11- A New Member and the Murder of Kate Woods

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Monday, September 25th 2019

Arabella POV:

I woke up at 5:11. I didn't know why, but I just couldn't sleep anymore. So I threw on a white and black hoodie along with some black ripped jeans. I grabbed my bookbag and headed downstairs. Kate was still asleep. So I made breakfast myself today. I turned on the kitchen light and made two sandwiches. When I finished, I sat down and ate. As I was munching on my sandwich, I heard a dog howl. But it was oddly close. Like right in our yard and we didn't even have a dog. 

I left the table to check what was going on. I looked out of the window and saw a dark brown dog with messy fur sitting, its back facing me. I looked at the dog confused and opened the door to shoo it away. As I opened the door, the dog snapped its head toward me. It was injured. Its one eye was closed and it held his paw in the air. The dog was big though. Almost like a wolf. I stepped towards it. It began growling. I could tell that it was scared. "Shh, it's okay" I reached my hand towards the dog. The dog slowly moved his face closer to my palm and sniffed it. It began walking towards me. I sat on my knees and the dog laid beside me, placing its head on my lap. I petted it gently and felt a weird connection. Like he was made for me. I decided to keep it. Whether or not Kate likes it or not. 

I took its head off my lap and helped him up. I walked him inside the house and put him on the couch. It just laid there not moving. I went and grabbed the first aid kit. I sat beside the dog and took its paw and some bandages and wrapped its paw in the bandages. Then I took a closer look at its eye. It moved away at first, but I somehow managed to calm it down. I saw that its eye was bleeding. I took a wet wipe and wiped its eye. The eye began opening a bit. I took this chance and put a few eye drops in the dog's eye. After that I wrapped a bandage around the dog's eye. I gave it some ham and water. Wow, he was damn hungry. The ham disappeared within seconds. I the took a blanket and put it around the dog, who was calmly laying on the living room carpet. "What should I call you?" I asked him, petting his head at the same time. "Rex?" I offered. The dog growled at that. "And that's a no" I said. "Hmm, what about Stacy?" I asked. The dog barked at that. "Oh, you're a boy? Then no" I said laughing. Different dog names were going through my head when suddenly I found it. "Hey, what about Scar?" I asked. The dog's tail began wagging. "Yeah? Scar? Who's a good boy Scar?" I asked like talking to a baby. Scar made me smile. I began to love him. I looked at the time and saw that it was 7:36. "I gotta go Scar" I said. "I'll leave a note for Kate, so she knows what's going on and that you're not a stray anymore" I said to Scar. Scar stuck his tongue out at that. I smiled again. I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote Kate a message. I then left it on the counter and headed over to the door. I put on black converse, grabbed my bag and walked out of the house. 

Today was the day I was going back to school after three days, because Kate didn't let me go out after Tuesday, but she got over it on Friday. I had forgotten my headphones.... again, so I had to walk to school in quiet nature. Yikes. I sighed and walked out the yard. 

*20 minutes later*

It took me longer to get to school today. Idk why. I told the security guard my name and grade again and he let me in. It's honestly annoying doing this every single goddamn fucking morning at 8 a.m. Like really? 

I walked into school and headed towards my first class. Math. Great. I also had homework, which I was notified of last night at 11:34, so I didn't do it. I headed towards class when I heard a familiar voice: "Look who dragged themselves back to school". Daniel. He came to me and pushed me down, taking my bookbag and spilling everything in it on the ground. "Motherfucker" I mumbled. He only laughed. I rolled my eyes and began picking my stuff up, when he suddenly grabbed my hair. I growled at that and I stood up due to him pulling my hair upwards. He put his hand on my lower back and faced me to look at him. He then licked my cheek. I was disgusted and kicked him in the balls. He groaned, lowering onto the ground. I picked up my stuff and stuffed them into my bag. I took my bag, threw it over my shoulder and headed to class. 

*bell for class rings*

I was sitting in class and saw Ray come in. Ray smiled when he saw me. He sat  down behind the desk beside me. "Hey" he said. "Hey" I replied. "You look down, what happened?" he asked. "I'll tell you later" I said to him. Ray nodded.

*45 minutes later*

Class was dismissed. I stood up and walked out of class with Ray. "So what happened?" Ray asked. "Daniel pissed me off" I replied. "Hey, it's okay. Don't waste you time and energy on him. He's not worth it" Ray said supportively. "Thanks" I smiled at him. Ray walked me to my next class and then he went to his class. 

*25 minutes later*

I was sitting in Drama class when suddenly my phone ringed. I took it out of my pocket and saw that an unknown number was calling me. "Please silence your phone or else I'll have to confiscate it" the teacher said. "I-I have to answer this. It's my mom" I lied. "Very well, but do it outside please" the teacher demanded. I stood up and walked out of class. I picked up the mysterious call. "Hello?" I asked. "I see you" a strange voice said. "Who is this?" I asked thinking it was a prank. "Don't you recognize me?" the voice asked. "No. Listen here, if you think you just pulled up a huge fucking joke, then no it wasn't funny and leave me the fuck alone" I got pissed. "What a shame. You don't even recognize the voice of your aunt's killer" the voice said. My eyes grew wide. "Is this a joke?" I asked madly. "Why don't you go home and check" the voice said. The call hung up. My heart was pounding. Without a thought, I ran towards the school's front doors. I shot them open and stormed out towards my house. 

*7 minutes later*

I broke down the door and yelled: "KATE?!". No answer. I then heard Scar crying. I went upstairs to find Kate in the middle of the upstairs hallway, blood splattered everywhere. She was facing the floor. "No..." I whispered. I walked to her and knelt beside her. I turned her body around only to see that her eyes were open and a smile cut on her face. " Kate......no" I said, tears falling from my eyes. I hugged her, not caring about the blood and cried. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911, while still embracing Kate in tears. 

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