. Great, now I gotta lie. "No" I said trying to say calmly. "You sure?" Ray asked. "Yes now go" I began sending him out again. To my surprise Ray opened the door. "Well, I'll see you around then" he sighed. "Whatever" I said shutting the door. "That was weird. And how the hell did he know?" Tony asked. "I-i don't know, but he better believe that I'm not related to" I said gulping not wanting to say those two names. "Them" I finished the sentence. Thoughts were spinning in my head on how he knew that. Maybe I should talk to him. He seems kind of... non regular............ like us.

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