20- Dear Uncle Slenderman

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Thursday, September 28th 2019, 9:08 a.m

Arabella POV:

I was woken by knocking on the door. I jumped out of bed and came out of my room. Ray was still asleep so I let him sleep and didn't wake him. I walked downstairs and went to answer the door. I opened it and saw a male officer there. "Hello, Arabella Woods, right?" he asked. "Yes.." I said, thinking about what on earth he wants. "By the law, which says that people under the age of 18 must have a guardian to live with, I will be sending you to another foster family, who would love to meet you. The visit will be done tomorrow at 12 a.m" he said. Fuck, I had totally forgot about the foster family thing. Great. "Oh, but I'm actually fine with living alone" I said trying to convince the officer. "No. By the law I must find you a family" he said certainly. "And you'll probably get killed during that" I mumbled to myself. "What was that?" he asked. "Oh, nothing" I said smiling a fake smile. "Alright, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 11:50" he said. "Sounds good" I said, which I of course didn't mean. I closed the door and slid down the door onto the ground. 

At that moment Ray came downstairs. "Morning, who was that?" he asked. "An officer trying to find me a foster family to live with" I said annoyed. "Still that thing?" he asked. "Apparently" I replied. Ray came up to me and hugged me. I hugged back. I don't know why, but began crying. "I don't want to live in a foster family Ray. I really don't" I said crying. "Shhh, I got your back" Ray said calming me and then turning me to face him. "Listen, just go there and meet them. If you don't like them, you have a right to not stay with them" Ray said wiping my tears. "I guess that's right" I said agreeing. I walked into the living room and turned on the morning news. There were reports everywhere about 'the smile murders'. Annoying really. I went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Ray POV:

I was watching the news about 'the smile murders' when all of a sudden the TV began glitching. "Uh, Bella?" I asked. "Yeah?" I heard her answer. "Is your TV broken?" I asked. "No, I don't think.... Ray..... get over here..... now" Bella said staring at the window. I began turning my head towards the window, when Bella stopped me. "No! Ray! Don't look at the window! Look at me and walk towards me. Whatever you do, don't look back" Bella said. "Is it..." I began asking. I couldn't even finish when Bella nodded. pressing her lips together. My heart froze. Was it really behind me? Was it really? No..... it couldn't be. I stood up slowly from the couch and began walking towards Bella. "That's it, just don't. look. back" Bella warned. I was scared to death. As I made it to Bella she hugged me while still staring at him. She then moved suddenly. "He's gone" Bella said. I screamed and fell backwards at what I saw from the kitchen window. My own faceless uncle. The Slenderman. Looking in from the window. Bella looked at him too while kneeling down to calm me. He then disappeared again. "Where'd he go?" Bella asked. "He could be anywhere" I said shakily. Then there was a knock on the door. We both froze.

"Open up, the police" we heard a voice. Bella stood up and helped me up. She slowly walked to the door and opened it with me beside her, clinging onto her arm. Behind the door was indeed a police officer.

Arabella POV:

"Hello, miss Woods?" the officer asked. "Yes" I answered shakily. "Are you scared? You don't have to...." the officer couldn't finish when he screamed because of a black tentacle wrapping around him and lifting him in the air. I backed up and so did Ray. We then saw Slenderman coming out from behind the corner as he was holding up the officer. I covered my mouth with my hand as I watched the horrifying picture. The police officer screamed in the air as Slenderman looked down at us. He began stepping towards us and I grabbed the door and slammed it closed, quickly locking it. I was pressed up against the door with Ray as we heard a super low voice: "Ray, I know that's you. Come out, I won't hurt you. I promise" Slenderman seemed to say. "GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" Ray screamed. "But I'll make up for it" Slenderman said with his super low voice. "No! JUST GO AND LEAVE ME ALONE YOU MONSTER!" Ray screamed. Our eyes were closed tight as we held on to each other. Then it seemed that Slenderman was gone. Everything was quiet. 

I slowly peeked out from the door and saw the officer dead on the ground.  I jumped back at that, letting out a scream. I looked over at Ray, who was clearly having a panic attack. "Hey hey hey, breathe okay? Breathe. Come on, sit down" I said leading Ray to the living room. I rushed into the kitchen and mixed up some sugar water. I took it back for Ray and gave it to him. "Here, drink" I said. He took the water and drank it slowly. "That's it" I said pulling out my phone and opening our group chat.

Arabella: Guys, I've had enough. I'm stopping these fucking liferuiners.

Sierra: Bella, we went through this already, we're not ready.

Arabella: Did I say that you have to participate?

Tony: Well, no 

Arabella: Exactly, so keep your fucking mouth shut will you? I am stopping these motherfuckers and I don't care if I die in the process. I have to finish those things off.

Mark: But Bella, you can't do it alone and why are you texting us now about this?

Arabella: Because fucking Slenderman just attacked me and Ray!

Sierra: What?! Are you OK?!!!


Sierra: Okay, you know what? Forget what I said earlier. I'm in!

Tony: Oh my god! Count me in!

Kevin: And me!

Alison: Babe no!

Kevin: Ally, it's fine. That was honestly the last straw for me too

Alison: You're right. That was the last straw. Count me in.

Mark: Seriously? You guys will get killed!

Tony: That's what the Survivor Squad is about. We help each other when most needed and right now is the moment that we all can help each other with. 

Arabella: Thank you Tony. And you other guys too. Really, thanks

Jonathan: Whoa whoa. I just read the whole conversation and I have a question. Is this a war against the creepypastas?

Arabella: You got it

Jonathan: Well count me in then. Survivor Squad is a family and family sticks together

Arabella: Mark?

Mark: Fine. You guys are right

Sierra: Sorry that we didn't listen to you before Bella

Arabella: It's fine, but now let's begin with the plan

Mark: What plan?

Arabella: Meet me at 4 p.m at 'my house'. Then you'll see

I closed the group chat and looked over at Ray, who seemed to have calmed down, since he also watched what we wrote. "How are you feeling?" I asked Ray. "Better, thanks Bella" he said. I smiled. "But now, we have a meeting to prepare for" I said looking at Ray. Ray gave a confident nod. "Let's do this" he said.

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