14- Jeff the Stalker

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Arabella POV:

The police. I walked shakily downstairs, assuming they wanted to ask about the other two officers. I opened the door. Standing there were two officers, one female, one male... again. "Ms Woods, we ask you to come with us to the police station. You are one of the suspects in the case of 'the smile murders'" the woman said. "But it wasn't me!" I said, trying to convince them. "We've heard that before and it doesn't work" the man said. "Please come with us, now" the woman said demanding. My head dropped and I walked out towards the car. Inside I knew who it was, but who am I kidding. Only my friends believe that theory, not anyone else. I sat in the back seat and we drove off. 

Jeff POV:

I found the girl that had gotten away. I saw her going inside the police car, wonder why. Whatever, tonight I'll end her for good since I know where she lives now. But I still decided to follow the car to the station. Curiosity was killing me. Who knows, maybe she'll come in handy when she can keep her mouth shut. 

*15 minutes later*

I saw the girl and the two officers come out of the car. Now I had to think about how to sneak in. I decided to climb up from the side ladder and enter from the roof. I walked to the ladder and climbed up it. I searched for the room, where the girl was being taken to hear her story, I guess. I finally saw her being sat down in front of the door to the room to wait, while the two officers went inside to prepare. Her head was in her hands, her elbows on her knees. She seemed pretty stressed. I watched her through the glass dome as she sat there. Then an officer opened the door and invited her inside. Fuck. Now I can't hear what they're talking about. Didn't think that through. 

* 1 hour later*

I almost fell asleep. I shot up as I saw the girl and the officers come out. I jumped down the building and landed. I've been practicing. I spied on her from behind the corner as she got back in the car. The car drove off and I smirked to the thought that this was the last time she'll ever drive with a car again.

Arabella POV:

Ugh. That was horrible. I was in the back seat as we drove towards my house. I got them to believe that it wasn't me and I'm now completely off the suspect list. And of course they asked what had happened back at the house. I said that I didn't know anything about it and that the police hadn't even reached me before they died. I lied, because I just can't go there and say that Jeff the Killer killed everyone over there and I managed to escape. That's just stupid. 

I got dropped off in front of my house, when I suddenly had a feeling that I'm being watched. And the feeling was strong. My gut was telling me NOT TO GO INSIDE THE HOUSE. And luckily I listened to it. Instead I headed towards the library. When I got there, I picked out a book and began reading it.

*5 hours later*

I noticed the sun was low. So I put away the books I had read, threw my hood on and left the library. As I was walking, I saw a little girl about 5 or 6 walking with her older brother who was about 14-15 and laughing together, holding each others hand. I felt empty inside and that picture really made me sad. Because I had no one. Only Scar and survivors, but they also had their own families. Scar was the only one I had close. 

Jeff POV:

I looked at what the girl was looking at. The sister and brother. At first, I didn't care, but then I saw that the girl I was following was sad. I didn't know why, but I had this weird empty feeling inside. Those two reminded me of Liu and my younger sister Arabella, who moved to Arizona, according to my knowledge. I shook off the thoughts and looked around. Fuck. I lost the girl. And I forgot where she lived. She got away this time, but she can't hide from death forever.

Arabella POV:

I got to my house and I had lost the feeling of someone following me, so that's good. I went inside the house and was greeted by Scar. I smiled as I saw him. I took out my phone and called Sierra. "Heyyy" Sierra's singing voice greeted me through the phone. I laughed. "Hey opera princess, wanna come over?" I asked. "Sleepover?" Sierra asked. "You got it" I said. "On my way" Sierra said singing her stupid opera again. I laughed and hung up. 

*12 minutes later*

Sierra came in. "Hey, I'm home!" she said jokingly. "Hello wannabe sister" I said jokingly. We laughed and Sierra put her bag down. "Wow, that was quick" I said amazed. "Yeah, I got excited, I was bored and when you called, I just rushed right over" she said happily. We went to the living room and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and the first thing that popped up were the news of 'the smile murders'. "Jeff?" Sierra asked. "Yeah...." I said in a low voice. I switched channels, not wanting to think about that bastard. Cartoon Network came on. "Oh yes please! My favorite channel ever!" Sierra squealed. I went and grabbed popcorn from one of the cabinets and headed back to Sierra. I flopped down on the couch, opening the popcorn. Sierra immediately took a handful and stuffed it in her mouth. I laughed at her goofing and took a few pieces myself.

*3 hours later*

"What time is it?" Sierra asked. I looked at the clock on the wall. "Uhh, 9:27" I said. "Wow, we've been watching cartoons for 3 hours? Impressive" Sierra said laughing. "I gotta pee, brb" I said, heading for the bathroom.

Sierra POV:

I kept watching cartoons as Bella went to the bathroom. I suddenly got a strong hit feeling in the gut of someone watching me. I snapped my head around to see who it was. I saw nothing in the room. Then I noticed something move outside from the corner of the window, since the curtain had a little peek strip outside. I jumped at that, but also got a little curious. I stood up and walked to the window. I ripped away the curtain from the front of the window and looked outside. Nothing. Then Scar barked at something in the other corner of the living room. I skipped over to Scar. "What is it boy?" I asked him. I looked outside and saw a hooded figure standing 6 foot from the window. I tucked down and peeked from the edge of the windowsill. The figure was moving a bit, but not much. I was waiting for it to turn its had a bit. And as I wished that in my head, the figure did it. It was...... no way. I jumped backwards screaming. 

Arabella POV:

I heard Sierra scream. I pulled up my jeans and stormed out to the living room to find Sierra half-dead on the floor. "SIERRA!" I screamed. Sierra was in shock. "What happened?" I asked. "T-t-th-the f-f-f-f-fi-gu-gu-r-re-re" Sierra was able to stutter out. I walked to the window and peeked out to see......... nothing but darkness and street lights. I helped Sierra on the couch and gave her water. "Okay, now calm down and tell me what the fuck just happened" I said calming Sierra. 

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